Whistleblower Complaint Declassified For Public Release

I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.
Because I know all my leftist buds consume Gerber Baby news, that's been strained of all toxic truth and triggering allergic content :abgg2q.jpg:

I'll provide a link to the confirmation of this law firm's ad blitz to pay people for dirt on the Trump Admin...

DO NOT WHINE about the source being the Wash Examiner... Look up the facts and tell me those law maggots didn't drive ad trucks around D.C. looking for leakers....

Ukraine whistleblower’s lawyers work for group that offers to pay officials who leak against Trump

The anonymous U.S. intelligence official accusing President Trump of improperly pressuring Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is represented by two lawyers who run a group that offers financial help to fired whistleblowers.

Whistleblower Aid was launched in September 2017 — eight months after Trump's inauguration — with an advertising blitz that involved mobile billboards being driven close to the White House, Congress, outside the Pentagon, and around the headquarters of the CIA and National Security Agency.

Remember when "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" was conservatives' standard fare? Those times are gone. They are still thoroughly convinced that Washington is ruled by corrupt crooks, but whenever corruption is being exposed, they come down on the side of secrecy.

So, here's the Trump-hating guy with the ad trucks...

Bakaj, the official’s lead attorney, is a himself a former intelligence community whistleblower. While working as an attorney at the CIA inspector general’s office in 2014, Bakaj reported an apparent cover-up to the intelligence community’s inspector general and then faced retaliation and an administrative suspension. He and Zaid are listed as being "of counsel" at each others’ law firms.​

... exposing dirt during the Obama administration, and facing retaliation because of it.

But yeah, the Washington Examiner orders Righties to hyperventilate, and sure enough, there is going to be spluttering apoplexy all around. When, in fact, even if we believe every bit of story telling in that article, there is noting untoward in there, other than a genuine effort to help expose government corruption, and those who face retaliation over it, in particular. Okay, you got them on ad trucks. Those things are really, really, evil.
Why wouldn’t Don want a bullshit transcript, of a phone call he knew was being recorded to be released? They have been butt hurt [emoji24] and talking impeachment since the day he took office. This nonsense has nothing to do with that, and will continue indefinitely.
Not a big fan of research, are you?

No POTUS calls are recorded. Not since Nixon.

Calls are officially transcribed time by 2 professionals, not political appointees in real time. Overseas calls are most likely CIA personnel.

It is impossible to have a conspiracy of people large enough to fake a transcript unless a bunch of people are murdered.

Gross up and try again.

The calls are not recorded by us, but you can’t be naive enough to think that they aren’t being recorded.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Impeach the bastard
  • Ukrainian officials understood that President Donald Trump would only speak to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a July phone call if Zelensky agreed to discuss investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, ABC News reported.
  • "It was clear that Trump will only have communications if they will discuss the Biden case," Serhiy Leshchenko, an anticorruption advocate and adviser to Zelensky, told the outlet. "This issue was raised many times. I know that Ukrainian officials understood."
  • The White House released notes of the call on Wednesday which confirm that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate Biden ahead of the 2020 election, as well as help discredit the Russia investigation and the former special counsel Robert Mueller.
  • The phone call is at the heart of an explosive whistleblower complaint against Trump that was turned over to Congress on Wednesday.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Impeach the bastard
  • Ukrainian officials understood that President Donald Trump would only speak to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a July phone call if Zelensky agreed to discuss investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, ABC News reported.
  • "It was clear that Trump will only have communications if they will discuss the Biden case," Serhiy Leshchenko, an anticorruption advocate and adviser to Zelensky, told the outlet. "This issue was raised many times. I know that Ukrainian officials understood."
  • The White House released notes of the call on Wednesday which confirm that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate Biden ahead of the 2020 election, as well as help discredit the Russia investigation and the former special counsel Robert Mueller.
  • The phone call is at the heart of an explosive whistleblower complaint against Trump that was turned over to Congress on Wednesday.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Stop wetting your adult diapers over these things. At least make sure they're reusable, it'll make Greta happy.
Washington (CNN)The whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump's communications with Ukraine has been declassified and could be released as soon as Thursday morning, two sources told CNN late Wednesday night.

Whistleblower complaint about Trump declassified and may be released Thursday

Great news! What do you think?

Why is this even news?? EVERYONE (except maybe you) knows 40 times what this "so-called" whistleblower knew.. The guy didn't even have access to the convo and never SHOULD have been briefed on the content of that conversation...

The whistleblower reacted to 3rd party heresay that was PROBABLY a violation of security protocol anyways..

NOTHING will come of this now that the full transcript is out... Except maybe finding another hidden leaker compromising national intel security just to gain political points....

Have you read the complaint?

Don't NEED to.. It's about a document I"VE NOW READ that the whistleblower NEVER had access to...

Also know his lawyer works for a firm that PAYS PEOPLE to come forward with wrongdoings by the Trump Admin.. SOOOOOO... Looks like this "breaking story" is going leave you with just a just another "war scar"...

Are you suggesting that Trump's appointed Republican IG was duped when he said "credible" and "urgent" regarding national security?

Is the IG now a credible figure in your eyes, or is this repeated mantra an appeal to authority?
I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.
it is fake. And you know it.

Your desperation to give value to Pelosis fake impeachment inquiry ic obvious.
I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.
it is fake. And you know it.

Your desperation to give value to Pelosis fake impeachment inquiry ic obvious.
Complaint to be released with minimal redactions.
Well when you have Republicans and Democrats in the Senate vote 100 to 0 to release it, Trump didn’t have much choice.
Trump didn’t see anything wrong with the original transcript memo and so he said go ahead and release it.
That’s because Trump is a criminal and he’s been involved in criminal activity for so many years that he doesn’t recognize what a crime is.
I watched Mike Murphy just a while ago on Fox news, a republican strategist, say that he was told by Republicans that if the vote could be a secret 30 GOP senators would vote to impeach Trump
You idiots are so stupid it's hilarious.
Washington (CNN)The whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump's communications with Ukraine has been declassified and could be released as soon as Thursday morning, two sources told CNN late Wednesday night.

Whistleblower complaint about Trump declassified and may be released Thursday

Great news! What do you think?

I think it will be another nothing burger, the IG determined it was motivated by political bias. The asshole bitcher doesn't even have first had knowledge of the events. And the president of Ukraine has already stated there was no pressure put on him to do anything.


No, the IG did NOT determine it was motivated by political bias!. If you have proof otherwise - please provide it.

The IG said the complaint was credible and urgent.

trump said the person has a political bias.
I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.

If asking Ukrainian leaders to "look into" things justifies removal from office... Then there are 3 Dem congress critters and Biden that need to leave as well and face inquisitions.....

Menendez et al -- were DEMANDING a totally POLITICAL favor and threatening to withhold funding...

I'm hoping the swamp creatures get taken out a dozen at time from BOTH your sick and incompetent and arrogant parties....

Hypocrites: Senate Dems Sent Letter Pressuring Ukraine To Investigate Trump In May 2018

Yes, the very same Democrats who are now supposedly aghast that President Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's family corruption, actually sent Ukraine a letter saying "U.S. assistance" was at stake unless the Ukrainian government complied with the bogus special counsel Robert Mueller investigation and conducted their own investigation into the president and his former aid Paul Manafort. Marc Theissen of the Washington Post brought this up yesterday, and after seeing what the president actually said to his call to the newly elected president Volodymyr Zelensky, it looks like the Democrats have nothing but egg on their face.

Here's what Theissen reported Tuesday:

It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?
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I'm CERTAIN Lakhota and Faun are ALL IN FAVOR of removing Menendez, Leahy and Durbin from office as well...

Lakhota Faun YES or NO????

The hypocrisy from both sides is stinking up the entire environment of this nation... POSERS...

And give Schifft an OSCAR for that dramatic fictional fairy tale he made up today... He's sicker than you are....
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