Who Was Ruth Bader-Ginsburg?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. When I reviewed how little Obama actually did for his racial brethren, it is not possible to come away with other than the conclusion that, for the Left, the Militant Secularists, it is power and ideology that supplant every other characteristic, and that, in this case, being black is nothing more than vote-accruing ploy.

So, one would be more accurate in saying that Obama is a Liberal, or a Democrat, rather than pointing to any importance being black is to him.

Which brings up a similar question in identifying the past Justice Ginsburg....Jewish....or Liberal/Democrat???

2. The following was of Ginsburg's obituary, as published in the Guardian.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, she was the younger daughter of Jewish parents, Celia (nee Amster) and Nathan Bader, a furrier, and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood. She was originally called Joan, but her mother preferred her middle name, Ruth, as there were so many Joans at her high school, James Madison. Ruth was brought up in a Conservative Jewish tradition and learned Hebrew as a child, but abandoned her religion because she was not allowed to join a minyan (a group of men) to mourn her mother’s death when she was 13.

Her husband played an important part in quiet lobbying for Clinton to nominate her for the supreme court. This was by no means a likely choice. Clinton was working with a list of more than 40 candidates, all men. Clinton was anxious to make the supreme court more diverse, so Ginsburg’s Jewish religion, which she had abandoned 46 years earlier, may have counted for more than a lifetime of commitment to women’s equality before the law. Still, once her name was in the ring, Clinton was enthusiastic.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg obituary

3. WHAT????
Not really Jewish.....but the Democrats simply pretended same to provide the illusion of diversity?????

4. And even more interesting is the Guardian doctoring that obituary when truth became....uncomfortable.
Here is what you will find now, if you tried to research the quote:

"Born in Brooklyn, New York, she was the younger daughter of Jewish parents, Celia (nee Amster) and Nathan Bader, a furrier, and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood. She was originally called Joan, but her mother preferred her middle name, Ruth, as there were so many Joans at her high school, James Madison. Ruth was brought up in a Conservative Jewish tradition and learned Hebrew as a child, but moved away from strict religious observance after she was not allowed to join a minyan (a group of men) to mourn her mother’s death when she was 17. Indignant at that exclusion, she nevertheless remained deeply committed to her Jewish identity.

Her husband played an important part in quiet lobbying for Clinton to nominate her for the supreme court. This was by no means a likely choice. Clinton was working with a list of more than 40 candidates, all men. Clinton was anxious to make the supreme court more diverse, and both Ginsburg’s lifetime of commitment to women’s equality before the law and Jewish identity may have been significant factors. Once her name was in the ring, Clinton was enthusiastic."

5. When questioned, the Guardian was pressed to explain the 'alteration' as follows:
"This article was amended on 22 September 2020 to clarify that while Ruth Bader Ginsburg moved away from strict religious observance at 17, her Jewish identity remained important throughout her life. Furthermore, her Jewish identity may have been a factor in President Clinton’s appointment of her to a supreme court that lacked diversity, if not so much as her commitment to women’s equality. "

After all.....one cannot embarrass the Democrats, especially the Clintons.
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Yes, if your own private "universe" is one-sided.

She was a mediocre justice, whose most noteworthy opinions were dissents - which to say, whining because her side lost. She was one of a large cadre of justices who base their position on "social justice" rather than the facts, the law, and the Constitution.

The best thing she ever did for Constitutional law was to die...and she was damn late with that. Thank God for the circumstances that allow Trump to nominate an originalist to replace her. The irony is priceless.
On the other hand......

"How Judaism animated Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s life

(JTA) In its obituary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Guardian wrote that the late Jewish Supreme Court justice “abandoned her religion.”
That couldn’t be more wrong.
While Ginsburg, who died on Sept. 18 at age 87 after 27 years on the high court’s bench, was not known for her ritual observance, she spoke frequently about how Jewish values inspired her, and she was active in Jewish causes and with Jewish organizations.
As Ginsburg would note in speeches, she was the only justice with a mezuzah affixed to her office door. A poster on the wall read “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” the Hebrew injunction from the Torah meaning “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” She also once wore that line woven into one of her jabots, or collars worn on her Supreme Court robes.
“I am a judge born, raised, and proud of being a Jew,” she wrote in an essay for the American Jewish Committee in 1996. “The demand for justice runs through the entirety of the Jewish tradition. I hope, in my years on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, I will have the strength and courage to remain constant in the service of that demand.”
Jewish people have a weird attitude about being born Jewish. 75 or 80 years ago, and going even further back in the history of Pogroms, a birth with a Jewish history meant death and torture. So yes, if born a Jew you are always a Jew.
1. When I reviewed how little Obama actually did for his racial brethren, it is not possible to come away with other than the conclusion that, for the Left, the Militant Secularists, it is power and ideology that supplant every other characteristic, and that, in this case, being black is nothing more than vote-accruing ploy.

Obama was president of the united states, not president of the people who elected him.
Yes, if your own private "universe" is one-sided.

She was a mediocre justice, whose most noteworthy opinions were dissents - which to say, whining because her side lost. She was one of a large cadre of justices who base their position on "social justice" rather than the facts, the law, and the Constitution.

The best thing she ever did for Constitutional law was to die...and she was damn late with that. Thank God for the circumstances that allow Trump to nominate an originalist to replace her. The irony is priceless.

I couldn't agree more.....it's Progressivism.

And here is where it corrupted the legal profession:

1. Progressives have altered the role of the Supreme Court in a dramatic way: no longer should its role be to apply law as written. Instead, it was the application of German social science to American law.

law must leave "conceptions" and open itself up to social realities of the modern world.”…[endng]the backwardness of law in meeting social ends,…”http://www.drbilllong.com/Jurisprudence/Pound.html

2. [Roscoe Pound] was perhaps the chief U.S. advocate of sociological jurisprudence, which holds that statutes and court decisions are affected by social conditions; his ideas apparently influenced the New Deal programs of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions

3. Instead of following the Constitution, 'social justice' is to be pursued from the bench by following the dictates of unelected judges.....caselaw.

"Christopher Columbus Langdell ....Before Langdell's tenure, the study of law was a technical pursuit. Students were told what the law is. However, at Harvard Langdell applied the principles of pragmatism to the study of law. Now, as a result of this innovation, lawyers are taught the law through a dialectical process of inference called the case method. The case method has been the primary method of pedagogy at American law schools ever since. The case method has since been adopted and improved upon by schools in other disciplines, such as business, public policy, and education. Students such as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. would ensure that Langdell's innovation would not go unnoticed. Christopher Columbus Langdell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no excuse for this corruption of jurisprudence except for a hatred of America.
Jewish people have a weird attitude about being born Jewish. 75 or 80 years ago, and going even further back in the history of Pogroms, a birth with a Jewish history meant death and torture. So yes, if born a Jew you are always a Jew.

"So yes, if born a Jew you are always a Jew."

Scary how similar that sounds to the Nazi view.

  • 1. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.
    In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’
“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • 2. From the LATimes:
  • “At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
    When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes
  • although the Nazis used the Democrat doctrines, Jim Crow and segregation laws as their model…..

  • ….wait for it…..

  • ….the Nazis found them TOO HARSH!!!!!

3. “And the ugly irony is that when the Nazis rejected American law, it was often because they found it too harsh. For example, Nazi observers shuddered at the "human hardness" of the "one drop" rule, which classified people "of predominantly white appearance" as blacks. To them, American racism was sometimes simply too inhumane.

4. That may sound implausible — too awful to believe — but in their early years in power, the Nazis were not yet contemplating the "final solution." At first, they had a different fate in mind for the German Jewry: Jews were to be reduced to second-class citizenship and punished criminally if they sought to marry or engage in sexual contact with "Aryans." The ultimate goal was to terrify Germany's Jews into emigrating.”

If it weren’t so tragic, it’d be funny: the Progressives/Democrat’s programs were too rigid for the Nazis.

  • “…the Nazis balked at defining Jews as anyone possessing “one drop” of Jewish blood in line with the Democratic “one drop rule.” Incredibly the Nazis rejected the one-drop precedent of their American counterparts as too harsh. They defined a Jew as one who has predominant Jewish ancestry—usually characterized by three Jewish grandparents.”

5. And FDR had had a similar worldview:

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort."
Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

You must be very proud, Herr Camp
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Yes, if your own private "universe" is one-sided.

She was a mediocre justice, whose most noteworthy opinions were dissents - which to say, whining because her side lost. She was one of a large cadre of justices who base their position on "social justice" rather than the facts, the law, and the Constitution.

The best thing she ever did for Constitutional law was to die...and she was damn late with that. Thank God for the circumstances that allow Trump to nominate an originalist to replace her. The irony is priceless.

I must say you are being too harsh on the recently departed.

You are certainly correct about her ideology, but even Republicans voted to put this ACLU communist on the Court.
1. When I reviewed how little Obama actually did for his racial brethren, it is not possible to come away with other than the conclusion that, for the Left, the Militant Secularists, it is power and ideology that supplant every other characteristic, and that, in this case, being black is nothing more than vote-accruing ploy.

Obama was president of the united states, not president of the people who elected him.

And the worst and most destructive to this country, as well.

And some fools still support this anti-American ingrate.
Conspiracy theories like the one in this thread are for making stupid people feel smart.
I've mentioned it before, but the local high school, James Madison High School, in Brooklyn, produced Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and former Republican Senator Norm Coleman.

I don't believe any other school in the nation can match that.
Conspiracy theories like the one in this thread are for making stupid people feel smart.

Meaning, I suppose, you can't find a single error or misstatement, such that would indicate any such 'conspiracy theory.'

When you've dug yourself this deeply into a hole, you've got most of your grave done.
Jewish people have a weird attitude about being born Jewish. 75 or 80 years ago, and going even further back in the history of Pogroms, a birth with a Jewish history meant death and torture. So yes, if born a Jew you are always a Jew.

"So yes, if born a Jew you are always a Jew."

Scary how similar that sounds to the Nazi view.

  • 1. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.
    In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’
“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • 2. From the LATimes:
  • “At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
    When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes
  • although the Nazis used the Democrat doctrines, Jim Crow and segregation laws as their model…..

  • ….wait for it…..

  • ….the Nazis found them TOO HARSH!!!!!

3. “And the ugly irony is that when the Nazis rejected American law, it was often because they found it too harsh. For example, Nazi observers shuddered at the "human hardness" of the "one drop" rule, which classified people "of predominantly white appearance" as blacks. To them, American racism was sometimes simply too inhumane.

4. That may sound implausible — too awful to believe — but in their early years in power, the Nazis were not yet contemplating the "final solution." At first, they had a different fate in mind for the German Jewry: Jews were to be reduced to second-class citizenship and punished criminally if they sought to marry or engage in sexual contact with "Aryans." The ultimate goal was to terrify Germany's Jews into emigrating.”

If it weren’t so tragic, it’d be funny: the Progressives/Democrat’s programs were too rigid for the Nazis.

  • “…the Nazis balked at defining Jews as anyone possessing “one drop” of Jewish blood in line with the Democratic “one drop rule.” Incredibly the Nazis rejected the one-drop precedent of their American counterparts as too harsh. They defined a Jew as one who has predominant Jewish ancestry—usually characterized by three Jewish grandparents.”

5. And FDR had had a similar worldview:

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort."
Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

You must be very proud, Herr Camp
I call Godwin’s Law on you, AGAIN. You fucking loser. :lol:
Our founders were a politically diverse group of men who knew the value of debate among politically diverse individuals and opponents on issues. Hence they devised and created a judicial system that would mirror themselves.
for the Left, the Militant Secularists, it is power and ideology that supplant every other characteristic
Of course it is the GOP who are changing their tune about not confirming a supreme court justice in an election year. It seems to the GOP it is power and ideology that supplant every other characteristic

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