Where is Hollywood's Video Supporting Karen Monahan?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Dean Cain fired back at Hollywood over a video supporting Christine Blasey Ford and demanding that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh not be confirmed. He contrasted their response to Ford with their silence on the allegations against Congressman Keith Ellison and President Bill Clinton.

"Where is the video for Karen Monahan, you know, Keith Ellison’s accuser? Where is the full-length movie for the Bill Clinton accusers? It just doesn’t exist. It’s completely political. And that’s kind of tragic because sexual assault is a very serious, very serious thing. And it kind of cheapens it because they are doing this specifically for political reasons.”

Where is Feinstein demanding the FBI investigate Ellison?

Where are the Progressive declarations that the 'burden of proof' is on Ellison and that HE is 'guilty until proven innocent'?

Yea... 'Nuff Said.

Dean Cain Hits Back At Hollywood Hit Job On Kavanaugh: ‘Where Is The Video For Karen Monahan?’

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....more evidence Democrats and liberals USE women for political benefit and don't really give a damn about them....

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