Where was the US calvery


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Remember what some blind man said about the attack not being 7 hours? It certainly seems that Matthews disagrees. Man when Matthews turns what does that mean for Obama? Of course out of all of this I am sure Matthews is not blaming Obama but everyone other then Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuYaBddECOQ#t=143]MSNBC's Chris Matthews Wants Answers From Hillary, Obama On Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

Matthews again interrupted, reminding her that the fight went on for seven hours.

“Yeah, but then if you’re doing it in waves, you think the attack is over and sending somebody is not going to help anymore, right? Then all of a sudden, they attack again,” Newton-Small replied.

Surprisingly, Matthews pressed even harder.

“I’m going to ask you something,” the MSNBC host began. “If that what your brother or father in there, would you say that’s an acceptable response? ‘Oh, it’s probably over by now, it’s no good to send anybody.’ Or would you say, ‘I don’t care if it’s over or not, I’m going to collect the bodies if nothing else. I’m going to get there and show I cared.’ That’s what I’d do.”

“These are questions that Hillary will have to answer if she runs for president in 2016,” Newton-Small responded.
What is amazing TK is the level that the liberal obamabots will stoop to defend anything he does. But with that said I still believe this is just a clusterf... showing the true incompetence of the whole of the Obama regime. I vote, Hillary for President in 2016, president of the penitentiary knitting gild.
It's a set up. Tell your friends and family you heard it from me first. This is a set up so people think that the MSM has miraculously changed their tune and are now moderate. Then they will endorse that witch Hillary and everyone will say, "well they're so centrist they must be right."

CNN and MSNBC and just about every left wing rag turns on Obama at the same time? Something smells rotten. Besides, we've seen this before.
USNavyVET, I fully agree, Zebras don't change their stripes and Matthew still eats at the feet of Obama.
Once again. The attack on the Consulate building lasted from 9:40 PM to shortly after 11:00 PM.

The Attack at the CIA Annex started around 4:00 AM

There was no running battle with the militants that lasted for 7 hours.

But makes for great headlines, shock value and ratings.
The cavalry never came, Free. Now it seems to me even the Liberal MSM has had just about as much of the kool-aid as they as they would care for.

That's just simply wrong, TK.

It's over. Nothing can be done. None of this matters. What are you going to do about it?


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM did what they had to do, they hid the truth, they covered up for the Stuttering Clusterfuck just long enough, they pretended not to know, they used their usual tactic of "Censorship By Omission" and now, over 13 Months later, they take an interest?

Like Hitlery said, "What difference does it make?"

None. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Same with the ACA. the scumbag in chief lied, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM covered up the truth, more censorship by omission, they lied, they schemed and now.....

Now, after it's too late they take an interest?

This is bullshit. They don't care any more now than they ever did. As in 'NONE'

Anybody that thinks that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is anything other than a 24/7/365 propaganda arm of the dimocrap party is an idiot.

Sorry to be blunt, but I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

The ACA is the Law of the Land and Benghazi doesn't matter any more because the Stuttering Clusterfuck got away with lying about it.

FUCK the LSM. scumbags
Our Cavalry was in Ft Hood Texas, five thousand miles away

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