Russia usually use poison when the target is not available by other means and when significant collateral damage is more or less acceptable, as, say it was in the case of Khattab elimination. He was strongly guarded and with him more than twenty other terrorists had died. In the case of Skripal it was much more easer just to shoot him, and, of course, the collateral damage, especially a Russian citizen, was not acceptable.Why? Why would Russia not use poison?
He wasn't killed with "plutonium". It was reported that he was killed with Polonium-210. Both Russia and the USA use Polonium-210 in eliminations, but not as a poison, but as a part of neutron-emmiter (in Berillium case). Almost no traces (if you don't know were and how to search), clean death.Litvinenko was killed with plutonium in the UK. He was former FSB. And like Skripal, he worked against Putin and Russia to help other intelligence agencies.
The British storywritters of the first season of "The Russian Poisoners" heard something, but, as usually, didn't understand it.
No. It's not coincidence. Just lack of fantasy of British storywriters of mockumentary TV-shows.You think it's a coincidence that two former FSB agents were killed in such circumstances?
May be. May be not.Then you have the biggest traitor of all, Prigozhin, we all knew he'd be assassinated, because it's what Putin does. And he made it super showy. Blowing up a plane in mid air. It's what Putin does. People who Putin wants to make an example of, he does.
It was not official. Media love speculation, that's their bread.Yeah, exactly, the Malaysian Airlines flight shot down was "pretty simple", or at least for you. Let's forget the facts, let's forget anything that's inconvenient for Russia.
Why do you thin the Russian media posted this photo?
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Wow. Do you really think, that Putin is a dark wisard who can actually personally control every writing person or every media?The media does NOT post things that Putin doesn't like.
Why not allow media to earn some money? Public love sensations. People need different sources of information to train their critical thinking. Russia is more or less free country. You do what you want to do and the borders of "acceptable" are, may be, even more wider than in West.So it must have been approved at some level, and probably a very high level. If Russia, or most likely, Russian backed rebels, didn't shoot it down, why go to all the effort to fake an image and post it in the media, the truth would have sufficed.
Of course no. You are just parroting Western propaganda. What is worse - you do denie necesserity of the alternative points of view, open discussions, proper procedures (even if the Russians are involved), freedom of media, etc... You denie democracy, basically saying.You're not providing anything but the Russian line. You're not using logic, you're just saying what you have to say. Everything I'm saying is LOGIC.