Who Are The Palestinians " III "

I would guess around nine years old.

Another victim of a politico-religious ideology that has exploited female children since the 7th century.

1st post
How nice. I wonder if the child in the abuse video above spends a lot of time thing about how she will, “Meet Her Lord Through Her Blood, Body Parts”.

Rajaa Al-Halabi, Head of the Hamas Women’s Movement: A Martyrdom-Seeking Girl Has Only One Thing on Her Mind - To Meet Her Lord Through Her Blood, Body Parts; Children in Gaza Are Raised to Love Jihad from Infancy​

Well really, who’s surprised.

The Pally existence is one of Jew hatred.

UN Palestinian rights official’s social media history reveals antisemitic comments​

5th post
This reads like a great idea, assuming your intent is to raise the next generation of Islamic terrorists.

The pally theory is, ''gett'em while they're young''. It's how they treat their children,

Mass murderer as classmate: Palestinian kids exposed daily to Dalal Mughrabi who led murder of 37 – among them 12 children​

This reads like a great idea, assuming your intent is to raise the next generation of Islamic terrorists.

The pally theory is, ''gett'em while they're young''. It's how they treat their children,

Mass murderer as classmate: Palestinian kids exposed daily to Dalal Mughrabi who led murder of 37 – among them 12 children​

murder of 37 – among them 12 children
Israel has done better than that many times.
10th post
  • Father and friends of “Martyr”: “He kept saying: ‘I want to be a Martyr’ and ‘I want to take a picture with you, I will become a Martyr tonight’”
  • Father of dead 16-year-old: My son “wished for this Martyrdom-death for two years… Praise Allah, he achieved it”
  • Relative of dead terrorist: “We have rejoiced at his death as a Martyr… He asked [for Martyrdom] and achieved it”
  • Official PA TV reporter: “This is the situation of Palestine. We always give our children [as Martyrs] for its soil, for its liberation… Every new Martyr for the land brings us one step closer to liberation”

When 22-year-old Muhammad Abu Kishk was killed in a shootout initiated by terrorists shooting and throwing explosives at Israeli soldiers and civilians at Joseph’s Tomb, his father, uncle, and a friend explained that for years the young man had wished to die as a “Martyr.”

His friend specifically mentioned that Abu Kishk had invited people he met in the street to have their photo taken with him, in anticipation of his own death later that night:


(full article online)

Interesting turn of events. I fully expect the Biden Politburo to make excuses for their funding of Islamic terrorists.

Victims of Palestinian terror attacks are suing the Biden administration for awarding nearly half a billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds to the Palestinian government, which allegedly uses these funds to pay convicted terrorists and their families.
A part of breeding in the Islamic terrorist occupied territories is to produce that next generation of islamo-bots who will fulfill the gee-had.

Weaponizing the death of Palestinian kids to attack Israel in the ICC​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 21, 2022
The Palestinian version of eating your cake and leaving it whole is particularly macabre and sinister. On the one hand, the Palestinian Authority actively brainwashes Palestinian kids to hate, kill, and be killed. Having sent the kids to die, the PA then uses the death of the kids as a means to attack Israel, in any forum possible, including the International Criminal Court (ICC), alleging that it is Israel that is responsible for the many Palestinian kids and youth dying.

Mahmoud Al-Zahar has a pretty ambitious plan for his army. Those Jews and Christians have to go.​

Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar: The 'Army Of Jerusalem' Will Not Liberate Palestinian Land Only; The 512 Million Square Kilometers Of Planet Earth Will Come Under A System With No Zionism, No Treacherous Christianity​


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