WHO drops investigation into whether COVID-19 virus leaked from Wuhan

You have to be a complete dumbfuck to not think its VERY possible it leaked a block from the lab that has published reports of them manipulating corona viruses

I think there is a good chance of this.

The fact that China has been very opaque about the issue, and has been going after Australia because they've been pushing for an inquiry, makes one think there's something there. I'm deeply skeptical of conspiracy theories on the Internet, but I watched two highly respected epidemiologists on a left-wing program making the scientifc case that's probably where COVID originated.
We should nuke China. Then say we didn't do it, it must have been one of their own missiles that exploded. Tit for tat.

And, as soon as Communist China's tool, Quid Pro Joe, was inaugurated he reversed Trump move of disengaging with the World Health Org, based on their covering up China’s culpability in spreading the Wuhan Red Death, the numerous mistaken orders about the virus, the fact that their leadership is by a Communist who is paid by Red China.

Tedros.......a communist educated dunce in the pay of Communist China.


Tedros Adhanom - Wikipedia


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