Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The money grubbing welfare recipients 'demand' more kuffar welfare.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas During China-Arab Summit: We Support Beijing's One-China Policy, Demand Apology And Reparations From The U.S., Britain, And Israel​

[ Save The Children !!!! ]

A young Palestinian girl may be on her way to fame if appearances on official PA TV are anything to go by. Singing a song that glorifies “the machine gun and the rifle” as “a present from daddy,” young Amal has appeared on official PA TV twice in the last two months, addressing her imprisoned father and praising all the terrorist prisoners.

In her latest address, she also thanked official PA TV directly for the opportunity to reach her imprisoned father. Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that official PA TV has a number of programs dedicated to the terrorist prisoners. Her latest message is as follows:


PMW exposed the girl’s first TV appearance as well as the appearances of other young children singing to their terrorist prisoner relatives about “defeating Israel” and “trampling the necks of the Zionists.”

This is a crisis. Perhaps the UN can step in and provide the welfare money withheld by Iran.

Iran halts funds to Palestinian terror groups, sparking crisis - report​

The crisis has affected the factions both in the Gaza Strip and abroad to a point where some of them were unable to pay their monthly bills.​

Incitement is the daily routine of the Islamic terrorist franchises. It's a policy used to indoctrinate children from infancy and to mold them into pre-teen gee-had disposable 'martyrs'

The wave of terrorism and its connection to the collapse of the Palestinian Authority - opinion​

Terrorist attacks directed against Israel originate in several ways: from individual terrorists acting spontaneously as a result of personal frustrations and incessant incitement in the media.​

It appears the Israelis are sending a message to the Islamic terrorists: behave or else.

Earlier this month, the Israeli Defense Forces sent jets into the Gaza Strip, surgically targeting Hamas military sites in the coastal enclave. The IDF operation was a response to rocket fire from Gaza toward southern Israel earlier that day — an attack, according to reports, that the IDF suspects was perpetrated by Islamic Jihad. In punishing Hamas, the IDF was reestablishing previous rules of engagement with the terrorist organization: Hamas will have to restrain other terrorist actors in Gaza or pay a price.
With the propensity for Islamic terrorism to be spread beyond the physical locations of Islamic terrorist enclaves, keeping an eye on the activities of potential Islamic terrorists is prudent.

Multiple U.S. cities have adopted a definition of antisemitism that silences Palestinians and expands surveillance.
It does seem pretty remarkable that in 2022, the international community is still showering Islamic terrorists with welfare money.

It’s hard to believe we have to report this in 2022, but the leader of the Palestinian Authority (PA) just announced to the world that he’s not opposed to using terrorism to get his way. We’ve told you how the PA incentivizes terrorists to kill Israeli citizens – and American troops – through its pay for slay program. We helped shut down the sending of U.S. funds to the PA during Trump’s presidency, but now thanks to President Joe Biden, the U.S. is once again sending your tax dollars to reward terrorists.
Since the 7th century, Islamism has had this 'thing' with use and abuse of female children. It has something to do with the religion's inventor and his fascination with female children as his wives.


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