ICJ orders Israel to halt operations in Rafah that risk destruction of civilian population

Technically its rulings are binding on all UN members, but it has no enforcement powers,
Bingo. "Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."
so all it can do is recommend to the UNSC to pass a resolution supporting the ruling.
Bingo. And the US is not going to let that happen.
Since the signatories to the Genocide Convention, such as Israel, are bound to not only not commit genocide but also to take actions to prevent genocide, which is what the court did when it ordered Israel to stop all actions that might lead to the destruction of the Palestinian people (genocide), and since nothing Israel is doing could lead to that result, essentially the court said, just keep doing what you are doing but carefully.

The court could have said this more succinctly by just telling South Africa to fuck off.
Then it's a good thing that Israel is engaged in a declared righteous war of existential proportion and is not committing genocide.
which is what the court did when it ordered Israel to stop all actions that might lead to the destruction of the Palestinian people (genocide)
The court also ordered this. Perhaps your hasbara blinded you. My emphasis, you seem to have trouble with certain words...

Reading the new provisional measures in an open session at the court in The Hague, ICJ Justice Nawaf Salam announced that Israel must abide by its obligations under the Genocide Convention to “immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governate which may inflict upon the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in whole and in part”.
The court also ordered this. Perhaps your hasbara blinded you. My emphasis, you seem to have trouble with certain words...

Reading the new provisional measures in an open session at the court in The Hague, ICJ Justice Nawaf Salam announced that Israel must abide by its obligations under the Genocide Convention to “immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governate which may inflict upon the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in whole and in part”.
Since Israel is not engaged in any activities in Gaza "
which may inflict upon the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in whole and in part”.
the court is merely saying Israel show continue to abide by the Genocide Convention.
You're American? Your monkeys.
Nope, not my monkeys. And yes, I am a US citizen. I don’t take responsibility for things I have no control over. You are free to disagree, but that changes nothing.

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