Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Insensate Jew hatreds is a foundational element of Pally existence. It seems the Pally existence is consumed with hatred’s for themselves and Jews.

Bursting the bubble of another PA lie: The Campbell-Bannerman conspiracy​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 28, 2022
As Palestinian Media Watch has repeatedly exposed, an integral part of the Palestinian Authority’s “narrative” to undermine Israel’s legitimacy is to claim that Jews lack any historical connection to the land of Israel and that the creation of Israel was nothing more than an act of western colonization. To support their historical revision, PA leaders and officials often claim there was a secret plan formulated by British Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, to plant “a foreign body in the middle of the people of the Arab nation in order to fragment its solidarity, steal its resources, and prevent its revival.” This according to the PA historical revision is the sole reason for the establishment of the state of Israel. Similar to many other parts of the PA narrative, the claim regarding the Campbell-Bannerman conspiracy is a complete lie lacking any factual or evidentiary basis. In fact, honest Muslim-Arab scholars who have tried to prove this document’s authenticity eventually admitted that no such document exists.
I’m all in on holding the Biden politburo accountable for funding Islamic terrorism.

Victims of Palestinian terror attacks are suing the Biden administration for awarding nearly half a billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds to the Palestinian government, which allegedly uses these funds to pay convicted terrorists and their families.
Insensate Jew hatreds is a foundational element of Pally existence. It seems the Pally existence is consumed with hatred’s for themselves and Jews.

Bursting the bubble of another PA lie: The Campbell-Bannerman conspiracy​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 28, 2022
As Palestinian Media Watch has repeatedly exposed, an integral part of the Palestinian Authority’s “narrative” to undermine Israel’s legitimacy is to claim that Jews lack any historical connection to the land of Israel and that the creation of Israel was nothing more than an act of western colonization. To support their historical revision, PA leaders and officials often claim there was a secret plan formulated by British Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, to plant “a foreign body in the middle of the people of the Arab nation in order to fragment its solidarity, steal its resources, and prevent its revival.” This according to the PA historical revision is the sole reason for the establishment of the state of Israel. Similar to many other parts of the PA narrative, the claim regarding the Campbell-Bannerman conspiracy is a complete lie lacking any factual or evidentiary basis. In fact, honest Muslim-Arab scholars who have tried to prove this document’s authenticity eventually admitted that no such document exists.
there was a secret plan formulated by British Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, to plant “a foreign body in the middle of the people of the Arab nation in order to fragment its solidarity, steal its resources, and prevent its revival.”
Could Palestine become a “little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of hostile Arabism”? That was the hope expressed by Ronald Storrs, a governor of Jerusalem during and after the First World War. His words illustrated how the British elite supported the Zionist colonisation project on the understanding that doing so would advance its own interests in the Middle East. They exemplified, too, how the same elite saw strong parallels between Palestine and Ireland. In this talk, David Cronin will examine these parallels, offering an overview of how an unjust situation created a century ago persists to this day.

Lecture 139: How Britain wanted a Jewish Ulster in Palestine by David Cronin​

Children are a useful tool for the Islamic terrorist gee-had.

It’s what they do.

Islamic state / Pally Islamic terrorist arrested as a suspect in bus bombings.

It’s almost as though the entirety of pally’dom has no function but one of Jew hatreds.

The Shin Bet security agency and Israel Police on Tuesday revealed that security forces had arrested a Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem with ties to the Islamic State jihadist group for a deadly double bombing attack in the capital last month.
Oh, dear. Trouble in the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza’istan.

Palestinians have launched a new social media campaign in protest of Hamas’s rule of the Gaza Strip, holding the Islamist movement responsible for poverty, unemployment and harsh economic and humanitarian conditions.

Hamas supporters claimed that the Palestinian Authority and Israel were behind the new campaign.
Heh! Islamic terrorists playing army.

Gaza militants practice kidnapping Israeli soldiers in a video posted on December 30, 2022 to the Telegram account of the Joint Operations Room of the Resistance Factions. The military drill, which took place on December 28, involved a simulated attack on an Israeli military base, which concludes in the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier.
The Islamic terrorist enclaves exporting the koranification of their Islamic terrorism.

Various posters glorifying Palestinian “martyrs” were found in Los Angeles on December 16.

The Palestinian Youth Movement announced in an Instagram post that they had put the posters around Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire; some posters were found on Wilshire Boulevard.
The Islamic terrorist enclaves exporting the koranification of their Islamic terrorism.

Various posters glorifying Palestinian “martyrs” were found in Los Angeles on December 16.

The Palestinian Youth Movement announced in an Instagram post that they had put the posters around Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire; some posters were found on Wilshire Boulevard.
Based on opinions.
Really comical to see the Arab-Moslem psyche so devastated by their failures.

As we see with words and actions from the islamist "scholars" (past and present), islamism is still thoroughly outraged at the ascendency of the infidel and their outrageous behavior of daring to interrupt the expansionist ideology that is focused on brute force and ultimately, subjugation of any infidel society within reach. Islamists have kept this indigant grudge smoldering for 1,300 years.

West Bank Islamic Scholar Sheikh Yousef Abu Islam: In The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, The Jews Outlined A Plot To Use Soccer To Distract Muslims From Jihad And From Liberating Muslim Lands Like Spain​


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