Who can explain? Why western taxpayers must bleed for a failed corrupted dictatorship like Ukraine?And how long?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It's pretty clear Ukraine and NATO are on the best way to lose the war.
But who will feed small remains of Ukraine after the war?
It needs at least $1 trillion annually because its industry is already gone many years ago
Why we must pay the NAZI parasite who still refuses to accept the equal rights for all its citizens
I have no problem giving them information and satellite imagery, but no more money!!!!
I have no problem giving them information and satellite imagery, but no more money!!!!

According to WEF ( Schwab ) Ukraine will need at least $4 trillions within the next 25 years from western taxpayers
You betcha the West will transfer all money Ukraine needs and make the blind eye when 95% gonna stolen
It isn't like we ever pay down our debt. Let's give them twice as much as they need. That'll buy us some hearts and minds.
It's pretty clear Ukraine and NATO are on the best way to lose the war.
But who will feed small remains of Ukraine after the war?
It needs at least $1 trillion annually because its industry is already gone many years ago
Why we must pay the NAZI parasite who still refuses to accept the equal rights for all its citizens
Hey, nothing like being pro Russia/ Putin.
I would have never thought that in the year 2022 the Russians would have to fight nazism again, and I really would have never thought that this time the US and Europe would be arming the nazis...
Russia sucks ass. Well, to be fair: it’s Putin that’s sucks ass.

Aiding Ukraine isn’t so much support of Ukraine as it is an effort to limit the power and reach of Putin.

I am very cognizant of all the numerous reasons why America might be better served by refraining from giving such assistance to Ukraine. I’m not addressing the question of whether it’s ultimately a smart thing or a stupid and dangerous thing to do.

I’m just answering the OP question.
Originally posted by Baron

Who can explain? Why western taxpayers must bleed for a failed corrupted dictatorship like Ukraine?And how long?​

I always shudder when I hear this type of ideological arguments:

"Country A doesn't deserve to be helped because it is a dictatorship, country B because it's an autocracy, country C is a theocracy, country D a feudal kingdom, etc..."

I reminds me of the argument always used against Palestinians:

"Those displaced arabs in Gaza don't deserve anything because they are a bunch of sunni fundamentalists, ect, etc ..."

People who resort to this kind of arguments are taking political theory too far.
But I agree with the essence of Baron's argument.

Instead of financing the war, western countries should have addressed the complaints russian diplomats repeated for 30 years.

They had more than enough time to do this before the war.
But I agree with the essence of Baron's argument.

Instead of financing the war, western countries should have addressed the complaints russian diplomats repeated for 30 years.

They had more than enough time to do this before the war.
Joining the EU and NATO was a wish of Eastern European nations, first and foremost. They wanted to be a part of European community and the West in a wider sense. Giving Russia a veto right on that is beyond ridiculous.
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
Originally posted by Esay
Joining the EU and NATO was a wish of Eastern European nations, first and foremost. They wanted to be a part of European community and the West in a wider sense. Giving Russia a veto right on that is beyond ridiculous.

Beyond ridiculous was the decision to not only keep the Cold War security structure for Europe AFTER the end of the Cold War but to expand it towards Russia's borders.

What do you get in the long term when one side of the Cold War unilaterally dismantle its security structure while the other take advantage of the situation to surround the borders of the former enemy?

You get a proxy war Cold War style, genius... A Cold War conflict just like Vietnam and Afghanistan.

What else would you expect?

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Hosea 8:7

For they have sown the Cold War, and they shall reap a Cold War conflict.

José 1:1
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Beyond ridiculous was the decision to not only keep the Cold War security structure for Europe AFTER the end of the Cold War but to expand it towards Russia's borders.

What do you get in the long term when one side of the Cold War unilaterally dismantle its security structure while the other take advantage of the situation to surround the borders of the former enemy?

You get a proxy war Cold War style, genius... A Cold War conflict just like Vietnam and Afghanistan.

What else would you expect?

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Hosea 8:7

For they have sown the Cold War, and they shall reap a Cold War conflict.

José 1:
To tell the truth, more than a year ago I expected that some deal between the West and Russia would be reached that would have left Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics in Russian sphere. But that didn't happen. Maybe it failed because the Putin regime wanted too much. Maybe the US elites wanted another regional war in Europe. There are a number of versions, you can choose what you prefer.

For me, a United Europe is the best way of social and political cooperation between the European states. And Eastern Europe joining the EU is a natural process, that was inevitable. Also, a United Europe needs a common security policy. With NATO or without.

BTW, why do you use such weird way of quoting? Your response can be find only by chance.
It's pretty clear Ukraine and NATO are on the best way to lose the war.
But who will feed small remains of Ukraine after the war?
It needs at least $1 trillion annually because its industry is already gone many years ago
Why we must pay the NAZI parasite who still refuses to accept the equal rights for all its citizens
Its not for the ukraines

We are doing it for ourselves

If you give ukraine away to putin he eill just want more

It’s better to nip aggression in the bud

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