White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

AGAIN... we are getting so far off base of the thread topic.."White Guilt.. only reason.." but this trying by Obama-acolytes to deflect from the reason THEY voted for Obama i.e. anything but the topic.. they voted out of GUILT that they couldn't find a REASON to vote for him and the ONLY reason to vote against him would be he is black was so debauching of their pompous moral high ground they HAD to vote simply because they would think themselves RACIST if they didn't vote for him!

Again.. this so typified the Obama-acolytes lack of knowledge of Obama that the rest of us NON-Hating critics of Obama knew.
For example regarding Obama's stand on abortion...

"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals.
But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. "
Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby

Obama not for ONE moment considered his words carefully..."punished with a baby"?

I understand what Obama was saying but if his daughters make a "mistake" it would be because HE FAILED in teaching them the principles of
values and morals!
Most of us intelligent people took that statement made in his campaign as pandering to the voters and not one of principle... AND if it was of "principle"
certainly wasn't the principle I adhere to regarding "punished with a baby"!

Life is a gift. A baby is a gift. It is not "punishment"!

But when people of Obama's ilk consider "pregnancy as a punishment"... sorry that is just one more reason I couldn't vote for Obama among MANY!

You don't as a parent consider a baby as a punishment. It becomes a responsibility for all parties concerned.
NOW let me be clear!
I am NOT against abortions when it comes to A) rape.. B) health of the mother.. C) incest... all moral justified in my mind.
But abortions on demand just to keep someone from being "punished" for a mistake in judgement???

Sad indictment of Obama's principles.
you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!

--- this from the guy who created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.

Oh the irony.
I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.

Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more
The REPs got 47% of the vote last election. That's not half but it's close. 93% of Blacks who voted voted for Bobo. That's almost as high a percentage as Ed Schultz gets on his daily "Who do you think are the most horrible people in the country? Progressives or those women hating Republicans?". LOL
If the Blacks would ever have the collective IQ to understand that the LIBs must keep the Blacks on the dependancy plantation in order to stay in power. But they don't and they will never. They are a generation away from being permanently marginalized as a race world wide.
Yeah, implying that blacks are stupid is a sure way to win them over. Keep it up! :rofl::lmao:
more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.
Oh the irony!

You condemn someone for talking point lies and then parrot the latest Right-wing-nut talking point lie.

the MSM has been reporting it, are you saying the left wing media is lying?
nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.
Oh the irony!

You condemn someone for talking point lies and then parrot the latest Right-wing-nut talking point lie.

the MSM has been reporting it, are you saying the left wing media is lying?
No, YOU are lying!

The little sissy Alice Jones is not MSM!
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

How can someone post such a comment and upon reflection not wonder if he or she needs therapy? Even haters must have some doubts about their emotional state, unless of course the hate and fear they hold is based on severe psychological disease.

Was the emoticon(s) added to mitigate his/hear fear that others might wonder about his/her mental condition?

There is a mental disorder in play here – a bizarre hyper-partisanism where those on the extreme right invest their personal selves in that of republican candidates and policies, where when the voters reject those candidates and policies, the hyper-partisan rightist will perceive that he has been personally rejected, told he is wrong, thus undermining his self-esteem.

Unwilling and unable to accept the fact that his candidate lost, and that the majority of the people rejected the republican agenda, the hyper-partisan rightist will desperately seek out some mythical ‘explanation’ as to the cause of the loss: the voters are ‘stupid,’ the ‘liberal media,’ ‘voter fraud,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white guilt,’ ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘and ‘free stuff,’ are but a few of the inane excuses most on the partisan right contrive to assuage their perception of personal loss.
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

How can someone post such a comment and upon reflection not wonder if he or she needs therapy? Even haters must have some doubts about their emotional state, unless of course the hate and fear they hold is based on severe psychological disease.

Was the emoticon(s) added to mitigate his/hear fear that others might wonder about his/her mental condition?

There is a mental disorder in play here – a bizarre hyper-partisanism where those on the extreme right invest their personal selves in that of republican candidates and policies, where when the voters reject those candidates and policies, the hyper-partisan rightist will perceive that he has been personally rejected, told he is wrong, thus undermining his self-esteem.

Unwilling and unable to accept the fact that his candidate lost, and that the majority of the people rejected the republican agenda, the hyper-partisan rightist will desperately seek out some mythical ‘explanation’ as to the cause of the loss: the voters are ‘stupid,’ the ‘liberal media,’ ‘voter fraud,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white guilt,’ ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘and ‘free stuff,’ are but a few of the inane excuses most on the partisan right contrive to assuage their perception of personal loss.

Romney lost because he refused to go on attack against obama and his failures and lies, he lost because he chose the high road. He also lost because most of the media was helping obama, can you honestly say that Candy Crowley was an unbiased mediator?

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be much better off today if he had won. But he lost, the people chose another 4 years of obama. We get that.

But we will never stop reminding you fools of obama's failures and lies, NEVER.
You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!

--- this from the guy who created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.

Oh the irony.

Yes I did. Because unlike you I'm open to discussing ANY issue that has a bearing on my life!
Obama is left handed just as I am.
In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.
Muslim (262) narrated that Salmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: He (meaning the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) forbade any one of us to clean himself with his right hand.

Salim (Radi Allah Anhu), on the authority of his father, reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand). Nafi' has made this addition in that:" Do not take up anything with that (left hand) and do not give anything with that."
[Sahih Muslim: Volume 3, Book 23, Number 5010]

Muslim Home School in America: Satan Eats And Drinks With His Left Hand

So given the rigid adherence to rules by most Muslims and given the level of their intelligence services, it would NOT be a surprise to learn that
A) Obama being left handed and as MOST handed people do wipe themselves with their RIGHT hand..
B) Maybe with the Muslims' intelligence services' techniques Muslim leaders KNOW Obama wipes with his RIGHT hand
Conclusion they won't shake his RIGHT hand because it is UNCLEAN to them.. and maybe even more fundamentally if he eats with his left hand..
per these Muslim leaders... he is the devil...
How can someone post such a comment and upon reflection not wonder if he or she needs therapy? Even haters must have some doubts about their emotional state, unless of course the hate and fear they hold is based on severe psychological disease.

Was the emoticon(s) added to mitigate his/hear fear that others might wonder about his/her mental condition?

There is a mental disorder in play here – a bizarre hyper-partisanism where those on the extreme right invest their personal selves in that of republican candidates and policies, where when the voters reject those candidates and policies, the hyper-partisan rightist will perceive that he has been personally rejected, told he is wrong, thus undermining his self-esteem.

Unwilling and unable to accept the fact that his candidate lost, and that the majority of the people rejected the republican agenda, the hyper-partisan rightist will desperately seek out some mythical ‘explanation’ as to the cause of the loss: the voters are ‘stupid,’ the ‘liberal media,’ ‘voter fraud,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white guilt,’ ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘and ‘free stuff,’ are but a few of the inane excuses most on the partisan right contrive to assuage their perception of personal loss.

Romney lost because he refused to go on attack against obama and his failures and lies, he lost because he chose the high road. He also lost because most of the media was helping obama, can you honestly say that Candy Crowley was an unbiased mediator?

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be much better off today if he had won. But he lost, the people chose another 4 years of obama. We get that.

But we will never stop reminding you fools of obama's failures and lies, NEVER.

The "high road" like ---- lying about Jeep moving to China?

That one cost him both Ohio (where Jeep jobs were expanding) and his birth state of Michigan (where ditto).

Interesting comparison was 2012 though -- some of y'all whine constantly about O'bama's "lack of experience", yet Romney with all of four years experience in any kind of government would have been the third least experienced POTUS in history.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
There is a mental disorder in play here – a bizarre hyper-partisanism where those on the extreme right invest their personal selves in that of republican candidates and policies, where when the voters reject those candidates and policies, the hyper-partisan rightist will perceive that he has been personally rejected, told he is wrong, thus undermining his self-esteem.

Unwilling and unable to accept the fact that his candidate lost, and that the majority of the people rejected the republican agenda, the hyper-partisan rightist will desperately seek out some mythical ‘explanation’ as to the cause of the loss: the voters are ‘stupid,’ the ‘liberal media,’ ‘voter fraud,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white guilt,’ ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘and ‘free stuff,’ are but a few of the inane excuses most on the partisan right contrive to assuage their perception of personal loss.

Romney lost because he refused to go on attack against obama and his failures and lies, he lost because he chose the high road. He also lost because most of the media was helping obama, can you honestly say that Candy Crowley was an unbiased mediator?

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be much better off today if he had won. But he lost, the people chose another 4 years of obama. We get that.

But we will never stop reminding you fools of obama's failures and lies, NEVER.

The "high road" like ---- lying about Jeep moving to China?

That one cost him both Ohio (where Jeep jobs were expanding) and his birth state of Michigan (where ditto).

Interesting comparison was 2012 though -- some of y'all whine constantly about O'bama's "lack of experience", yet Romney with all of four years experience in any kind of government would have been the third least experienced POTUS in history.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Jeeps are being made in China today.

your head is so far up obama's ass that you can probably see out his nostrils.

your blind obedience is commendable, but quite stupid.
you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!
In fact there are VERY few intelligent people that have the word "hate" in their vocabulary and I guess that leaves you out!
Obama is NOT HATED.
He is incompetent. He was voted in by uninformed people that for the MOST part are grabbers and not givers.
He appeals to people with lower intelligence and people that don't understand that one of the characteristics of any person applying for a job is
EXPERIENCE. Since most people obviously like you and 44% of Whites in 2008 KNEW nothing about Obama's lack of experience specifically in
the executive area, i.e. never was a governor. Obama worked ONLY for organizations that depended on his begging skills... i.e. non-profits (that depended on those evil money grabbing philanthropists like Walter Annenberg).

But hopefully you will abandon that really cliched out of date concept known as "hate" in your limited thinking and vocabulary.
Not only is it very inaccurate especially regarding Obama but it shows a real dearth of any defense of Obama's agenda.
In words of the English language children's rhyme... "Sticks and stones may break my bones. But names will never harm me"

Of course not, one can’t ‘hate’ someone he’s never met and doesn’t know.

Which makes even more ridiculous those on the right who say that they ‘hate’ Obama.

But you are the typical blind, hyper-partisan rightist, the inane and failed premise of your thread is proof of that, along with your inability to accept that fact and continued efforts to somehow ‘mitigate’ Obama’s victories this long after both elections.

It’s in fact rather sad.

The president was elected and reelected because the voters rejected the republican candidates and their policies, having nothing to do with ‘white guilt.’
And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!

--- this from the guy who created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.

Oh the irony.

Yes I did. Because unlike you I'm open to discussing ANY issue that has a bearing on my life!
Obama is left handed just as I am.
In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.
Muslim (262) narrated that Salmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: He (meaning the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) forbade any one of us to clean himself with his right hand.

Salim (Radi Allah Anhu), on the authority of his father, reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand). Nafi' has made this addition in that:" Do not take up anything with that (left hand) and do not give anything with that."
[Sahih Muslim: Volume 3, Book 23, Number 5010]

Muslim Home School in America: Satan Eats And Drinks With His Left Hand

So given the rigid adherence to rules by most Muslims and given the level of their intelligence services, it would NOT be a surprise to learn that
A) Obama being left handed and as MOST handed people do wipe themselves with their RIGHT hand..
B) Maybe with the Muslims' intelligence services' techniques Muslim leaders KNOW Obama wipes with his RIGHT hand
Conclusion they won't shake his RIGHT hand because it is UNCLEAN to them.. and maybe even more fundamentally if he eats with his left hand..
per these Muslim leaders... he is the devil...


He not only admits to it, he doubles down. But it doesn't mean "hate" -- even though the rest of that post was all about personal stuff.

So here again I'll pose the same question I put to you before that you valiantly ran away from:

How does your theory of Presidential Excrement Administration Brings Rancorous Islamic Neighbors ("PEABRAIN") apply to:

George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford

----- ALL of whom were/are lefthanded?

Was the Islamic World (thinking in lockstep of course, as all people do /sarc) happy that Al Gore, John Kerry and Ross Perot didn't get the position? Because they're all lefthanded too...

Please, don't come back this time with something about English being derived from Latin. K?
Romney lost because he refused to go on attack against obama and his failures and lies, he lost because he chose the high road. He also lost because most of the media was helping obama, can you honestly say that Candy Crowley was an unbiased mediator?

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be much better off today if he had won. But he lost, the people chose another 4 years of obama. We get that.

But we will never stop reminding you fools of obama's failures and lies, NEVER.

The "high road" like ---- lying about Jeep moving to China?

That one cost him both Ohio (where Jeep jobs were expanding) and his birth state of Michigan (where ditto).

Interesting comparison was 2012 though -- some of y'all whine constantly about O'bama's "lack of experience", yet Romney with all of four years experience in any kind of government would have been the third least experienced POTUS in history.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Jeeps are being made in China today.

your head is so far up obama's ass that you can probably see out his nostrils.

your blind obedience is commendable, but quite stupid.

Jeeps have been made in China since 1984, dumbass. Now it's possible you didn't know that; I had to look it up myself.

But you know who DID know that?

Who started building Jeeps in China in 1984? American Motors. The company that George Romney -- Mitt's Dad -- was the CEO of.

They make cars for foreign markets like everybody does, including Japanese and European makers do here. But none of them moved to another country to do it, nor did Chrysler ever say that. But Mittens did.

You remember George Romney? The first political candidate to release his own income tax returns? Oh wait, touchy subject....

Now then...

Explain this:
your head is so far up obama's ass that you can probably see out his nostrils.

Where have I even posted about O'bama?

Making asssssssssumptions again? Did we learn nothing so far?
Last edited:
--- this from the guy who created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.

Oh the irony.

Yes I did. Because unlike you I'm open to discussing ANY issue that has a bearing on my life!
Obama is left handed just as I am.
In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.
Muslim (262) narrated that Salmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: He (meaning the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) forbade any one of us to clean himself with his right hand.

Salim (Radi Allah Anhu), on the authority of his father, reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand). Nafi' has made this addition in that:" Do not take up anything with that (left hand) and do not give anything with that."
[Sahih Muslim: Volume 3, Book 23, Number 5010]

Muslim Home School in America: Satan Eats And Drinks With His Left Hand

So given the rigid adherence to rules by most Muslims and given the level of their intelligence services, it would NOT be a surprise to learn that
A) Obama being left handed and as MOST handed people do wipe themselves with their RIGHT hand..
B) Maybe with the Muslims' intelligence services' techniques Muslim leaders KNOW Obama wipes with his RIGHT hand
Conclusion they won't shake his RIGHT hand because it is UNCLEAN to them.. and maybe even more fundamentally if he eats with his left hand..
per these Muslim leaders... he is the devil...


He not only admits to it, he doubles down. But it doesn't mean "hate" -- even though the rest of that post was all about personal stuff.

So here again I'll pose the same question I put to you before that you valiantly ran away from:

How does your theory of Presidential Excrement Administration Brings Rancorous Islamic Neighbors ("PEABRAIN") apply to:

George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford

----- ALL of whom were/are lefthanded?

Was the Islamic World (thinking in lockstep of course, as all people do /sarc) happy that Al Gore, John Kerry and Ross Perot didn't get the position? Because they're all lefthanded too...

Please, don't come back this time with something about English being derived from Latin. K?

what was said about islam and which hand to use for which functions is correct, having lived and worked in muslim countries I am guite aware that you do not hand a person anything with your left hand, you also do not show the bottoms of your feet or shoes and you do not touch a muslim woman unless you are married to her. Even if a woman falls down, you do not touch her to help her up. Its a crazy religion but what was said about the hands is accurate.

I don't know why a disproportionate number of presidents and candidates are left handed. maybe from slinging so much shit :D
the MSM has been reporting it, are you saying the left wing media is lying?
No, YOU are lying!

The little sissy Alice Jones is not MSM!

Harry Reid's Son Representing Chinese Solar Panel Plant in $5 Billion Nevada Deal
BigotBarf is not the MSM either, but even BigotBarf debunks the Chinese solar panel deal conspiracy!!!!! Laughtin Nevada is over 100 miles away from the Welfare Cowboy's farm in Bunkerville, Nevada. Furthermore the deal was CANCELLED a year ago!!!

The Saga of Bundy Ranch--Federal Power, Rule of Law and Averting Potential Bloodshed

Despite the obvious partisan gain to be had if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s son Rory (a failed 2010 Nevada gubernatorial candidate) had somehow been involved in a “land grab” affecting the Bundy family ranch operation—the facts just do not pan out as such. Indeed, Rory Reid did in fact have a hand in plans to reclassify federal lands for renewable energy developments. Just northeast of Las Vegas and Nellis Air Force Base, plans were drawn by Reid allies to potentially develop 5,717 acres of land for such use. While it would be fair to claim that such activity was in Bundy’s relative neighborhood, the federal lands once leased by the family were more than 20 miles away, east of Overton, Nevada. Contrasting maps offered by InfoWars and those entered into federal court record prove such a theory to be a stretch.
BigotBarf is not the MSM either, but even BigotBarf debunks the Chinese solar panel deal conspiracy!!!!! Laughtin Nevada is over 100 miles away from the Welfare Cowboy's farm in Bunkerville, Nevada. Furthermore the deal was CANCELLED a year ago!!!

The Saga of Bundy Ranch--Federal Power, Rule of Law and Averting Potential Bloodshed

Despite the obvious partisan gain to be had if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s son Rory (a failed 2010 Nevada gubernatorial candidate) had somehow been involved in a “land grab” affecting the Bundy family ranch operation—the facts just do not pan out as such. Indeed, Rory Reid did in fact have a hand in plans to reclassify federal lands for renewable energy developments. Just northeast of Las Vegas and Nellis Air Force Base, plans were drawn by Reid allies to potentially develop 5,717 acres of land for such use. While it would be fair to claim that such activity was in Bundy’s relative neighborhood, the federal lands once leased by the family were more than 20 miles away, east of Overton, Nevada. Contrasting maps offered by InfoWars and those entered into federal court record prove such a theory to be a stretch.

Has Reid filed a slander lawsuit against Breitbart? No? wonder why. :eusa_whistle:
How can someone post such a comment and upon reflection not wonder if he or she needs therapy? Even haters must have some doubts about their emotional state, unless of course the hate and fear they hold is based on severe psychological disease.

Was the emoticon(s) added to mitigate his/hear fear that others might wonder about his/her mental condition?

There is a mental disorder in play here – a bizarre hyper-partisanism where those on the extreme right invest their personal selves in that of republican candidates and policies, where when the voters reject those candidates and policies, the hyper-partisan rightist will perceive that he has been personally rejected, told he is wrong, thus undermining his self-esteem.

Unwilling and unable to accept the fact that his candidate lost, and that the majority of the people rejected the republican agenda, the hyper-partisan rightist will desperately seek out some mythical ‘explanation’ as to the cause of the loss: the voters are ‘stupid,’ the ‘liberal media,’ ‘voter fraud,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white guilt,’ ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘and ‘free stuff,’ are but a few of the inane excuses most on the partisan right contrive to assuage their perception of personal loss.

Romney lost because he refused to go on attack against obama and his failures and lies, he lost because he chose the high road. He also lost because most of the media was helping obama, can you honestly say that Candy Crowley was an unbiased mediator?

Romney would have been a very good president and the country would be much better off today if he had won. But he lost, the people chose another 4 years of obama. We get that.

But we will never stop reminding you fools of obama's failures and lies, NEVER.

Romney lost because he ran a poor campaign, was a poor candidate, and had a social conservative albatross around his neck.

Romney lost because the president ran the better campaign, the Ohio strategy in particular where the election apparatus became the reelection apparatus, and likely Obama voters gotten to the polls in sufficient numbers; in fact, the president won reelection the old fashioned way: he successfully got out the vote.

And Romney lost because he followed the ham sandwich strategy that any republican presidential candidate with a pulse could beat Obama – Romney was a victim of the very myth he thought would win him the election.
BigotBarf is not the MSM either, but even BigotBarf debunks the Chinese solar panel deal conspiracy!!!!! Laughtin Nevada is over 100 miles away from the Welfare Cowboy's farm in Bunkerville, Nevada. Furthermore the deal was CANCELLED a year ago!!!

The Saga of Bundy Ranch--Federal Power, Rule of Law and Averting Potential Bloodshed

Despite the obvious partisan gain to be had if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s son Rory (a failed 2010 Nevada gubernatorial candidate) had somehow been involved in a “land grab” affecting the Bundy family ranch operation—the facts just do not pan out as such. Indeed, Rory Reid did in fact have a hand in plans to reclassify federal lands for renewable energy developments. Just northeast of Las Vegas and Nellis Air Force Base, plans were drawn by Reid allies to potentially develop 5,717 acres of land for such use. While it would be fair to claim that such activity was in Bundy’s relative neighborhood, the federal lands once leased by the family were more than 20 miles away, east of Overton, Nevada. Contrasting maps offered by InfoWars and those entered into federal court record prove such a theory to be a stretch.

Has Reid filed a slander lawsuit against Breitbart? No? wonder why. :eusa_whistle:
Damn, you are ignorant!!!

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