Whites Have Been Given The Wealth the Have Today By the Government


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"]The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History
So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

"https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History

Come take some from me.
So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"]The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History

So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"]The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History

Right you are. The government gave me that bicycle you stole. Too bad you weren't white: They would have given you one too, and you wouldn't have had to steal one.
That was a very interesting read. Thank you for posting OP. The Homestead Act was not only a wealth building exercise, but it was also way to encourage migration into the interior of the Country. There can be little doubt that the generations that followed their forebears benefited greatly from the Homestead Act. I don’t know how that can be disputed. Unfortunately, freed blacks were not offered the same equal opportunities for such land, and when they were, the rug was pulled from under them or the law rescinded as occurred with the Southern Homestead Act. If Lincoln had not been assassinated history may have been different during reconstruction.
That was a very interesting read. Thank you for posting OP. The Homestead Act was not only a wealth building exercise, but it was also way to encourage migration into the interior of the Country. There can be little doubt that the generations that followed their forebears benefited greatly from the Homestead Act. I don’t know how that can be disputed. Unfortunately, freed blacks were not offered the same equal opportunities for such land, and when they were, the rug was pulled from under them or the law rescinded as occurred with the Southern Homestead Act. If Lincoln had not been assassinated history may have been different during reconstruction.

Then give them some of yours. You owe it to them.

You do own land, right?
That was a very interesting read. Thank you for posting OP. The Homestead Act was not only a wealth building exercise, but it was also way to encourage migration into the interior of the Country. There can be little doubt that the generations that followed their forebears benefited greatly from the Homestead Act. I don’t know how that can be disputed. Unfortunately, freed blacks were not offered the same equal opportunities for such land, and when they were, the rug was pulled from under them or the law rescinded as occurred with the Southern Homestead Act. If Lincoln had not been assassinated history may have been different during reconstruction.

Then give them some of yours. You owe it to them.

You do own land, right?
With all due respect, think with the head that is on your neck. The OP was not asking anyone to give up anything. He was merely linking to an an article that described the history of the homestead act. I read the link from a historical perspective. It was very enlightening.

There is also truth that the homestead act created generational wealth. I don’t even know why that would be a controversial statement.
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That was a very interesting read. Thank you for posting OP. The Homestead Act was not only a wealth building exercise, but it was also way to encourage migration into the interior of the Country. There can be little doubt that the generations that followed their forebears benefited greatly from the Homestead Act. I don’t know how that can be disputed. Unfortunately, freed blacks were not offered the same equal opportunities for such land, and when they were, the rug was pulled from under them or the law rescinded as occurred with the Southern Homestead Act. If Lincoln had not been assassinated history may have been different during reconstruction.

Then give them some of yours. You owe it to them.

You do own land, right?
If Lincoln has not been assassinated Union Soldiers would have gone house to house to remove every black, ex slave or free. All would have been sent back to Africa. You know that was his plan, right?
So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"]The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History
Sounds like the black man should get the fuck out of the cities. Go to places where you can actually buy and own a house and/or land as your normal everyday way of life.
So let me put it to you this way since you seem to believe in what's called Teflon history.

There are approximately 230 million whites living in this country. 93 million live on homestead land given out 150-160 years ago. That land is an asset that accumulates wealth. 99 percent of all homestead land given by the government during the Homestead Act went to whites. 246 million acreas to 1.6 million white familes. That's free stuff given to whites by the government. Free stuff that approximately 40 percent of all whites living today still use to increase wealth. So you see, this old stale tired that was in the past line is without merit when you consider the facts.

https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=csd_research"]The Homestead Act: A Major Asset-Building Policy in American History

Actually they had to work for their 40 acres and a mule unlike all the people getting their housing paid for by Uncle Sam today.

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