Whistleblower Complaint Declassified For Public Release

Washington (CNN)The whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump's communications with Ukraine has been declassified and could be released as soon as Thursday morning, two sources told CNN late Wednesday night.

Whistleblower complaint about Trump declassified and may be released Thursday

Great news! What do you think?

And that's relevant why?

In 1998 The US and Ukraine signed

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

so assuming that the Demo Rats' allegations are true, why couldn't DJT confer with Ukraine's PM?


This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.

This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Which Law?

This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Which Law?
11 CFR § 110.20

This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Which Law?
11 CFR § 110.20

How so?

Considering that In 1998 The US and Ukraine signed

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters


This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Which Law?
11 CFR § 110.20

How so?

Considering that In 1998 The US and Ukraine signed

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Because trump is asking them to help him eliminate his election rival.

Public Support For Impeachment Grows After Nancy Pelosi Backs Inquiry

Good news! I expect it to get better.
There isn't even a shadow of a hint of impropriety in this letter. It was public from the get-go, because there is nothing to hide.

Just more blatant hypocrisy then.. Because THEY WROTE OUT a "mafia style threat" to a Ukranian leader which is LESS equivacable than what your tribe wants to instantly IMPEACH a president for...

There's WRONG and there's right.. THis is disgusting abuse of power.. May NOT be criminal but it's a symptom of TOO MUCH POWER in the hands of unscrupulous people...

Those senators SPELLED IT OUT... You won't get your aid if you don't continue to support our phony witch hunt Mueller report... If you don't see that as a problem, go tell your clan to get back to the peoples' business and stop being deranged drama queens and history's greatest hypocrites...
Washington (CNN)The whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump's communications with Ukraine has been declassified and could be released as soon as Thursday morning, two sources told CNN late Wednesday night.

Whistleblower complaint about Trump declassified and may be released Thursday

Great news! What do you think?

I think it will be another nothing burger, the IG determined it was motivated by political bias. The asshole bitcher doesn't even have first had knowledge of the events. And the president of Ukraine has already stated there was no pressure put on him to do anything.


No, the IG did NOT determine it was motivated by political bias!. If you have proof otherwise - please provide it.

The IG said the complaint was credible and urgent.

trump said the person has a political bias.

Evidently the IG didn't bother to read the law. All you have is anonymous leakers, anonymous sourced news reports, all cited by a supposed whistle blower with nothing but second or third hand information. Oh, then you have a chairman of the intelligence committee spinning a fairy tale to open a supposed serious oversight hearing. Also it was the DOJ OLC that said the whistle blower had political bias. You commies just crack me up.

I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.

If asking Ukrainian leaders to "look into" things justifies removal from office... Then there are 3 Dem congress critters and Biden that need to leave as well and face inquisitions.....

Menendez et al -- were DEMANDING a totally POLITICAL favor and threatening to withhold funding...

I'm hoping the swamp creatures get taken out a dozen at time from BOTH your sick and incompetent and arrogant parties....

Hypocrites: Senate Dems Sent Letter Pressuring Ukraine To Investigate Trump In May 2018

Yes, the very same Democrats who are now supposedly aghast that President Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's family corruption, actually sent Ukraine a letter saying "U.S. assistance" was at stake unless the Ukrainian government complied with the bogus special counsel Robert Mueller investigation and conducted their own investigation into the president and his former aid Paul Manafort. Marc Theissen of the Washington Post brought this up yesterday, and after seeing what the president actually said to his call to the newly elected president Volodymyr Zelensky, it looks like the Democrats have nothing but egg on their face.

Here's what Theissen reported Tuesday:

It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?

That's funny... a townhall.com opinion piece referencing a WP opinion piece referencing fake news CNN.


Ok, ok.... your desperation aside.... specifically which law are you claiming Durbin, Leahy & Menendez violated...? Statute number, please.....

18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 41

So IF this sad story of "mafia tactics" on the part of Mendedez, Leahy and Durbin IS shown to be true -- YOU would certainly want them removed from office as well... AMIRITE? Lesh Lakhota

Unlike the frantic rabid partisans, I'll wait for confirmation of any evidence because I DO still believe in evidence and legal process... But I'm pretty sure the MAJORITY of people in Congress ARE compromised by acts that are either illegal or GROSS ABUSE of power..

This nuclear exchange of guilt on BOTH sides could take YEARS to even write about....
Why should they be removed from office when you're incapable of citing a law they broke?

Since these 3 clowns DID DO IT -- I'll leave it up to you and lawyers to determine how high to hang THEM and Trump for doing this...

Dershowitz is one of last real American Civil Libertarians... He was on somewhere last night explaining that the Swamp corruption and misuse of power is SOOO damn bad, that it's hard to determine "illegal" from just "filthy, dirty, and unprincipled... He's right..

But the fucking GROSS HYPOCRISY has to stop NOW ---- or Putin WILL win.....

No statute number means no law was broken.

Thanks for playin'. Be sure to collect your participation trophy on the way out.


Great... Means your wrecking crew in Congress is also wasting everyone's time and making Putin an INCREDIBLY happy and jolly guy helping him to DESTROY the American political system by using the SAME NON-CRIME (if it is) as a premise for impeachment..

You're a troll and judgement is coming -- so you folks yuck it up...

I'm yucking it up real good. At you idiots who can't even support the bullshit you post.

You claim those three should be thrown out of office but you can't even say what law they broke.

Meanwhile, we have a whistleblower who filed a complaint that trump did break a law and the response we get from trump, the president of the United States of America -- was to threaten the whistleblower. Who, thanks to trump, will have to go into hiding if their identity leaks out.

Oh look.... here I am, yucking it up again at your utter failure to find an actual justification for wanting 3 Senators removed from office...


Really, what statutes did the whistle blower cite?


This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Really what law, cite the statute.

This is a lynching.

The Demo Rats are motivated by vengeance. The knowledge that they have 23 lousy candidates and Trump will win by a landslide.

He will nominate Justice Ginsburg' replacement

So the "impeachment investigation" is a sham to remove from office a formidable opponent. Sad.
The president broke law. He brought this upon himself.

Which Law?
11 CFR § 110.20

How so?

Considering that In 1998 The US and Ukraine signed

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Because trump is asking them to help him eliminate his election rival.

Biden doesn't have the commie nomination, his only rivals are the other commies.

There isn't even a shadow of a hint of impropriety in this letter. It was public from the get-go, because there is nothing to hide.

Just more blatant hypocrisy then.. Because THEY WROTE OUT a "mafia style threat" to a Ukranian leader which is LESS equivacable than what your tribe wants to instantly IMPEACH a president for...

There's WRONG and there's right.. THis is disgusting abuse of power.. May NOT be criminal but it's a symptom of TOO MUCH POWER in the hands of unscrupulous people...

Those senators SPELLED IT OUT... You won't get your aid if you don't continue to support our phony witch hunt Mueller report... If you don't see that as a problem, go tell your clan to get back to the peoples' business and stop being deranged drama queens and history's greatest hypocrites...

Extortion is criminal, even for senators.

I applaud and salute Speaker Pelosi for busting the Trump stonewall. Otherwise, we wouldn't know about the Ukraine collusion/extortion or the whistleblower complaint details.
Troll much?

You're a real dumbass if you think Pelosi calling a fake impeachment inquiry caused Trump to release documents proving Democrats are idiots.
It's not fake and trump was refusing to allow the complaint to be released to Congress until Pelosi authorized an impeachment inquiry.

If asking Ukrainian leaders to "look into" things justifies removal from office... Then there are 3 Dem congress critters and Biden that need to leave as well and face inquisitions.....

Menendez et al -- were DEMANDING a totally POLITICAL favor and threatening to withhold funding...

I'm hoping the swamp creatures get taken out a dozen at time from BOTH your sick and incompetent and arrogant parties....

Hypocrites: Senate Dems Sent Letter Pressuring Ukraine To Investigate Trump In May 2018

Yes, the very same Democrats who are now supposedly aghast that President Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's family corruption, actually sent Ukraine a letter saying "U.S. assistance" was at stake unless the Ukrainian government complied with the bogus special counsel Robert Mueller investigation and conducted their own investigation into the president and his former aid Paul Manafort. Marc Theissen of the Washington Post brought this up yesterday, and after seeing what the president actually said to his call to the newly elected president Volodymyr Zelensky, it looks like the Democrats have nothing but egg on their face.

Here's what Theissen reported Tuesday:

It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?

That's funny... a townhall.com opinion piece referencing a WP opinion piece referencing fake news CNN.


Ok, ok.... your desperation aside.... specifically which law are you claiming Durbin, Leahy & Menendez violated...? Statute number, please.....

18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 41

Great, let's see you quote what they state in their letter that amounts to extortion, blackmail, or kickbacks....


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