Who believes in the OT?

liberalogic said:
There's a huge difference between ripping a baby out who is almost fully developed and a bunch of cells that havejust been created. He refers to the cells as kids, which is taking this a step too far. Life begins at conception, the human being begins later in the pregnancy.

That 'clump of cells' is an individual organism with unique DNA...human DNA. Scientifically, that's all that's needed to be classified as a homo sapien. So when do you think the 'magic moment' happens?
Hobbit said:
That 'clump of cells' is an individual organism with unique DNA...human DNA. Scientifically, that's all that's needed to be classified as a homo sapien. So when do you think the 'magic moment' happens?

10 to 1 he comes back with some argument about consciousness and quality of life. To that I say "Hey, we allow psychoblues to live".
Except that the clump of cells does not have to make a human. That clump of cells is in an undecided state of being in which it can generate into any of the three main germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.

Here is what some of you guys are calling a human being:


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CharlestonChad said:
Except that the clump of cells does not have to make a human. That clump of cells is in an undecided state of being in which it can generate into any of the three main germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.

Here is what some of you guys are calling a human being:

If your "clump of cells" contains human DNA, then it is human.
5stringJeff said:
If your "clump of cells" contains human DNA, then it is human.

Everytime you touch something, that new thing contains human DNA. Every hair on your head contains DNA. Is your hair a seperate human being?
An embryonic stem-cell will one day be grown into a new organ, which will save someone's life. Stopping the research to "save lives" is the same thing as killing people who are fathers, mothers, grandparents, preachers, teachers, ect....

The benefits out weight the downfalls of this research. Yes, people say that it might not even work, but with science, common beliefs are commonly proven wrong by great minds.
CharlestonChad said:
Everytime you touch something, that new thing contains human DNA. Every hair on your head contains DNA. Is your hair a seperate human being?

My hair isn't in the embryonic stage of development; it's a specialized cell. You showed a picture of a blastocyte, I believe. If that blastocyte contains human DNA, then it should be classified as human, as it will develop into a human embryo, a human fetus, and human baby, a human toddler, a human child, a human adolescent, and eventually a human adult. Different stages of development, both inside and outside the womb, but none of them any more or any less human.
CharlestonChad said:
An embryonic stem-cell will one day be grown into a new organ, which will save someone's life. Stopping the research to "save lives" is the same thing as killing people who are fathers, mothers, grandparents, preachers, teachers, ect....

The benefits out weight the downfalls of this research. Yes, people say that it might not even work, but with science, common beliefs are commonly proven wrong by great minds.

You miss the point. We are a society that values individual rights. No matter how many people may benefit, it is wrong to kill anybody, no matter how underdeveloped they may be. This is morally unconstrained mob rule, what satan stands for, not what our country is founded upon.
5stringJeff said:
My hair isn't in the embryonic stage of development; it's a specialized cell. You showed a picture of a blastocyte, I believe. If that blastocyte contains human DNA, then it should be classified as human, as it will develop into a human embryo, a human fetus, and human baby, a human toddler, a human child, a human adolescent, and eventually a human adult. Different stages of development, both inside and outside the womb, but none of them any more or any less human.

It can be grown into many other things. It can grown into a human heart to save a human life of a human adult.

Side Question: Do you support the death penalty or the war in Iraq?
CharlestonChad said:
It can be grown into many other things. It can grown into a human heart to save a human life of a human adult.

And so you bolster my argument even further by pointing out that those cells are inherently human. Left to their natural ways, they will develop into the specialized cells of a brand new human being.

Side Question: Do you support the death penalty or the war in Iraq?

Is this question to show that because I do support both the death penalty and the Iraq war, that my 'sanctity of life' credentials are flawed, and that I somehow can't support the anti-abortion position if I'm also pro-death penalty?
And so you bolster my argument even further by pointing out that those cells are inherently human. Left to their natural ways, they will develop into the specialized cells of a brand new human being.

Left to their natural ways, they will die. The cells are not being fostered inside the womb of a mother, they are in labratories. Without stem-cell research, then human life would die.

Is this question to show that because I do support both the death penalty and the Iraq war, that my 'sanctity of life' credentials are flawed, and that I somehow can't support the anti-abortion position if I'm also pro-death penalty?

It was in a way about the sanctity of life but not about abortion. War means thousands of innocent people will die: mothers, fathers, little children, pregnant women, and newborns will all be casulities of war. If you support the war in iraq being that it was war to prevent future deaths by stopping a dangerous dictator, morally speaking, you should support saving lives out of stem-cells research b/c innocent fully functional people will die of organ failures which could be prevented after years of stem-cell research.

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