Zone1 "Whiteness" According to A White Man


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Mar 11, 2015
Can You Please Shut Up About White Supremacy?
Not today. Reading Tim Wise and Baynard Woods

There is a whole set of white authors and creators who are examining whiteness and white supremacy from the inside: Wise and Woods, Debby Irving, Robin D’Angelo, John Biewen, Tema Okun, Jim Grimsley, and more. These white authors are challenging white people to see that understanding how whiteness works is fundamental to dismantling white supremacy.

We, white people, can easily fall into the trap where we believe that racism is a Black problem and then we look to Black writers to fix it. We can be “allies” in their liberation struggle, but we can’t see how understanding and dismantling whiteness has anything to do with it.

This approach has gotten us nowhere.

We need to see how whiteness operates as a system of domination and also see how our own liberation is tied up with ending white supremacy.

Hey, fellow white folks:

Are you ready to talk to other white people about race? Even and especially when it makes everyone including you uncomfortable? Because

(1) Racism exists.
(2) White people benefit from it.
(3) White people are hurt by it.
(4) We will never dismantle it without talking about it.

So, no I don’t think they should shut up.

Before the usual suspects start, this is the person who wrote the article.


A white man. And if you have a problem with him, if you claim he is just pandering, or is on some liberal "white guilt" trip, then you need to examine yourselves. Because this white man is everything each of you have claimed to be. Non racist, colorblind, sees people as people, etc. So why is there opposition to whites like this from the right wing who proclaim daily and very vociferously how much you are non racist?
Tim Wise opens his book with a fantasy. He imagines a typical 4th of July scene where the town is decked with red, white, and blue. Marching bands. Hot dogs. Fireworks. And he goes up to the biggest, baddest, most patriotic white guy he can find and tells him to “get over it.” He says, “that was so long ago, why are you even bothering to celebrate?” Wise can only assume that if the big bad white guy didn’t punch him, he would at least get super defensive and yell at Tim about the United States being the greatest country on the Earth and “how dare you say anything different?”

Wise goes on to say the same white people who venerate the founding fathers also want Black people to “get over” slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, lynching, and 450 years of discrimination.

We, white people, are only about “getting over” history that makes us uncomfortable. We want to enshrine the other stuff.

There are a lot of guilt-stricken cuckolds among the Caucasoids.
Note: throughout this piece, I have referred to white supremacy in terms of the Black/white dynamic. This is partly because of the nature of both books being written by white men from the South, where whiteness exists primarily in contrast to Blackness. Partly it is also a shorthand because I don’t like the term BIPOC and I don’t want to bother to spell out every group affected by whiteness. Believe me, I know, whiteness as a system of domination has been weaponized in many ways against many groups of people.

This includes Asians.
Tim Wise opens his book with a fantasy. He imagines a typical 4th of July scene where the town is decked with red, white, and blue. Marching bands. Hot dogs. Fireworks. And he goes up to the biggest, baddest, most patriotic white guy he can find and tells him to “get over it.” He says, “that was so long ago, why are you even bothering to celebrate?” Wise can only assume that if the big bad white guy didn’t punch him, he would at least get super defensive and yell at Tim about the United States being the greatest country on the Earth and “how dare you say anything different?”

Wise goes on to say the same white people who venerate the founding fathers also want Black people to “get over” slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, lynching, and 450 years of discrimination.

We, white people, are only about “getting over” history that makes us uncomfortable. We want to enshrine the other stuff.

Cool story brah.
How has a lifetime of hatred toward White people and Asians benefited the OP? He calls me a Racist because he can't understand why a White man would care more about poor Black Americans than he does. BTW Serenity Broughton (my Avatar) would be about 9 years old today had she not been murdered in her car seat by a drug gang banger. Sadly Chicago elected another Black Racist as Mayor, so there are sure to be many more Serenity Broughtons murdered before their 18th birthday.
The problem, IM2, is that you drive people away with your hostility.

When I mentioned I had a black girlfriend, you said I was getting some "black pussy."

Why should I bother with you?
The problem, IM2, is that you drive people away with your hostility.

When I mentioned I had a black girlfriend, you said I was getting some "black pussy."

Why should I bother with you?

I don't recall saying that and here you are using a classic white racist tactic. You ignore the hostility and racism of whites, participate in it, then try telling a black person how wrong they are about being hostile to whites practicing hostility.
Have you ever had a moment in you life when you say something to your child, almost automatically, and realize that you've just become your parent? Cultural norms and set behaviors are passed from generation to generation almost on an unconscious level. So it's no wonder that some people do not recognized or understand all their unconscious behaviors or where they came from. I believe we are getting less racist and less prejudice with every generation. At least I hope so.
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Have you ever had a moment in you life when you say something to your child, almost automatically, and realize that you've just become your parent? Cultural norms and set behaviors are passed from generation to generation almost on an unconscious level. So it's no wonder that some people do not recognized or understand all their unconscious behaviors or where they came from. I believe we are getting less racist and less prejudice with every generation. At least I hope so.
I think racism is done differently now, but I do see some light in the upcoming generations.
I don't recall saying that and here you are using a classic white racist tactic. You ignore the hostility and racism of whites, participate in it, then try telling a black person how wrong they are about being hostile to whites practicing hostility.
On Jul 29, 2022, you posted:

You're retired, that explains it.

You should do something productive. Use all this writing talent and write a book.

How about you do something productive? Instead of trying to brag because you say you get some black pussy, go into the white community and work to reduce white racism.

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