Where were the riots when Barack Obama won


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
We have jobs, responsibility and dignity. Where are the khazir khans driving trucks into people, when you need them
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Interesting how they want to turn us into a socialist nation, but in a socialist nation their rioting would immediately be put down with mass arrests and decades long incarceration, or an easier answer to that type of government, death!
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Obama wasn't threatening American citizens. Apples and oranges.
I wonder why people are not rioting everyday. The west is choking on complacency.
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Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Interesting how they want to turn us into a socialist nation, but in a socialist nation their rioting would immediately be put down with mass arrests and decades long incarceration, or an easier answer to that type of government, death!
True, getting along his way overrated. Agreeing is way overrated.
I don't want to share a bathroom with a bunch of freaks, I don't want to share a restaurant with a bunch of pot smoking yahoos, and I'm sure they don't want to go out and shoot Prairie dogs with me.
Interesting how they want to turn us into a socialist nation, but in a socialist nation their rioting would immediately be put down with mass arrests and decades long incarceration, or an easier answer to that type of government, death!

Socialism is different than authoritarianism, although this is nations cares little for semantics.
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Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Obama wasn't threatening American citizens. Apples and oranges.
Threatening, you call that threatening? What are you some type a pussy? Fuck you ought to just punch yourself in the face 20 times for being such a pussy. Do you remember in kindergarten, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Obama wasn't threatening American citizens. Apples and oranges.
Threatening, you call that threatening? What are you some type a pussy? Fuck you ought to just punch yourself in the face 20 times for being such a pussy. Do you remember in kindergarten, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
^ triggered
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Obama wasn't threatening American citizens. Apples and oranges.
Threatening, you call that threatening? What are you some type a pussy? Fuck you ought to just punch yourself in the face 20 times for being such a pussy. Do you remember in kindergarten, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
^ triggered
Name-calling is never threatening usually that's learned in grade school... lol
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Obama wasn't threatening American citizens. Apples and oranges.
Threatening, you call that threatening? What are you some type a pussy? Fuck you ought to just punch yourself in the face 20 times for being such a pussy. Do you remember in kindergarten, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
^ triggered
Name-calling is never threatening usually that's learned in grade school... lol
Sorry I thought a Presidential candidate saying that certain citizens will have to sign up for religious databases, be subjected to illegal search and seizure, and have their rights taken away is pretty threatening. Hopefully it was all just "name calling."
as opposed to Hillary & what's his name actually wanting & voicing a drone strike against Assange.....
As to the riots, or the lack thereof when Obama took office.........it's because 8 years ago we didn't have such unrest in the country
You elected a loud mouthed asshole that has pissed off every ethnic group in America and energized the white power hate groups, what did you think would happen? Kumbaya? Your man has a lot of walking back to do if he actually wants to be a president for all Americans like he says.
What a crock. Obama threatened Americans every day. He put coal miners out of work. He brought pain and suffering and ruin to millions of American families through Obamacare. He said our daughters had to,share bathrooms with perverts. He said he wasn't getting his way so to hell with the constitution. He made rules of engagement that got our troops killed. He brought division and racial strife. He used the IRS and the justice department to punish conservative Americans. He forced bakers to lose their business because of their beliefs. He called people,who beLieved in trump ignorant. But bigger than anything, obama threatened America, and America rose up and said hell no.

You all just don't get it, and that's the difference between Americans and progressives.
You elected a loud mouthed asshole that has pissed off every ethnic group in America and energized the white power hate groups, what did you think would happen? Kumbaya? Your man has a lot of walking back to do if he actually wants to be a president for all Americans like he says.
Getting along is way overrated
Rioting, burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the govt and assassination of the President because they don't get their way is a 'Liberal' thing.
Rioting, burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the govt and assassination of the President because they don't get their way is a 'Liberal' thing.
No, it's an American thing. Don't hate the first amendment just because people you hate enjoy it's freedoms same as you.
There is no civility in the world of anarchy, no respect for the rule of law.
What is simply appalling is that we hear nothing from the pretender in chief. What is apparent is that this conduct is right out of Alinski's rules for radicals.
So is there any doubt about who and what will be replaced January 20th? He has nothing to say because he only
knows how to lecture and campaign. The con artist has been exposed. His conduct is reminiscent of the occupy movement
except for there isn't any commonality to exploit for political advantage.

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