Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
Ugh. Our democracy....

I'm so tired of hearing that phrase. People are gonna start believing that if it's repeated enough.
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Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
Yep! And the Jews were responsible for Germany losing WWI!

I think you got your tinhorn despots mixed up. Not to mention you never read the historical playbook used by despots for centuries, especially the part about destroying all threats to power little by little so it's hardly noticeable to adorers, like checks and balances, because they get the trains to run on time.
Ugh. Our democracy....

I'm so trired of hearing that phrase. People are gonna start believing that if it's repeated enough.

We are a Constitutional Representative Republic, but democracy is just a shorthand way of saying that we are not a dictatorship…yet.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.

Ugh. Our democracy....

I'm so trired of hearing that phrase. People are gonna start believing that if it's repeated enough.


We really need to repeal the 17th Amendment.
From your note:
"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.-- P.J O'Rourke"
Dang, Pete! It looks like you voted for a Republican but the EC handed you your version of a liberal. This is the most apt description of Trump I've seen yet. And if he continues on his present path, don't worry, you wont be hearing the phrase 'out Democracy' much longer. How does Fourth Reich sound to you?
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.

U R A brainwashed crackpot fanatic who is out of touch with reality.
The Corrupt Democratic Party loves exploiting you.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.

U R A brainwashed crackpot fanatic who is out of touch with reality.
The Corrupt Democratic Party loves exploiting you.
So, you've got some insults but no response.

As usual.

Always hilarious when a tRumpkin of all people says someone else is brainwashed.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court

Beat It O'Rourke is how I refer to the fucker. Leave it to democrooks to run a fuckin felonious mick mongreliod who parrots all the trendy moonbat psychobabble, dump millions of dollars into fake polling and ad campaigns just to make sure the rest of us stay disgusted enough that we'll make sure that inane asswipe gets no where near DC.

I can see him introduce a bill to research the possibility of an island actually capsizing just to defend the (lol) "honor" of Hank Johnson. It boggles the mind why anyone would want "people" like these running their government.

Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.


News With Views | The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.

No evidence lying liberals will accept.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.


News With Views | The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power
Dude, IDK how many times I've told you kids this but posting from a rwnj "news" site that is really just a blog with an agenda doesn't support your position, it undermines it.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court

And packing the judiciary with extreme right wing republicans isn't a threat to our democracy, right?
The Conservatives are who support a constitutional form of government aka a country of laws.
The Liberals want a country of Men who bypass the constitution aka Obama, Hillary and Beto.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.


News With Views | The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power
Dude, IDK how many times I've told you kids this but posting from a rwnj "news" site that is really just a blog with an agenda doesn't support your position, it undermines it.

The MSM would NEVER be honest about Obama's abuse of power and Hillary's epic corruption.
U R A brainwashed crackpot fanatic who is out of touch with reality.
The Corrupt Democratic Party loves exploiting you.

You can only assume that imbecile is a posting bot, or a paid agitator.

For the country to have as many stupid people as this forum has at the same ratio... %25 of our people are complete retards.

I'm not just talking a little naïve, idealistic, or even just detached from society because they're not assimilated or something. There has to be something SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU, if you've paid any attention to your surroundings over the last 20 years, have been cognizant of events around the world, have the capacity to think independently and draw the conclusions bed wetters do.

You can not believe there is a better place to live if you're still here. Get the Fuck Out!!! You're clearly unhappy, the rest of us would prefer to keep the oxygen you waste, it's a win win.

You can not believe the USA needs to cut industrial production that also "contributes" CO2 because it will lead to a disastrous rise in the ocean. Even the very sources bed wetters parrot to make their claims, like the IPCC basically admit the length of time and the amount of rise would not have an effect on someone who can move, and even THAT is a far fetched theory. You can't be stupid enough to believe in MMGW after having been exposed to any real information about why it's bullshit, and how people are exploiting it not just to get rich, but empower government to be used as a weapon against industrial companies.

That's what it's about, democrook sociopaths would have their guards drown you in your own backyard swimming pool if it made them a buck. PERIOD.

Just to prove how sinister the leftist agenda is, civil disarmament is a primary but hugely unpopular objective. Yet you can see them constantly working to undermine our rights, if it means taking MONTHS to process simple applications, allowing illegal things to happen in order to increase crime and demand for enforcement and stricter laws, or ignoring actual solutions like keeping Mr Dindu Nuffin and the assholes with Tattoos on their faces in prison where they belong. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH PUBLIC SAFETY, or democrooks would not thwart efforts that would truly keep society safer.

If your goal is to increase national prosperity, and after a thorough study of economics and history you conclude that the ideas that inspired Stalin are preferable to those that inspired Coolidge then you're a complete imbecile and had no business in school beyond learning to read and doing simple math. You're greatest achievement and capacity is managing a McDonalds or possibly a Journeyman Tradesman. I'm not putting these results down either. They're respectable jobs, but you had no business taking an economics class if you end up looking as stupid as Ocasio-Cortez or Paul Krugman who suggested government fake an alien invasion (from beyond the solar system, not the one we actually face from mexico) in order to stimulate the economy.

If we are governed by people this stupid, it's time for some libertarian entrepreneurs to devise a strategy and fund the efforts to colonize other planets and refuse to transport moonbats. They're diseased genetic garbage.


Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
You have fallen for the fake news again. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing along those lines in the obama administration. It is tRump who is attempting to use the DOJ as a partisan weapon and calling for blatant first amendment violations.

And you fools stand right next to him and have the Neve to shout about the Constitution.


News With Views | The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power
Dude, IDK how many times I've told you kids this but posting from a rwnj "news" site that is really just a blog with an agenda doesn't support your position, it undermines it.

The MSM would NEVER be honest about Obama's abuse of power and Hillary's epic corruption.
Mostly because those things aren't real.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
What are you talking about?
Republicans show us every single day they don't believe in democracy.
Why do you think Putin is a dictator they can love? Right up there next to Trump.
The head of the Russian mafia and Trump's boss.
Beto is wrong. The Left is the threat to our democracy

O’Rourke attacked Trump's criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department officials. “When the president attacks our institutions, that is our business,” he argued. “We are still a nation of laws and not one of men.”

Beto is an idiot. He has got it 100% backwards. Trump is 100% correct. Obama politicized the FBI, DOJ and the IRS. He abused his power just like some sort of third world tinhorn despot. He said “I got my pen and phone.” No, we have a Legislative Branch who makes the laws and a Judicial Branch who interprets the meaning of laws. Obama and the Democrats are always pushing us towards a one party far left wing dictatorship. They are lawless and unaccountable. They are the real threat to our democracy.

Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke clash in first debate over Trump, immigration and the Supreme Court
Yep! And the Jews were responsible for Germany losing WWI!

I think you got your tinhorn despots mixed up. Not to mention you never read the historical playbook used by despots for centuries, especially the part about destroying all threats to power little by little so it's hardly noticeable to adorers, like checks and balances, because they get the trains to run on time.
That guy solved the Jew problem to. He also started the space program, and the German Boy Scouts, and called the SS league.

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