Who Are The Palestinians " III "

A tenuous existence for the non-Islamist living under the theocratic totalitarianism of islamists.

The history of islamism is one of subjugation, oppression and elimination of the dhimmi class.

Kristine Luken was murdered in a gruesome terrorist attack in Israel on December 18, 2010. She and her friend Kay Wilsonwere victims of a calculated Palestinian Arab plot: The terrorists had been hiding on a popular Judean mountain hiking trail, armed with massive knives, lying in wait for their victims. Kristine and Kay were stabbed multiple times. Miraculously, Kay survived
A tenuous existence for the non-Islamist living under the theocratic totalitarianism of islamists.

The history of islamism is one of subjugation, oppression and elimination of the dhimmi class.

Kristine Luken was murdered in a gruesome terrorist attack in Israel on December 18, 2010. She and her friend Kay Wilsonwere victims of a calculated Palestinian Arab plot: The terrorists had been hiding on a popular Judean mountain hiking trail, armed with massive knives, lying in wait for their victims. Kristine and Kay were stabbed multiple times. Miraculously, Kay survived
It really is shameful that the Biden politburo chose to throw welfare money at the Islamic terrorists. The Great Satan could have been the nation to set an example for others to follow and refuse to reward Islamic terrorism.

In 2018, the Trump administration signed into law the Taylor Force Act to prevent the U.S. government from sending funds to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) as long as it continues to fund terrorism. Now, a new lawsuit supported by victims of terror is seeking to compel the Biden administration to follow suit.
It really is shameful that the Biden politburo chose to throw welfare money at the Islamic terrorists. The Great Satan could have been the nation to set an example for others to follow and refuse to reward Islamic terrorism.

In 2018, the Trump administration signed into law the Taylor Force Act to prevent the U.S. government from sending funds to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) as long as it continues to fund terrorism. Now, a new lawsuit supported by victims of terror is seeking to compel the Biden administration to follow suit.
Where is the Shireen Abu Aqla Act?

Israel has killed four (to my knowledge) US citizens. Hardly a word from the government.
[ They could have become Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Architects, artists, etc, but instead....more wasted lives in pursuit of the Islamic ideology. Once Islam conquers a land....only Jews cannot keep their homeland ]

Members of a West Bank terror cell arrested on December 14, 2022, over an alleged planned bombing attack in Israel, top to bottom: Kayes a-Shiab, Ahmed Taher Jaradat, Haled Marei, Younis. Right: a bomb hidden inside a fire extinguisher the cell allegedly planned to use in Israel. (Shin Bet)
Members of a West Bank terror cell arrested on December 14, 2022, over an alleged planned bombing attack in Israel, top to bottom: Kayes a-Shiab, Ahmed Taher Jaradat, Haled Marei, Younis. Right: a bomb hidden inside a fire extinguisher the cell allegedly planned to use in Israel. (Shin Bet)

I must have missed the islamist terrorist ''Day of Rage''. Any double your dark-eyed virgins sales promotions?

Palestinians across Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip marked the death from cancer on Tuesday of arch-terrorist Nasser Abu Hamid with “Day of rage” protests and a general strike.
Islamic terrorist incitement to terrorism and murder.

It’s what they do.

PA’s incitement to terror and murder continues​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 26, 2022

The incitement of the Palestinian Authority to murder Israelis takes many forms. In some instances, the incitement is clear and direct, such as when PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called to take revenge for the death of three terrorists and “dish out to them [Israel] twice as much as we’ve received.” In other instances, the incitement is more complex and subtle, and takes the form of glorifying imprisoned terrorist murderers and inventing libels to blame Israel for their deaths.
The pally campaign of Jew hatreds has been exported across the globe. The politico-religious ideology of Jew hatreds that has a history dating back 1,400 years to the invention of Islamism is as virulent today in the territories occupied by the pallys as it was a those centuries ago.

JNS.org – While cities like Jerusalem, Hebron and Jenin are well-known as frontlines of the Arab-Israeli conflict, North American college campuses are a theater of another type of war.

Anti-Zionist student groups and faculty members routinely use the language of “social justice,” “liberation” and “resistance” to whitewash the heinous actions of Palestinian terror groups that vow to destroy the State of Israel and take the lives of Israelis in and out of uniform.
I don't believe anyone has ever denied that Pallys see their children as useful when employed in the service of gee-had and Jew hatreds.

Important admission: Fatah takes children as terrorists, says mother of terrorist

Itamar Marcus | Dec 27, 2022
“Fatah… You took Nasser from me when he was a child,” says mother of terrorist murderer Nasser Abu Hmeid

PMW has reported extensively on the PA/Fatah using children as terrorists and brainwashing them to seek “Martyrdom.” Now a Palestinian mother of six terrorists, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, has confirmed that it was Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement that brought her to son to terror when he was still a child:

“To the Fatah Movement I say: You took Nasser from me when he was a child, all I ask of you is to return him to me, so that I will be able to pay respects to him and bury him.”

[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 26, 2022]
Why would Pally incitement to acts of Islamic terrorism stop? The west continues to finance it.

The incitement of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to murder Israelis takes many forms.

In some instances, the incitement is clear and direct, such as when PA leader Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to take revenge for the death of three terrorists, and “dish out to them [Israel] twice as much as we’ve received.” In other instances, the incitement is more complex and subtle, and takes the form of glorifying imprisoned terrorist murderers and inventing libels to blame Israel for their deaths
Why would Pally incitement to acts of Islamic terrorism stop? The west continues to finance it.

The incitement of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to murder Israelis takes many forms.

In some instances, the incitement is clear and direct, such as when PA leader Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to take revenge for the death of three terrorists, and “dish out to them [Israel] twice as much as we’ve received.” In other instances, the incitement is more complex and subtle, and takes the form of glorifying imprisoned terrorist murderers and inventing libels to blame Israel for their deaths
So many tropes.

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