White Male Voter: Why Do I Have to Change?


May 23, 2014
Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.
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Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.

Yes, you probably don't want anyone to tell you that you are fat, either. You just want to feel good about yourself. We get that.
Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.

I don’t think I have to change at all considering Victory in World War Two.Six uncles got their ass shot off by Nazis and Japs. Have two brothers, blood brothers, and we all served in the military because it was the right thing to do. Even after our uncles and cousins came back from Korea and Vietnam. You did it. Was you scared? Goddamn right you was. But you did it anyway. All I ask of my President and my country is to bring those jobs back. The jobs we dreamed over with camp fires and guns in the Middle East East. We all talked about going home. Getting a job working st the steelmill, or assembly line. But hard work to build a home. Oh,fuck-itI forgot my white privileged status. Everything was given to me.
Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.

Yes, you probably don't want anyone to tell you that you are fat, either. You just want to feel good about yourself. We get that.

White males founded this country and set the framework to make it the greatest country in the world. White males stopped the practice of slavery. I look around the globe and see more poverty, slavery, torture, human trafficking, zero tolerance for women and gays rights....mostly in countries run by non-white men. Comparatively speaking, White males have a lot to feel good about themselves.
I don’t think I have to change at all considering Victory in World War Two.Six uncles got their ass shot off by Nazis and Japs. Have two brothers, blood brothers, and we all served in the military because it was the right thing to do.

Or they were drafted... but never mind. Why do you get a pass because of what other people did that was totally unrelated to the problems we have.

All I ask of my President and my country is to bring those jobs back.The jobs we dreamed over with camp fires and guns in the Middle East East. We all talked about going home. Getting a job working st the steelmill, or assembly line.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Those jobs are gone, not because some other country stole them, but because they found a machine that can do those jobs better, faster and with higher quality.

When I was growing up, we had an American Made TV set. A Zenith, I think. Tubes burned out on it on a regular basis, and I had to run down to the corner store and test them on a tube tester. The TV repair guy came over on a regular basis.

NOW- In 1990, I bought a Toshiba TV. It didn't burn out until about 2011. I just bought a new one, probably should have chucked out the extra money for a wide screen but I didn't. That one still runs today, but I finally got rid of it this year, not because it stopped working, but because so many shows are in HD, wide screen format you really can't watch them on a regular tv anymore.

But we all look romantically on the "Good old days" of three channels on a TV that didn't work half the time like this was something great.

But hard work to build a home. Oh,fuck-itI forgot my white privileged status. Everything was given to me.

You see, this is where you are a little confused. The reason why your forbears had those things is because when they got back from WWII, they had a union that made sure they had a good job, and they had a government that had their backs instead of the backs of rich folks. Yes, being white also helped... being white is still the e-ticket in America.

It also helped that at least initially, after the war, everyone else's economies were in ruins and it would take them decades to catch up.

The ironic thing is that it isn't minorities that are "screwing" you. They have it worse than you do. The people who screwed you were other white males with more money and power.
Why, as a white male voter, am I constantly asked to change my political or societal beliefs, but no one ask other groups to give an inch? Why am I being asked to abandon the greatest nation God has ever created so some dipshit Democrats can go on the floor of the House of Representatives and say the most vile things about our country? Unbelievable.

Yes, you probably don't want anyone to tell you that you are fat, either. You just want to feel good about yourself. We get that.
I would not only run circles around you, I would also beat your ass man to man. I love you gym rats. Man, I would fuck you up.
White males founded this country and set the framework to make it the greatest country in the world.

Um, yeah, if you ignore the slavery and the genocide of Native Americans, um, yeah.

White males stopped the practice of slavery.

So? We were the last country to get rid of the practice... or almost the last.

I look around the globe and see more poverty, slavery, torture, human trafficking, zero tolerance for women and gays rights....mostly in countries run by non-white men. Comparatively speaking, White males have a lot to feel good about themselves.

If you are having to look down on other people to feel better about yourself, you have serious self-esteem problems.

At least the Ironically named Bush-92 (who doesn't realize the role his AVI played in his plight) understands that something has been lost for him. He just doesn't understand who took it from him.
My boxing coach was a black man.Fought pro but the mob made him take falls. The guy that put my mouthpiece into my face and mopped my head with a towel? The one thing, above all other things, what this man taught me was “You only get out of it, what you put into it.” Hard work will get you by. That’s a definite. No room for pussies in the real world. Just saying.
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I don’t think I have to change at all considering Victory in World War Two.Six uncles got their ass shot off by Nazis and Japs. Have two brothers, blood brothers, and we all served in the military because it was the right thing to do.

Or they were drafted... but never mind. Why do you get a pass because of what other people did that was totally unrelated to the problems we have.

All I ask of my President and my country is to bring those jobs back.The jobs we dreamed over with camp fires and guns in the Middle East East. We all talked about going home. Getting a job working st the steelmill, or assembly line.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Those jobs are gone, not because some other country stole them, but because they found a machine that can do those jobs better, faster and with higher quality.

When I was growing up, we had an American Made TV set. A Zenith, I think. Tubes burned out on it on a regular basis, and I had to run down to the corner store and test them on a tube tester. The TV repair guy came over on a regular basis.

NOW- In 1990, I bought a Toshiba TV. It didn't burn out until about 2011. I just bought a new one, probably should have chucked out the extra money for a wide screen but I didn't. That one still runs today, but I finally got rid of it this year, not because it stopped working, but because so many shows are in HD, wide screen format you really can't watch them on a regular tv anymore.

But we all look romantically on the "Good old days" of three channels on a TV that didn't work half the time like this was something great.

But hard work to build a home. Oh,fuck-itI forgot my white privileged status. Everything was given to me.

You see, this is where you are a little confused. The reason why your forbears had those things is because when they got back from WWII, they had a union that made sure they had a good job, and they had a government that had their backs instead of the backs of rich folks. Yes, being white also helped... being white is still the e-ticket in America.

It also helped that at least initially, after the war, everyone else's economies were in ruins and it would take them decades to catch up.

The ironic thing is that it isn't minorities that are "screwing" you. They have it worse than you do. The people who screwed you were other white males with more money and power.
White people have it worse today than anyone has ever had it since slavery was legal.

"White privilege" is nothing but a bullshit concept created by the very institutions that supposedly give preference to white people. Black people have no fucking clue what it is like to have an entire side of the political spectrum entirely dedicated to destroying their culture and identity, neither do they know what it is like to have 24/7 media talking shit about them or to be forced to send their children to schools where they will be bullied and attacked because of their race while the perpetrators are the ones protected by the school system.
White males founded this country and set the framework to make it the greatest country in the world.

Um, yeah, if you ignore the slavery and the genocide of Native Americans, um, yeah.

White males stopped the practice of slavery.

So? We were the last country to get rid of the practice... or almost the last.

I look around the globe and see more poverty, slavery, torture, human trafficking, zero tolerance for women and gays rights....mostly in countries run by non-white men. Comparatively speaking, White males have a lot to feel good about themselves.

If you are having to look down on other people to feel better about yourself, you have serious self-esteem problems.

At least the Ironically named Bush-92 (who doesn't realize the role his AVI played in his plight) understands that something has been lost for him. He just doesn't understand who took it from him.

Slavery is alive and well in non-white cultures today. Not sure where you are getting the “we were one of the last countries to get rid of slavery”.

I am not looking down on anybody..... I am just calling bullshit on the notion that white males need to be brought down.
Y boxing coach was a black man. The guy that put my mouthpiece into my face And mopped my head with a towel. The one thing, Above all other things, what this man taught me was “You only get out of it, what you put into it.” Hard work will get you by. That’s a definite. No room for pussies in the real world. Just saying.

Yeah, you totally missed my point, didn't you?

Afraid it did.

Man, I totally understand where you are coming from. You look back at a romanticized "Good old days" of virtue, not realizing that 1) They weren't as awesome as you remember and 2) the reason for them are the very things your political heroes dismantled.
Slavery is alive and well in non-white cultures today. Not sure where you are getting the “we were one of the last countries to get rid of slavery”.

I am not looking down on anybody..... I am just calling bullshit on the notion that white males need to be brought down.

How is asking you to be a decent person bringing you down?

If I actually though there was a God, (there isn't) I would be thanking him every day I was born a white male in this country.

But you still can look at the racial inequities in this country and say, "Yeah, we need to work on that."
Slavery is alive and well in non-white cultures today. Not sure where you are getting the “we were one of the last countries to get rid of slavery”.

I am not looking down on anybody..... I am just calling bullshit on the notion that white males need to be brought down.

How is asking you to be a decent person bringing you down?

If I actually though there was a God, (there isn't) I would be thanking him every day I was born a white male in this country.

But you still can look at the racial inequities in this country and say, "Yeah, we need to work on that."
You are a boomer or possibly even older, you have no clue what life is like for white people today because all your colleagues are also older white people from a completely different time. The most you see of today's America is when you wait in line at the grocery store.
White people have it worse today than anyone has ever had it since slavery was legal.

"White privilege" is nothing but a bullshit concept created by the very institutions that supposedly give preference to white people. Black people have no fucking clue what it is like to have an entire side of the political spectrum entirely dedicated to destroying their culture and identity, neither do they know what it is like to have 24/7 media talking shit about them or to be forced to send their children to schools where they will be bullied and attacked because of their race while the perpetrators are the ones protected by the school system.

Are you still upset about that Swirlie you got in middle school? Let it go, man! Let it go!

Of course, there is white privilege. You only need to look at the unemployment figures by race.


Or incarceration rates.


Or pretty much any other stat.

I also find it amusing that you whine about "White identify", when most white folks gave up their identity a long time ago. No one in my family speaks German anymore. The same can be said for the Italians or Poles or whatever.


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You are a boomer or possibly even older, you have no clue what life is like for white people today because all your colleagues are also older white people from a completely different time. The most you see of today's America is when you wait in line at the grocery store.

Um... okay. Frankly, I look at these Millenials, and I see a lot of people who didn't deal with the adversity I grew up with, but that is nothing compared to the adversity my parents generation had to deal with living through the Great Depression and World War II.

I mean, yes, I've seen I think six recessions in my lifetime, but never went to bed hungry. As opposed to my dad, who was born before the Great Depression started, and he was kind of a smallish man. Had to actually hunt his own food from time to time.

So what horrible thing is being done to you as a white person that makes your life sooo intolerable? Come one, give my your best example.
I don’t think I have to change at all considering Victory in World War Two.Six uncles got their ass shot off by Nazis and Japs. Have two brothers, blood brothers, and we all served in the military because it was the right thing to do.

Or they were drafted... but never mind. Why do you get a pass because of what other people did that was totally unrelated to the problems we have.

All I ask of my President and my country is to bring those jobs back.The jobs we dreamed over with camp fires and guns in the Middle East East. We all talked about going home. Getting a job working st the steelmill, or assembly line.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Those jobs are gone, not because some other country stole them, but because they found a machine that can do those jobs better, faster and with higher quality.

When I was growing up, we had an American Made TV set. A Zenith, I think. Tubes burned out on it on a regular basis, and I had to run down to the corner store and test them on a tube tester. The TV repair guy came over on a regular basis.

NOW- In 1990, I bought a Toshiba TV. It didn't burn out until about 2011. I just bought a new one, probably should have chucked out the extra money for a wide screen but I didn't. That one still runs today, but I finally got rid of it this year, not because it stopped working, but because so many shows are in HD, wide screen format you really can't watch them on a regular tv anymore.

But we all look romantically on the "Good old days" of three channels on a TV that didn't work half the time like this was something great.

But hard work to build a home. Oh,fuck-itI forgot my white privileged status. Everything was given to me.

You see, this is where you are a little confused. The reason why your forbears had those things is because when they got back from WWII, they had a union that made sure they had a good job, and they had a government that had their backs instead of the backs of rich folks. Yes, being white also helped... being white is still the e-ticket in America.

It also helped that at least initially, after the war, everyone else's economies were in ruins and it would take them decades to catch up.

The ironic thing is that it isn't minorities that are "screwing" you. They have it worse than you do. The people who screwed you were other white males with more money and power.
Ah ye, those minorites.. They have it so worse. The difference between them an you Joe? They actually did something with their lives given to them by God, not some liberal who decided not to kill them or not. Also, they used their talents to the best of their abilities Joe, something you dont seem to find, or worse just to lazy to find. So continue to bitch and moan Joe, because you deserve to be worthless and poor. I used to feel sorry for assholes like you, but not any more, you vote for the very people who keep you poor.

These poor, poor, minorities, dont you feel sorry for their oppression?

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Ah ye, those minorites.. They have it so worse. The difference between them an you Joe? They actually did something with their lives given to them by God, not some liberal who decided not to kill them or not. Also, they used their talents to the best of their abilities Joe, something you dont seem to find, or worse just to lazy to find. So continue to bitch and moan Joe, because you deserve to be worthless and poor. I used to feel sorry for assholes like you, but not any more, you vote for the very people who keep you poor.

Again, make really good money and own two properties... but never mind... this wasn't about me.

This was about the OP being whiny because they are picking on him for being a white male.

I also find it funny because you were trained by the government and work government contracts for the Military Industrial Complex, but you whine about other people being on the government teet?

Too fucking funny. It's like a call-girl calling a streetwalker a whore.

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