Who Are The Palestinians?

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P F Tinmore, et al,

The "occupation" is not based on the objective to withhold freedom or sovereignty.

Like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, etc. are doing as we speak.

The "occupation" (which existed well before the Arab Palestinian established the State of Palestine) was to contain or quarantine hostile activity from adversely impacting Israeli sovereignty and regional security.
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded in 1967
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was formed in 1981
  • Hamas was established in 1987
All these Jihadist and Fedayeen groups were established after the occupation of the Jordanian West Bank --- but before the Jordan relinquish sovereignty.

The Jihadist and Fedayeen are not defending the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). They are attempting to destabilize the State of Israel and take by force the territory recognized as sovereign Israeli (part of the landscape the Palestinian Terrorists call "from the river to the sea"). The Palestinian terrorist are attempting to use force to secure territory that was allocated to Israel by the International body.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so ridiculous.

montelatici, et al,

Never happened.


Doesn't matter at all. The APG has nothing to do with it. The right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

You can keep it up, but you are wrong on all counts.

No one overturned the right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

The Christians and Muslims never exercised the right; only APG attempted to exercise it.

Most Respectfully,
Lets look at the two bodies that claimed independence.

The APG (All Palestinian Government) consisted of over 80 Palestinian leaders. They claimed independence for Palestine's indigenous population, without regard to race, or religion, inside Palestine's international borders.

Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

The foreign created Israeli government was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.

This is wrong: Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders (WRONG)

Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.


by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization (WRONG).

In 1929, the Palestine Zionist Executive was renamed, restructured and officially inaugurated as The Jewish Agency for Palestine by the 16th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, Switzerland.

Jewish Agency for Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
  • Israel was declared inside the mandate/trusteeship IAW the initial boundaries set by Part II of GA/RES/181(II). The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, stipulated by the UN General Assembly in Parts II and III of the resolution.
    [*]The creation of the Jewish Agency was stipulated as a requirement by the Allied Powers in Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]The Zionist Organization, was recognized as such agency; required under Article 4, Paragraph 2, of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]Both of these requirement were set by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920, which was 9 years before the WZO created the agency.
Nobody, including Israel, has ever recognized the proposed borders of resolution 181.

The Jewish Agency had no authority. It was a consulting position for the mandate that existed at the pleasure of the mandate. When the mandate left the Jewish Agency no longer had any legitimacy.

The foreign created Israeli government (WRONG) was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers (WRONG) that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.
  • The Jewish population had the same citizenship as the Arab Palestinian. They were not foreigners. (Citizenship Order)
  • The Jewish Citizenry generally represented the all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home. (Article 4 Paragraph 2)
There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that withholds self-determination from the Jewish Immigrants. There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that gives the Arab Palestinian any special rights that supersedes those of the Jewish Constituency the that were taking part in the development of the of the Jewish National Home; or working to complete the Steps Preparatory to Independence as outlined by the General Assembly.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The "occupation" is not based on the objective to withhold freedom or sovereignty.

Like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, etc. are doing as we speak.

The "occupation" (which existed well before the Arab Palestinian established the State of Palestine) was to contain or quarantine hostile activity from adversely impacting Israeli sovereignty and regional security.
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded in 1967
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was formed in 1981
  • Hamas was established in 1987
All these Jihadist and Fedayeen groups were established after the occupation of the Jordanian West Bank --- but before the Jordan relinquish sovereignty.

The Jihadist and Fedayeen are not defending the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). They are attempting to destabilize the State of Israel and take by force the territory recognized as sovereign Israeli (part of the landscape the Palestinian Terrorists call "from the river to the sea"). The Palestinian terrorist are attempting to use force to secure territory that was allocated to Israel by the International body.

Most Respectfully,
You must be out of bullets.

You are playing the terrorist card.
montelatici, et al,

Never happened.


Doesn't matter at all. The APG has nothing to do with it. The right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

You can keep it up, but you are wrong on all counts.

No one overturned the right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

The Christians and Muslims never exercised the right; only APG attempted to exercise it.

Most Respectfully,
Lets look at the two bodies that claimed independence.

The APG (All Palestinian Government) consisted of over 80 Palestinian leaders. They claimed independence for Palestine's indigenous population, without regard to race, or religion, inside Palestine's international borders.

Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

The foreign created Israeli government was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.

Wow, what a loaf of crap. You're nothing but a liar Tinmore.
Israel was created inside Palestine's borders? What borders?? Israel declared independence BEFORE 'Palestine'.
Your feeble attempts at delegitimizing Israel will keep failing.

BTW, how many times have you failed to show me proof of Palestines international boundaries?
Israel on the other hand has international boundaries.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The "occupation" is not based on the objective to withhold freedom or sovereignty.

Like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, etc. are doing as we speak.

The "occupation" (which existed well before the Arab Palestinian established the State of Palestine) was to contain or quarantine hostile activity from adversely impacting Israeli sovereignty and regional security.
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded in 1967
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was formed in 1981
  • Hamas was established in 1987
All these Jihadist and Fedayeen groups were established after the occupation of the Jordanian West Bank --- but before the Jordan relinquish sovereignty.

The Jihadist and Fedayeen are not defending the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). They are attempting to destabilize the State of Israel and take by force the territory recognized as sovereign Israeli (part of the landscape the Palestinian Terrorists call "from the river to the sea"). The Palestinian terrorist are attempting to use force to secure territory that was allocated to Israel by the International body.

Most Respectfully,
You must be out of bullets.

You are playing the terrorist card.

Out of bullets? Really? We have all watched as Rocco has refuted every single one of your lies, day after day. So if anyone is out of bullets... It's you. Not that you had many to begin with.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so ridiculous.

montelatici, et al,

Never happened.


Doesn't matter at all. The APG has nothing to do with it. The right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

You can keep it up, but you are wrong on all counts.

No one overturned the right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

The Christians and Muslims never exercised the right; only APG attempted to exercise it.

Most Respectfully,
Lets look at the two bodies that claimed independence.

The APG (All Palestinian Government) consisted of over 80 Palestinian leaders. They claimed independence for Palestine's indigenous population, without regard to race, or religion, inside Palestine's international borders.

Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

The foreign created Israeli government was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.

This is wrong: Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders (WRONG)
Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.


by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization (WRONG).

In 1929, the Palestine Zionist Executive was renamed, restructured and officially inaugurated as The Jewish Agency for Palestine by the 16th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, Switzerland.

Jewish Agency for Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
  • Israel was declared inside the mandate/trusteeship IAW the initial boundaries set by Part II of GA/RES/181(II). The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, stipulated by the UN General Assembly in Parts II and III of the resolution.
    [*]The creation of the Jewish Agency was stipulated as a requirement by the Allied Powers in Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]The Zionist Organization, was recognized as such agency; required under Article 4, Paragraph 2, of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]Both of these requirement were set by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920, which was 9 years before the WZO created the agency.
Nobody, including Israel, has ever recognized the proposed borders of resolution 181.

The Jewish Agency had no authority. It was a consulting position for the mandate that existed at the pleasure of the mandate. When the mandate left the Jewish Agency no longer had any legitimacy.

The foreign created Israeli government (WRONG) was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers (WRONG) that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.
  • The Jewish population had the same citizenship as the Arab Palestinian. They were not foreigners. (Citizenship Order)
  • The Jewish Citizenry generally represented the all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home. (Article 4 Paragraph 2)
There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that withholds self-determination from the Jewish Immigrants. There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that gives the Arab Palestinian any special rights that supersedes those of the Jewish Constituency the that were taking part in the development of the of the Jewish National Home; or working to complete the Steps Preparatory to Independence as outlined by the General Assembly.

Most Respectfully,
Again with that stupid map? Those are proposed borders. Palestine does not have any international boundaries. If they did, why can't you find a map that shows them . A map that says Palestine but not Partition Plan?
P F Tinmore, et al,

You only tell part of the story.

Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.


That international boundary was for the Trusteeship (territory former the Mandate for Palestine). There was no other entity.

"After the 15th May, 1948, Palestine will continue to be a legal entity but it will still not be a sovereign state because it will not be immediately self-governing. The authority responsible for its administration will, however, have changed. - See more at: UK MEMORANDUM NAMES COMMISSION AS SUCCESSOR GOVERNMENT

Many of your arguments are based on the misguided notion that there was automatically a "State of Palestine" after the Mandate Terminated. But when the Mandate Terminate, there was the successor governments were first the UNPC and the the Mediator who replaced the UNPC. That somehow the State of Israel is a component of Palestine (or as you say, in Palestine). The State of Israel was immediately self-governing, and was a fully sovereign and independent state; in no way subordinate to the boundaries of the territory formerly under the Mandate.

In 1929, the Palestine Zionist Executive was renamed, restructured and officially inaugurated as The Jewish Agency for Palestine by the 16th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, Switzerland.


The WZO did meet in Zurich; but is was not its HQs any more than Basel, Switzerland was its HQs at the First Zionist Congress. Just because they met in Zurich, does not change these facts:
Israel was declared inside the mandate/trusteeship IAW the initial boundaries set by Part II of GA/RES/181(II). The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, stipulated by the UN General Assembly in Parts II and III of the resolution.
  • The creation of the Jewish Agency was stipulated as a requirement by the Allied Powers in Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Mandate for Palestine.
  • The Zionist Organization, was recognized as such agency; required under Article 4, Paragraph 2, of the Mandate for Palestine.
  • Both of these requirement were set by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920, which was 9 years before the WZO created the agency.
The Jewish Agency was (and still is) a parallel organization, with goals, attributes and leadership closely intertwined with those of the Zionist Organization during the years before the establishment of the State of Israel, and to varying degrees after that. Significant changes to the statutes of both organizations occurred in 1952, 1970 and 1979.

Nobody, including Israel, has ever recognized the proposed borders of resolution 181.


That is because in a matter of hours after the State of Israel is proclaimed, the Arab Armies crossed their borders and launch an attack into Israel. In the process of defending its independence, the Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA) moved out and encompassed additional territory under Israel control. And that is how the Armistice Lines were established. The proposed borders were overtaken by events. The borders as originally depicted and outlined would have conformed to the proposal had it not been for Arab Army aggression. You will also notice that Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan occupied the West Bank.

The Jewish Agency had no authority. It was a consulting position for the mandate that existed at the pleasure of the mandate. When the mandate left the Jewish Agency no longer had any legitimacy.


When the Mandate terminated, the Jewish Agency was folded over into the Israel government.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, that was not a case of a proper application.

RoccoR said:
There was never a case in which the Arab Palestinian attempted to use their right of self-determination, in an internationally accepted way, and was denied.

What about their 1948 declaration of independence?

First, the "All Palestine Government" (APG) was a puppet regime that was totally dependent of Egypt and the Military Governorship; thus "external influence and interference."

Second, the APG announce their declaration four months after the Jewish Palestinian Citizens announced the State of Israel. The APG announcement try to encompass the same sovereign territory as the Jewish Palestinian Citizens already declared under the GA/RES/181(II).

Third, the right of self-determination of the Arab Palestinian Citizens cannot overturn the right of self-determination of the Jew Palestinian Citizens.

It is not a case of the Arab Palestinian Citizens being denied their right of self-determination --- as it is --- being prevented or blocked from interfering with the Jewish Palestinian Citizens's right of self-determination.

Most Respectfully,

Firstly, Kosovo was totally dependent on the West's governorship (and military) when it declared independence. Northern Cyprus declared independence and was totally dependent on Turkey. There are many other examples, so your dog won't hunt Rocco.

Secondly, If "the right of self-determination of the Arab Palestinian Citizens cannot overturn the right of self-determination of the Jew Palestinian Citizens."

Then the converse is true.

The right of self-determination of the Jew Palestinian Citizens. cannot overturn the right of self-determination of the Palestinian Citizens.

Declaring itself a Jewish state when over 45% of the population was either Jewish or Muslim (before the Jewish ethnic cleansing), overturned the right of self determination of the Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Another salon dog.

When did they move Kosovo and Northern Cyprus to Palestine. Wasn't it you only yesterday that made an issue of another member bringing in an outside nation. If you cant keep to your own rules then it is time to stop posting.

But you are saying that because in your eyes the Jews delaration of independence overturns the rights of the arab muslims then the Jews should be stripped of their rights and the arabs allowed to take their possesions. The rights of the arabs were never overturned under 1948 international laws, in fact they were extended to cover more rights and they rewfused those rights. Read the Jews declaration of independence and you will see that the rights were given to those who decided to stay and live in peace.
RoccoR said:
There was never a case in which the Arab Palestinian attempted to use their right of self-determination, in an internationally accepted way, and was denied.

What about their 1948 declaration of independence?

Are you German Tinmore?
Good call.

My mother's father was born in Germany and came to the US as a teen after WWI.

My mother's mother was Pennsylvania Dutch.

My father's mother was English.

My father's father was Scotch.

Scotch is a distilled drink and no self respecting descendant of a Scot would say they were Scotch. They are Scots or Scottish. It was the same with the arab muslims prior to 1960 they would never say they were palestinians
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so ridiculous.

montelatici, et al,

Never happened.


Doesn't matter at all. The APG has nothing to do with it. The right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

You can keep it up, but you are wrong on all counts.

No one overturned the right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

The Christians and Muslims never exercised the right; only APG attempted to exercise it.

Most Respectfully,
Lets look at the two bodies that claimed independence.

The APG (All Palestinian Government) consisted of over 80 Palestinian leaders. They claimed independence for Palestine's indigenous population, without regard to race, or religion, inside Palestine's international borders.

Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

The foreign created Israeli government was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.

This is wrong: Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders (WRONG)
Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.


by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization (WRONG).

In 1929, the Palestine Zionist Executive was renamed, restructured and officially inaugurated as The Jewish Agency for Palestine by the 16th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, Switzerland.

Jewish Agency for Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
  • Israel was declared inside the mandate/trusteeship IAW the initial boundaries set by Part II of GA/RES/181(II). The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, stipulated by the UN General Assembly in Parts II and III of the resolution.
    [*]The creation of the Jewish Agency was stipulated as a requirement by the Allied Powers in Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]The Zionist Organization, was recognized as such agency; required under Article 4, Paragraph 2, of the Mandate for Palestine.
    [*]Both of these requirement were set by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920, which was 9 years before the WZO created the agency.
Nobody, including Israel, has ever recognized the proposed borders of resolution 181.

The Jewish Agency had no authority. It was a consulting position for the mandate that existed at the pleasure of the mandate. When the mandate left the Jewish Agency no longer had any legitimacy.

The foreign created Israeli government (WRONG) was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers (WRONG) that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.
  • The Jewish population had the same citizenship as the Arab Palestinian. They were not foreigners. (Citizenship Order)
  • The Jewish Citizenry generally represented the all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home. (Article 4 Paragraph 2)
There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that withholds self-determination from the Jewish Immigrants. There is no resolution or international law, treaty or convention that gives the Arab Palestinian any special rights that supersedes those of the Jewish Constituency the that were taking part in the development of the of the Jewish National Home; or working to complete the Steps Preparatory to Independence as outlined by the General Assembly.

Most Respectfully,

And as you have been told time and time again those borders are the ones of the Mandate for Palestine, not the state of Palestine that did not come into existence until 1988
P F Tinmore, et al,

The "occupation" is not based on the objective to withhold freedom or sovereignty.

Like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, etc. are doing as we speak.

The "occupation" (which existed well before the Arab Palestinian established the State of Palestine) was to contain or quarantine hostile activity from adversely impacting Israeli sovereignty and regional security.
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded in 1967
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was formed in 1981
  • Hamas was established in 1987
All these Jihadist and Fedayeen groups were established after the occupation of the Jordanian West Bank --- but before the Jordan relinquish sovereignty.

The Jihadist and Fedayeen are not defending the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). They are attempting to destabilize the State of Israel and take by force the territory recognized as sovereign Israeli (part of the landscape the Palestinian Terrorists call "from the river to the sea"). The Palestinian terrorist are attempting to use force to secure territory that was allocated to Israel by the International body.

Most Respectfully,
You must be out of bullets.

You are playing the terrorist card.

NOPE as the Palestinians are judged to be terrorists by many nations, so the moniker sticks like glue.
montelatici, et al,

Never happened.


Doesn't matter at all. The APG has nothing to do with it. The right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

You can keep it up, but you are wrong on all counts.

No one overturned the right to self-determination of the Christians and Muslims was overturned.

The Christians and Muslims never exercised the right; only APG attempted to exercise it.

Most Respectfully,
Lets look at the two bodies that claimed independence.

The APG (All Palestinian Government) consisted of over 80 Palestinian leaders. They claimed independence for Palestine's indigenous population, without regard to race, or religion, inside Palestine's international borders.

Israel, on the other hand, was declared inside Palestine's international borders by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

The foreign created Israeli government was not to represent the Palestinian people but to represent the foreign settlers that the Zionists imported to populate their planned Jewish state.

Wow, what a loaf of crap. You're nothing but a liar Tinmore.
Israel was created inside Palestine's borders? What borders?? Israel declared independence BEFORE 'Palestine'.
Your feeble attempts at delegitimizing Israel will keep failing.

BTW, how many times have you failed to show me proof of Palestines international boundaries?
Israel on the other hand has international boundaries.

I hope Tinmore will tell us more about those "indigenous Palestinians" he speeks of. Indigenous since when?
P F Tinmore, et al,

You only tell part of the story.

Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.

That international boundary was for the Trusteeship (territory former the Mandate for Palestine). There was no other entity.

"After the 15th May, 1948, Palestine will continue to be a legal entity but it will still not be a sovereign state because it will not be immediately self-governing. The authority responsible for its administration will, however, have changed. - See more at: UK MEMORANDUM NAMES COMMISSION AS SUCCESSOR GOVERNMENT

Many of your arguments are based on the misguided notion that there was automatically a "State of Palestine" after the Mandate Terminated. But when the Mandate Terminate, there was the successor governments were first the UNPC and the the Mediator who replaced the UNPC. That somehow the State of Israel is a component of Palestine (or as you say, in Palestine). The State of Israel was immediately self-governing, and was a fully sovereign and independent state; in no way subordinate to the boundaries of the territory formerly under the Mandate.

In 1929, the Palestine Zionist Executive was renamed, restructured and officially inaugurated as The Jewish Agency for Palestine by the 16th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, Switzerland.
The WZO did meet in Zurich; but is was not its HQs any more than Basel, Switzerland was its HQs at the First Zionist Congress. Just because they met in Zurich, does not change these facts:
Israel was declared inside the mandate/trusteeship IAW the initial boundaries set by Part II of GA/RES/181(II). The boundaries of the Arab State, the Jewish State, stipulated by the UN General Assembly in Parts II and III of the resolution.
  • The creation of the Jewish Agency was stipulated as a requirement by the Allied Powers in Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Mandate for Palestine.
  • The Zionist Organization, was recognized as such agency; required under Article 4, Paragraph 2, of the Mandate for Palestine.
  • Both of these requirement were set by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920, which was 9 years before the WZO created the agency.
The Jewish Agency was (and still is) a parallel organization, with goals, attributes and leadership closely intertwined with those of the Zionist Organization during the years before the establishment of the State of Israel, and to varying degrees after that. Significant changes to the statutes of both organizations occurred in 1952, 1970 and 1979.

Nobody, including Israel, has ever recognized the proposed borders of resolution 181.

That is because in a matter of hours after the State of Israel is proclaimed, the Arab Armies crossed their borders and launch an attack into Israel. In the process of defending its independence, the Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA) moved out and encompassed additional territory under Israel control. And that is how the Armistice Lines were established. The proposed borders were overtaken by events. The borders as originally depicted and outlined would have conformed to the proposal had it not been for Arab Army aggression. You will also notice that Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip and Jordan occupied the West Bank.

The Jewish Agency had no authority. It was a consulting position for the mandate that existed at the pleasure of the mandate. When the mandate left the Jewish Agency no longer had any legitimacy.

When the Mandate terminated, the Jewish Agency was folded over into the Israel government.

Most Respectfully,
Excellent post Rocco :clap2:
There are many "truths", all with their own preconceptions and biases, interpretations, feelings and fantasies. Accepting one "truth" blinds you to the possibilities in all the others and is intellectually lazy. I strive to obtain "The Truth" from amongst the web of lies and deceptions that are out there pretending to be "The Truth".

If you are comfortable with your version of the "truth", that's fine, but your mind is closed as a consequence. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I and millions of others have found that Zionist Historiography and Hasbara has lied, again and again and again, so pardon my continuing skepticism about the stream of Hasbara I'm bombarded with from the Pro-Israelis here. So I'm glad I'm not alone, but thanks for your concern.

And by your use of the terms Zionist and hasbara you prove beyond reasonable doubt that your mind is closed to the truth. All you want to see is your warped version of reality and the arab muslims "truths" being peddled. You don't want to see Islamic sources saying that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle. You don't want to see the original acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert. You don't want to see the evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims. You don't want to see the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims. because to admit that these are truth and reality would mean your brainwashing was wrong.

Israelis and Jewish people use the terms Zionist and Hasbara all the time; the word "Hasbara" is an Israeli word for goodness sake! I use the words for the purpose of clarity; being precise in defining what I'm talking about. I prefer to use the phrase "Jewish person" over the word "Jew" as I consider the word both derogatory and racist. I'm more than happy to look at any source but I'm allowed to be skeptical about any source's veracity and objectivity, as well as it's accuracy.

What source of yours says, "...that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle"? I'll look at it.

What source of yours talks about, "acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert."? I'll look at it as well.

What source of yours provides, "evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims" ? I'll look at it.

What source of yours catalogues, "the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims."? I'll look at that too, without fear and with an open mind.

No you use the terms in the same way the Germans spewed out **** and juden, or the way the arab muslims used Palestinian when referring to the Jews.
You have still to give your personal definition of Zionist because you know it will show you as a RACIST POS

Try the ottomans reports of Palestine prior to 1870 when they failed to get arab muslims to colonise the land and turn it into valuable arable farms. 3 times they tried and each time the arab muslims up sticks and left, the same arab muslims that later came back and tried to claim they had lived in Palestine for 3,000 years.

The Mcmahon letters

The reports by Winston Churchill when he was foreign secretary

The 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron, the ethnic cleansing of Christians from gaza and the west bank since 2005 and the civil wars or 1930 and 1945

You have either links or references to these sources? There are thousands of Ottoman documents prior to 1870 for example; I have neither the time nor the inclination to go through what's available in print or the net.

They are your claims; it's up to you to back them up.[/QUOTE]

Phoenall said:
So you are not prepared to do as you said because you know that the reports will say different to what you have been told.

Show me something specific to look at that proves your point, or even supports your assertions, and I'll look at it, vague references don't count as citations.
There are many "truths", all with their own preconceptions and biases, interpretations, feelings and fantasies. Accepting one "truth" blinds you to the possibilities in all the others and is intellectually lazy. I strive to obtain "The Truth" from amongst the web of lies and deceptions that are out there pretending to be "The Truth".

If you are comfortable with your version of the "truth", that's fine, but your mind is closed as a consequence. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I and millions of others have found that Zionist Historiography and Hasbara has lied, again and again and again, so pardon my continuing skepticism about the stream of Hasbara I'm bombarded with from the Pro-Israelis here. So I'm glad I'm not alone, but thanks for your concern.

And by your use of the terms Zionist and hasbara you prove beyond reasonable doubt that your mind is closed to the truth. All you want to see is your warped version of reality and the arab muslims "truths" being peddled. You don't want to see Islamic sources saying that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle. You don't want to see the original acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert. You don't want to see the evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims. You don't want to see the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims. because to admit that these are truth and reality would mean your brainwashing was wrong.

Israelis and Jewish people use the terms Zionist and Hasbara all the time; the word "Hasbara" is an Israeli word for goodness sake! I use the words for the purpose of clarity; being precise in defining what I'm talking about. I prefer to use the phrase "Jewish person" over the word "Jew" as I consider the word both derogatory and racist. I'm more than happy to look at any source but I'm allowed to be skeptical about any source's veracity and objectivity, as well as it's accuracy.

What source of yours says, "...that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle"? I'll look at it.

What source of yours talks about, "acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert."? I'll look at it as well.

What source of yours provides, "evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims" ? I'll look at it.

What source of yours catalogues, "the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims."? I'll look at that too, without fear and with an open mind.

No you use the terms in the same way the Germans spewed out **** and juden, or the way the arab muslims used Palestinian when referring to the Jews.
You have still to give your personal definition of Zionist because you know it will show you as a RACIST POS

Try the ottomans reports of Palestine prior to 1870 when they failed to get arab muslims to colonise the land and turn it into valuable arable farms. 3 times they tried and each time the arab muslims up sticks and left, the same arab muslims that later came back and tried to claim they had lived in Palestine for 3,000 years.

The Mcmahon letters

The reports by Winston Churchill when he was foreign secretary

The 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron, the ethnic cleansing of Christians from gaza and the west bank since 2005 and the civil wars or 1930 and 1945

You have either links or references to these sources? There are thousands of Ottoman documents prior to 1870 for example; I have neither the time nor the inclination to go through what's available in print or the net.

They are your claims; it's up to you to back them up.

Phoenall said:
So you are not prepared to do as you said because you know that the reports will say different to what you have been told.

Show me something specific to look at that proves your point, or even supports your assertions, and I'll look at it, vague references don't count as citations.[/QUOTE]

They are specifics as the massacres of Jews in hebron is well documented

They are not vague but specific in that the details are there in official Ottoman reports. Try looking for failed arab muslim colonisation of Palestine by the ottomans, or failed migration of arab muslims to Palestine under ottoman rule
RoccoR said:
But when the Mandate Terminate, there was the successor governments were first the UNPC and the the Mediator who replaced the UNPC.

Could you document the activities of the UNPC and the Mediator after May 15, 1948?
There are many "truths", all with their own preconceptions and biases, interpretations, feelings and fantasies. Accepting one "truth" blinds you to the possibilities in all the others and is intellectually lazy. I strive to obtain "The Truth" from amongst the web of lies and deceptions that are out there pretending to be "The Truth".

If you are comfortable with your version of the "truth", that's fine, but your mind is closed as a consequence. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I and millions of others have found that Zionist Historiography and Hasbara has lied, again and again and again, so pardon my continuing skepticism about the stream of Hasbara I'm bombarded with from the Pro-Israelis here. So I'm glad I'm not alone, but thanks for your concern.

And by your use of the terms Zionist and hasbara you prove beyond reasonable doubt that your mind is closed to the truth. All you want to see is your warped version of reality and the arab muslims "truths" being peddled. You don't want to see Islamic sources saying that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle. You don't want to see the original acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert. You don't want to see the evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims. You don't want to see the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims. because to admit that these are truth and reality would mean your brainwashing was wrong.

Israelis and Jewish people use the terms Zionist and Hasbara all the time; the word "Hasbara" is an Israeli word for goodness sake! I use the words for the purpose of clarity; being precise in defining what I'm talking about. I prefer to use the phrase "Jewish person" over the word "Jew" as I consider the word both derogatory and racist. I'm more than happy to look at any source but I'm allowed to be skeptical about any source's veracity and objectivity, as well as it's accuracy.

What source of yours says, "...that arab muslims were very thin on the ground in Palestine prior to the Ottoman's inviting Jews to migrate and settle"? I'll look at it.

What source of yours talks about, "acceptance by arab muslims to the Jews taking Palestine as their homeland as back then it was worthless desert."? I'll look at it as well.

What source of yours provides, "evidence of mass illegal immigration by arab muslims" ? I'll look at it.

What source of yours catalogues, "the atrocities committed by arab muslims in Palestine against all non muslims."? I'll look at that too, without fear and with an open mind.

No you use the terms in the same way the Germans spewed out **** and juden, or the way the arab muslims used Palestinian when referring to the Jews.
You have still to give your personal definition of Zionist because you know it will show you as a RACIST POS

Try the ottomans reports of Palestine prior to 1870 when they failed to get arab muslims to colonise the land and turn it into valuable arable farms. 3 times they tried and each time the arab muslims up sticks and left, the same arab muslims that later came back and tried to claim they had lived in Palestine for 3,000 years.

The Mcmahon letters

The reports by Winston Churchill when he was foreign secretary

The 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron, the ethnic cleansing of Christians from gaza and the west bank since 2005 and the civil wars or 1930 and 1945

You have either links or references to these sources? There are thousands of Ottoman documents prior to 1870 for example; I have neither the time nor the inclination to go through what's available in print or the net.

They are your claims; it's up to you to back them up.

Phoenall said:
So you are not prepared to do as you said because you know that the reports will say different to what you have been told.

Show me something specific to look at that proves your point, or even supports your assertions, and I'll look at it, vague references don't count as citations.

They are specifics as the massacres of Jews in hebron is well documented

They are not vague but specific in that the details are there in official Ottoman reports. Try looking for failed arab muslim colonisation of Palestine by the ottomans, or failed migration of arab muslims to Palestine under ottoman rule[/QUOTE]

Please provide links to these amazing discoveries in the Ottoman Archives.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I provided much of this information before.

RoccoR said:
But when the Mandate Terminate, there was the successor governments were first the UNPC and the the Mediator who replaced the UNPC.

Could you document the activities of the UNPC and the Mediator after May 15, 1948?

This is just some of the material available.

Most Respectfully,
From A/RES/186 (S-2)

"(i) Arrange for the operation of common services necessary to the safety and well-being of the population of Palestine;"

Which, the UN did not do. Or else the Christians and Muslims would not be in the situation they are in today. The Israelis murder thousands of them every 2 years or so.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I provided much of this information before.

RoccoR said:
But when the Mandate Terminate, there was the successor governments were first the UNPC and the the Mediator who replaced the UNPC.

Could you document the activities of the UNPC and the Mediator after May 15, 1948?

This is just some of the material available.

Most Respectfully,

they have short memories
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