Which Republican nominee do you side best with?

I would've thought Trump, which was 81%, or Cruz, which was 92%.
I side 95 with Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum? He's a bit too religious for my taste but we matched 95%.

Issues we do not side on...

Do you support the legalization of Marijuana? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No, and increase penalties for all non-violent drug offenders S

You: Yes


Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes


Do you support the adoption of Common Core national educational standards? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

The Environment

Should the United States require labeling of genetically engineered foods? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

The Economy

Should employers be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

Domestic Policy

Should every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes


Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman S

You: Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision
Maybe I should take the test again. Maybe those issues we disagreed on, which I said I didn't really care about, matters more than I thought.

Retook the test, noticed some test areas were larger than I thought and had to click links to bring up additional questions. Thought I'd get a different result this time, especially after changing my opinion what was important to me on it.

I side 88 with Rick Santorum
I like Trump :(

I took the test and got 75% tie with Sanders and Paul... So am I a Socialistic Libertarian?

I side 75 with Bernie Sanders

Candidates you side with...


Bernie Sanders Democrat
on domestic policy, foreign policy, environmental, social, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


Rand Paul Republican
on economic, foreign policy, immigration, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


Marco Rubio Republican
on environmental issues.
compare answers


Hillary Clinton Democrat
on foreign policy and social issues.
compare answers


Jeb Bush Republican
on environmental and education issues.
compare answers


Scott Walker Republican
on economic and environmental issues.
compare answers


Ben Carson Republican
on foreign policy issues.
compare answers


Ted Cruz Republican
no major issues.
compare answers


Donald Trump Republican
no major issues.
compare answers


Carly Fiorina Republican
no major issues.
compare answers
Bernie Sanders 98%... Of course I pretty much knew that before the quiz.
you're an anti American socialist douche and you know it?

well knowing is half the battle

not even close.

but thanks for not denying what I said about you, seems Bernie is rubbing off on the left

Don't you have a "DEFEND TEXAS FROM MILITARY ASSAULT" rally or some other crazy event to be at about now?
Bernie Sanders 98%... Of course I pretty much knew that before the quiz.
you're an anti American socialist douche and you know it?

well knowing is half the battle

not even close.

but thanks for not denying what I said about you, seems Bernie is rubbing off on the left

Don't you have a "DEFEND TEXAS FROM MILITARY ASSAULT" rally or some other crazy event to be at about now?

Don't you need to wipe your ass with the Flag and post it on fb?
I would've thought Trump, which was 81%, or Cruz, which was 92%.
I side 95 with Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum? He's a bit too religious for my taste but we matched 95%.

Issues we do not side on...

Do you support the legalization of Marijuana? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No, and increase penalties for all non-violent drug offenders S

You: Yes


Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes


Do you support the adoption of Common Core national educational standards? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

The Environment

Should the United States require labeling of genetically engineered foods? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

The Economy

Should employers be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes

Domestic Policy

Should every person purchasing a gun be required to pass a criminal and public safety background check? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No S

You: Yes


Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? stats discuss

Rick Santorum: No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman S

You: Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision
Maybe I should take the test again. Maybe those issues we disagreed on, which I said I didn't really care about, matters more than I thought.

Retook the test, noticed some test areas were larger than I thought and had to click links to bring up additional questions. Thought I'd get a different result this time, especially after changing my opinion what was important to me on it.

I side 88 with Rick Santorum
I like Trump :(

I took the test and got 75% tie with Sanders and Paul... So am I a Socialistic Libertarian?

I side 75 with Bernie Sanders

Candidates you side with...


Bernie Sanders Democrat
on domestic policy, foreign policy, environmental, social, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


Rand Paul Republican
on economic, foreign policy, immigration, and healthcare issues.
compare answers


Marco Rubio Republican
on environmental issues.
compare answers


Hillary Clinton Democrat
on foreign policy and social issues.
compare answers


Jeb Bush Republican
on environmental and education issues.
compare answers


Scott Walker Republican
on economic and environmental issues.
compare answers


Ben Carson Republican
on foreign policy issues.
compare answers


Ted Cruz Republican
no major issues.
compare answers


Donald Trump Republican
no major issues.
compare answers


Carly Fiorina Republican
no major issues.
compare answers

Your economics is right leaning. You are a Libertarian!!
Scott Walker for the win! He is the living reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. The very mention of his name has enough force to cause liberals' bowels to empty into their panties and their heads to explode.

The Democrats have nobody that could even stand up to him. They're running the old post-menopausal ratbag liar Hillary Clinton or the confirmed Communist "Burned out" Sanders, using the same old and tired platform that caused the Democrats to lose the House and the Senate in 2012. Ho hum, the Democrats have nothing new to bring to the table but the same old shit of wealth redistribution and class warfare. After enduring two terms of the failed presidency of Barack "His Majesty" Obama, it's time for a refreshing change from the same old crap.

I sincerely hope to see Walker win the presidency on 2016, and I will be doing everything in my power to make it so. He will reverse the disastrous course this country is on, and bring sanity and legitimacy back to the this country. I watched as he kicked the corrupt labor unions to the curb, persevering through the Madison protests, through the occupation of the capitol by a horde of unruly and unkempt anarchists, only to emerge unscathed from the melee.

Make no mistake about it: Walker is a winner. He offers the kind of leadership this country is sorely in need of, and offers no excuses for his straight-forward style of leadership. Liberalism can go fuck itself. We've seen what they have to offer, which is no less than the utter destruction of everything this country stands for. Walker will reverse all that, as he did for the state he governed.

Walker/2016 for the win

All Socialists are destined to end up like this guy...


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