Who are the Israelis?

Gaza's Jewish History - Hebrew Love Poetry

Ydidi Ro'i Mekimi is a poem composed by Rabbi Yisrael Nagarah (1555 Safed - 1628 Gaza). The piyyut expresses the longing of the Jewish people in exile to their G-d as a flock that yearns for the guiding and supportive hand of the shepherd and for redemption.

Rabbi Yisrael Nagara was the rabbi of Gaza, buried there in an ancient Jewish cemetery, considered one of the greatest Hebrew poets of all times.

My beloved shepherd who raises me up
From being run over people of vanity

Tell me now, to whom have You abandoned a few of the herd
Return to gather Your remote, for they are seed of Your beloved

And see the peace of Your brothers and the peace of the flock

Graze me in the beautiful grass, give pasture over all the blessings
By Your hand, gather the lamb, and carry the young of the herd

Say please my redeemer my rescue, till when is my injustice
Govern me, graze me, the Shepherd of my vanity
And Abel (vanity) was a shepherd

Gather thousands, cover them and rescue them
From the hand of the hater, hasten the redeemer

Also the herd shall pass, and build the Temple and the Hall
And send the messenger of Israel, to say "redeemer came to Zion"
Rachel (ewe) comes with the flock

'Ivri Anochi - I'm Hebrew
Celebrating the successful elimination of Iranian proxies


Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?



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Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?


Fuld family files landmark US court case, likely heading to Supreme Court, over ‘Pay for Slay'


The Fuld family has filed a landmark case in the United States against the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) for their role in the murder of Ari Fuld, an American-Israeli killed by a Palestinian terrorist in 2018. The case, dismissed twice by a Southern District court and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, is now on track to reach the US Supreme Court.

Samuel Silverman, an attorney at Silverman Law Firm PLLC, the legal firm representing Fuld’s family and estate in the lawsuit, explained that the case aims to compensate for Fuld and his family’s suffering while also serving as a message to sponsors of terrorism.“Our goal is to set a precedent that holds the PLO accountable for their [financial] support of terrorism, ensuring justice for victims like Ari Fuld,” he told The Jerusalem Post.

Temple Mount Update | Perspective on the 'dire straits' period and its calling

We are in the middle of the three weeks - bein hameitzarim - of mourning and introspection regarding the destruction of the Holy Temple 2,000 years ago, and our need to rebuild it as soon as possible. At the same time Israel is fighting a seven front war for our very existence. Just yesterday the Hezbollah terror subsidiary of Iran fired a missile into Israel killing twelve innocent Druze children playing soccer. Israel will avenge their blood!

"HaShem shall grant strength to His people; HaShem shall bless His people with peace." (Psalms 29:11)

Temple Mount Update | "When the wicked perish, there is jubilation" - King Shlomah

The song that Levites used to say today,
on the 4th day of the week

Rosh Yeshivah of the Temple Mount in a blessing over the news

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Eli Kopter’s Co-Conspirator Amit Nakesh "Exposed" by Turkish Media

For once, Turkey has earned its name. It began on Wednesday with a tweet by influencer Dr. Eli David, who proclaimed: “Breaking: Israeli sources revealed the name of Mossad agent who assassinated Ismail Haniyeh. His name is Amit Nakesh, who according to sources has taken part in several previous assassinations as well. Amit, you are a hero!”


Those of you who have endured a few years of Hebrew school have realized by now that Amit Nakesh is the Hebrew word for “the assassin” – “Hamitnakesh,” broken into two parts. This is also a mockery of the common Israeli speech that abhors the Heh sound, resulting in Amit Nakesh.

And the floodgates opened. Akdeniz Gercek Gazetesi announced:

“Who Killed Haniyeh? Who is Mossad Agent Amit Nakesh? Who is Amit Nakesh?

“Ismail Haniyeh lost his life as a result of an attack on his residence in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Haniyeh had attended the 9th President Masoud Pezeshkian’s oath-taking ceremony held in the Iranian Parliament yesterday. According to information from foreign sources, the person who assassinated Ismail Haniyeh was identified as Amit Nakesh. So, who is Mossad Agent Amit Nakesh?”

Usak Olay reported:

“Who is Mossad Agent Amit Nakesh? Who Assassinated Ismail Haniyeh?

“A recent incident that has caused widespread repercussions in the international security world has occurred: Allegations have emerged that Mossad agent Amit Nakesh was behind the assassination that led to the death of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, the capital of Iran.”

There were many, many more:


Back in May, another Israeli joke, this one about the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and six other passengers, having been carried out by a Mossad agent named “Eli Copter,” a play on the Hebrew word for helicopter, again sans the Heh sound, ran through Arab media like fire in a warehouse for old Arabic newspapers (Israeli ‘Eli Copter’ Joke Taken Seriously By Hamas Morphs Into Fake News).

Temple Mount Update | "When the wicked perish, there is jubilation" - King Shlomah

The song that Levites used to say today,
on the 4th day of the week

Rosh Yeshivah of the Temple Mount in a blessing over the news

Temple Mount Update | Walking before G-d not after Him
Weekly Torah Portion 'Matot - Masa'ei' by Rabbi Shmuel Moreno


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Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?

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Eli Kopter’s Co-Conspirator Amit Nakesh "Exposed" by Turkish Media

For once, Turkey has earned its name. It began on Wednesday with a tweet by influencer Dr. Eli David, who proclaimed: “Breaking: Israeli sources revealed the name of Mossad agent who assassinated Ismail Haniyeh. His name is Amit Nakesh, who according to sources has taken part in several previous assassinations as well. Amit, you are a hero!”


Those of you who have endured a few years of Hebrew school have realized by now that Amit Nakesh is the Hebrew word for “the assassin” – “Hamitnakesh,” broken into two parts. This is also a mockery of the common Israeli speech that abhors the Heh sound, resulting in Amit Nakesh.

And the floodgates opened. Akdeniz Gercek Gazetesi announced:

Usak Olay reported:

There were many, many more:


Back in May, another Israeli joke, this one about the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and six other passengers, having been carried out by a Mossad agent named “Eli Copter,” a play on the Hebrew word for helicopter, again sans the Heh sound, ran through Arab media like fire in a warehouse for old Arabic newspapers (Israeli ‘Eli Copter’ Joke Taken Seriously By Hamas Morphs Into Fake News).

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Temple Mount Update | Walking before G-d not after Him
Weekly Torah Portion 'Matot - Masa'ei' by Rabbi Shmuel Moreno


The secret of the Dome of the Rock

that Hamas and Hizballa don't want you to know


Is there a prohibition NOT to ascend the Temple Mount?
Hebrew Law in the steps of Rabbi Shlomah Goren Z"L

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Activists raise the Israeli flag over Turkish embassy,
after reports of lowered Turkish flag in response Haniyeh death.

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