Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?

I heard a little of the lgbt town hall that CNN aired last night. They pointed out a women there they said has a 9 year old transgender girl and that wasn't right to me. That is way to young for a person to even know anything about that. I don't know if their is some kind of special situation but that to me should be in the realm of child abuse.

Im a registered democrat because you can't vote in the primary's as a independent where I live. I belive largely people should be able to live their lives the way they want. I was for gay's have civil unions and not marriage, marriage is biblical. Even the rainbow is biblical and how did the lgbt community take it?

The democrats running for president are going way too far to the left especially with the hole lgbt movment and some other things. To me republicans have their problems to. The republican party is like Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. What do you do?
I feel your pain.

I'm a conservative who leans libertarian. I was a Republican all my life. But Trump has made it impossible to be both at the same time, so I resigned as a Republican.

I have no party to go to. That is actually quite freeing. No longer am I a partisan straight party ticket voter.

I have stopped voting at the federal level. If you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL.

You can always write in a name l like I do from time to time.

When one of my daughters was in first grade, she asked for friend to have a sleepover. We said fine, it was cute.

The little girl was dropped off by her grandfather. She didn't live with her parents for unknown reasons.

She was filthy. He clothes were filthy and her body was streaked with dirt. So my wife an I made the very risky decision to give her a bath and wash her clothes. I asked my wife to do the bath since it was a little girl.

Well, it turns out "she" was a transgender. She had picked out her own girl name, too.

At that young an age, girls and boys have the same little kid bodies. You let a little boy's hair grow out, and they can easily pass as a girl.

For whatever reason, this kid wanted to be a girl. It could have been a phase. There certainly seemed to be something going on with the home life. Maybe she passed through it, maybe she didn't.

We didn't tell our kids about the situation. We let the kid be a girl with our kids being none the wiser.

As for gay marriage, I'm fine with it being called marriage. Religion does not own the word, and so-called religious people used to use their Bible to ban interracial marriage. There really isn't any difference between their arguments and the arguments of anti-gay bigots today.

This whole issue isn't about religion. It is about government cash and prizes. The bigots want gays to be denied access to the same government cash and prizes awarded to their marriages by the laws of the land.

This is about equal protection of the laws. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking it's about religion.

the constitution party is always a safe option,,,

They Governing well for you?

they havent lied cheated or stolen from me ,,,cant say the for the dems or repubes,,,

That made me laugh

typical response from a liar, cheat and thief,,,

WHAT!!! so I stole from you,,,haha
Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?
One's religious beliefs should not affect or influence their principles when it comes to government of, by, and for the people. PERIOD!!!!

That's the problem with the Jesus Nazi wing of the GOP. They apparently believe that all sin should be criminalized, which ironically tends to demonstrate a deep-seated and consciously repressed doubt in the existence of an afterlife. They also believe that Christianity must poke its nose into everything.

If Americans could have compartmentalized and separated their religious believes from their political ideology starting well over 100 years ago, we would have MUCH fewer problems.

LIBERTY should be the first concern of every American citizen, when it comes to political ideology.

My question remains: why is it THE LEAST of their concern?


You are insane. Religious beliefs should affect everything about your life, or you shouldn't bother pretending to have religious beliefs.

The founding of this country was based on religious beliefs. The justice system, the policies of government, the method of determining our leadership, was all based on religious beliefs.

Liberty itself, was a religious concept, ground in faith.

If you doubt that, look at the Soviet union were an absence of religious values, led to the enslavement and mass slaughter of millions.
The shit that went down in the Soviet Union was not caused by a lack of religion. Rather, it was a lack of belief/trust in liberty and a lust for power by ruthless individuals who did it all for their own gratification, rather than the interest of the people they ruled.

That's why the two should be separate. Most religions have a set of restrictions/rules to live by. You're saying that we should make them law?

Plenty of religious people are authoritarian as FUCK. Plenty of atheists are libertarians. In fact, a big portion of people in the Libertarian Party are atheists.

That’s right genius. The Republicans don’t trust Democrats to choose their candidate.
You are some kind of bright.

The RNC corrupts the nomination process the same way the DNC does. And the Republican party is no less authoritarian and anti-liberty than the Democrat party.

The RNC rules, like the DNC rules, are always changed in order to keep Independents off the debate stage, even after they've already won the right to participate.

As always, in the name of party 'unity'.

If anyone is under the illusion that the Republican Party is any less corrupt than the Democrat party, they're in dire need of reeducation.

Every year the number of Independents grows because people are sick of this fake two-party system. It was 50% during the 2016 cycle. Both sides of the party of one in D.C. know the percentage of Independent voters grows every cycle and both sides of the party of one in D.C. go out of their way to make sure they do something about it every election cycle.

(1) enjoy your independent status
(2) don’t cry that you can’t participate in party politics at the same time.
Why is this not obvious?
See, they want to force feed us their duopoly candidate and no real change will ever occur. Same increasingly authoritarian bullshit from both parties while the people have less and less control.

I am dead serious about going to war to end political parties. It's the only solution to this serious problem.

Where is a Democrat with Christian values supposed to go?

Go to church, and keep your politics separate. That's one of the things which makes America great.

"Render unto Caesar" and all that. :)

That's not to say you shouldn't vote your religious conscience, but I think we have grievously ignored Alexis de Tocqueville's warnings, and the warnings of our Founders, about keeping church and state separate.

If you are religious, and there is a pro-abortion candidate on one side of the ballot, and an unrepentant serial adulterer on the other side of the ballot, tear up the ballot and go to church.
Bill Clinton had both sides covered on that one.

Except the unrepentant part...

Presidential Apology | C-SPAN.org
Oh yeah, and Hilllary is a strong woman for standing by her man, huh.

What does that have to do with Clinton apologizing for his behavior? Trump fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant. Is she strong for staying?
So what if Bill apologized? That's funny.
That’s right genius. The Republicans don’t trust Democrats to choose their candidate.
You are some kind of bright.

The RNC corrupts the nomination process the same way the DNC does. And the Republican party is no less authoritarian and anti-liberty than the Democrat party.

The RNC rules, like the DNC rules, are always changed in order to keep Independents off the debate stage, even after they've already won the right to participate.

As always, in the name of party 'unity'.

If anyone is under the illusion that the Republican Party is any less corrupt than the Democrat party, they're in dire need of reeducation.

Every year the number of Independents grows because people are sick of this fake two-party system. It was 50% during the 2016 cycle. Both sides of the party of one in D.C. know the percentage of Independent voters grows every cycle and both sides of the party of one in D.C. go out of their way to make sure they do something about it every election cycle.

Did not Trump in the last few years, pass deregulation several times? Isn't less government control over our lives, the very definition of anti-authoritiarian?
That’s right genius. The Republicans don’t trust Democrats to choose their candidate.
You are some kind of bright.

The RNC corrupts the nomination process the same way the DNC does. And the Republican party is no less authoritarian and anti-liberty than the Democrat party.

The RNC rules, like the DNC rules, are always changed in order to keep Independents off the debate stage, even after they've already won the right to participate.

As always, in the name of party 'unity'.

If anyone is under the illusion that the Republican Party is any less corrupt than the Democrat party, they're in dire need of reeducation.

Every year the number of Independents grows because people are sick of this fake two-party system. It was 50% during the 2016 cycle. Both sides of the party of one in D.C. know the percentage of Independent voters grows every cycle and both sides of the party of one in D.C. go out of their way to make sure they do something about it every election cycle.

I have no problem with independents..... And if that's how you want to vote, go for it. However, I don't think the results will be as great as you seem to expect.

The so-called outsider candidate, was Trump. So why didn't we end up with the great Utopia? Because once you are on the inside, you are just an insider like all the rest.

At the end of the day, politics, is politics. And politicians are politicians. Getting a politician from a different party, does not magically make him immune to the same political forces the affect all other politicians.

And while I understand that some people don't like there being two major parties, I don't see that having three major parties does anything. When you look at the UK, their system of proportional representation, does not yield any different results.

Just watch SkyNews out of the UK, and they are having the same debates, the same complaints, the same "it's that parties fault" or "this party is at fault", and "if only it wasn't for those guys, we could have done more good stuff"

Same things.
A Christian Democrat is like a Jewish nazi. Either not a real Democrat or not a real Christian.
So tell me many ways Trump the adulter is a real Christian...

the pope does love the sinner-------uhm......are you a FIRST STONE caster?
Does God love only Republican sinners?

Francis is an easy going, fun loving, Latin american

That bears no resemblance to a true Religious Leader.

Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?
One's religious beliefs should not affect or influence their principles when it comes to government of, by, and for the people. PERIOD!!!!

That's the problem with the Jesus Nazi wing of the GOP. They apparently believe that all sin should be criminalized, which ironically tends to demonstrate a deep-seated and consciously repressed doubt in the existence of an afterlife. They also believe that Christianity must poke its nose into everything.

If Americans could have compartmentalized and separated their religious believes from their political ideology starting well over 100 years ago, we would have MUCH fewer problems.

LIBERTY should be the first concern of every American citizen, when it comes to political ideology.

My question remains: why is it THE LEAST of their concern?


You are insane. Religious beliefs should affect everything about your life, or you shouldn't bother pretending to have religious beliefs.

The founding of this country was based on religious beliefs. The justice system, the policies of government, the method of determining our leadership, was all based on religious beliefs.

Liberty itself, was a religious concept, ground in faith.

If you doubt that, look at the Soviet union were an absence of religious values, led to the enslavement and mass slaughter of millions.
The shit that went down in the Soviet Union was not caused by a lack of religion. Rather, it was a lack of belief/trust in liberty and a lust for power by ruthless individuals who did it all for their own gratification, rather than the interest of the people they ruled.

That's why the two should be separate. Most religions have a set of restrictions/rules to live by. You're saying that we should make them law?

Plenty of religious people are authoritarian as FUCK. Plenty of atheists are libertarians. In fact, a big portion of people in the Libertarian Party are atheists.


Which is one of the reasons Libertarians will never be anything more than a niche party. Because without absolutes in life, there is moral authority to say that your belief system is the one to live by.
Which is one of the reasons Libertarians will never be anything more than a niche party. Because without absolutes in life, there is moral authority to say that your belief system is the one to live by.

The Libertarian Party is a very poor representative for the principles of Individual liberty. Heck, I think they're even saying we need to always be in these unconstitutional wars now.

And most of em are libertines anyway. Libertine is not ibertarian in any way. In fact, libertine is the polar opposite of libertarian.
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That’s right genius. The Republicans don’t trust Democrats to choose their candidate.
You are some kind of bright.

The RNC corrupts the nomination process the same way the DNC does. And the Republican party is no less authoritarian and anti-liberty than the Democrat party.

The RNC rules, like the DNC rules, are always changed in order to keep Independents off the debate stage, even after they've already won the right to participate.

As always, in the name of party 'unity'.

If anyone is under the illusion that the Republican Party is any less corrupt than the Democrat party, they're in dire need of reeducation.

Every year the number of Independents grows because people are sick of this fake two-party system. It was 50% during the 2016 cycle. Both sides of the party of one in D.C. know the percentage of Independent voters grows every cycle and both sides of the party of one in D.C. go out of their way to make sure they do something about it every election cycle.

I have no problem with independents..... And if that's how you want to vote, go for it. However, I don't think the results will be as great as you seem to expect.

The so-called outsider candidate, was Trump. So why didn't we end up with the great Utopia? Because once you are on the inside, you are just an insider like all the rest.

At the end of the day, politics, is politics. And politicians are politicians. Getting a politician from a different party, does not magically make him immune to the same political forces the affect all other politicians.

And while I understand that some people don't like there being two major parties, I don't see that having three major parties does anything. When you look at the UK, their system of proportional representation, does not yield any different results.

Just watch SkyNews out of the UK, and they are having the same debates, the same complaints, the same "it's that parties fault" or "this party is at fault", and "if only it wasn't for those guys, we could have done more good stuff"

Same things.
You make a sound argument for term limits across the board.

I have no problem with independents..... And if that's how you want to vote, go for it. However, I don't think the results will be as great as you seem to expect.

The so-called outsider candidate, was Trump. So why didn't we end up with the great Utopia? Because once you are on the inside, you are just an insider like all the rest.

At the end of the day, politics, is politics. And politicians are politicians. Getting a politician from a different party, does not magically make him immune to the same political forces the affect all other politicians.

And while I understand that some people don't like there being two major parties, I don't see that having three major parties does anything. When you look at the UK, their system of proportional representation, does not yield any different results.

Just watch SkyNews out of the UK, and they are having the same debates, the same complaints, the same "it's that parties fault" or "this party is at fault", and "if only it wasn't for those guys, we could have done more good stuff"

Same things.

The nomination process is rigged. People are generally voting for two sides of the same coin. It's a blatant weaponization of democracy in America.

That said, winning, real winning, will happen and is happening through education. It's a process of continuing growth. And that's where we are. It's not about just trying to win and get elected. It's about changing the course of history.

No matter who gets elected in the 2020, both parties will still adhere to the same failed monetary policy that's got us 23 trillion dollars in debt. Both parties will still maintain a believe in deficit finance. Both parties will continue to attack civil liberties. Both parties will continue to be the policemen of the world, constitution be darned. Both parties will continue to grow the warfare/welfare state. And I could go on and on. This silly notion that the Republicans are any different than the Democrats is just pablum.
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The American people demand free lollipops from the federal government. So our politicians, caving in to popular demand, pass a law to give lollipops to everyone in America.

Adam and Steve rush down to the government building to get their government lollipops.

But the Joe the Plumber says, "Oh hell no. No lolli's for fags!" And the crowd goes wild.

Gays didn't ask for free lollipops. The American people as a whole did.

Equal protection of the laws.

NOTHING to do with religion.

then ban the lollipops,,,
Don't blame the gays for wanting the same lollipops everyone else gets. The people did that to themselves.

doesnt change the fact you were wrong as to why the government is involved in marriage,,,

get rid of the lollipops and get the government out of personal lives like it should be

How is he wrong? You basically just agreed with him but you're too stupid to realize it.
Do you not understand what the point of a primary is?


Do you understand that it's the First Amendment which guarantees the right to freedom of association? To force Independents to register as Democrat turns the constitution on its head.

No, it actually does not. In fact, it can be argued that open primaries are unconstitutional because a party has the right NOT to associate with people not in the party.

Here in California it’s ALWAYS the Republicans that won’t let unaffiliated voters vote in their primary. California has a modified open primary. It’s up to the parties...as it should be.
I have an almost irrational reverence for the Constitution. That's why I harp on "equal protection of the laws" when it comes to gays, and their marriages.

the goveernment has no business being involved in marriage,,,

marriage is a personal thing between two people,,,
I agree! Absolutely! I've said that many times.

Gay marriage would not even be a political issue if the people of America had not demanded government get all up in their marriages.

The people arguing against gays receiving the same government cash and prizes as they do have no one but themselves to blame for this mess.

the only people wanting the government to get involved in marriage were the gays and racist,,which is about 3% of the population,,,
No, the American people demanded government in their marriages way before gays did.

Gimme joint tax returns! Gimme tax breaks for marriage and kids! Gimme spousal Social Security protections! Gimme literally one thousand government marriage protections. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

They have no one but themselves to blame.

All gays are asking for is the EXACT SAME GOVERNMENT CASH AND PRIZES.

Equal protection of the laws. Laws the hetero community enacted long ago.

Nope -
They were offered civil unions that provided all the legal benefits - just not "marriage"
The activists said no -
Because they wanted all the nonsense that we have today.
Some of us predicted the nonsense.


Where is a Democrat with Christian values supposed to go?

Go to church, and keep your politics separate. That's one of the things which makes America great.

"Render unto Caesar" and all that. :)

That's not to say you shouldn't vote your religious conscience, but I think we have grievously ignored Alexis de Tocqueville's warnings, and the warnings of our Founders, about keeping church and state separate.

If you are religious, and there is a pro-abortion candidate on one side of the ballot, and an unrepentant serial adulterer on the other side of the ballot, tear up the ballot and go to church.
Bill Clinton had both sides covered on that one.

Except the unrepentant part...

Presidential Apology | C-SPAN.org
Oh yeah, and Hilllary is a strong woman for standing by her man, huh.

What does that have to do with Clinton apologizing for his behavior? Trump fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant. Is she strong for staying?
So what if Bill apologized? That's funny.

That makes him a repentant adulterer...unlike Trump.
I have an almost irrational reverence for the Constitution. That's why I harp on "equal protection of the laws" when it comes to gays, and their marriages.

the goveernment has no business being involved in marriage,,,

marriage is a personal thing between two people,,,
I agree! Absolutely! I've said that many times.

Gay marriage would not even be a political issue if the people of America had not demanded government get all up in their marriages.

The people arguing against gays receiving the same government cash and prizes as they do have no one but themselves to blame for this mess.

the only people wanting the government to get involved in marriage were the gays and racist,,which is about 3% of the population,,,
No, the American people demanded government in their marriages way before gays did.

Gimme joint tax returns! Gimme tax breaks for marriage and kids! Gimme spousal Social Security protections! Gimme literally one thousand government marriage protections. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

They have no one but themselves to blame.

All gays are asking for is the EXACT SAME GOVERNMENT CASH AND PRIZES.

Equal protection of the laws. Laws the hetero community enacted long ago.

Nope -
They were offered civil unions that provided all the legal benefits - just not "marriage"
The activists said no -
Because they wanted all the nonsense that we have today.
Some of us predicted the nonsense.
Horseshit. They were not offered full federal legal protections, or coast to coast protections.

Don't be revising history.
The American people demand free lollipops from the federal government. So our politicians, caving in to popular demand, pass a law to give lollipops to everyone in America.

Adam and Steve rush down to the government building to get their government lollipops.

But the Joe the Plumber says, "Oh hell no. No lolli's for fags!" And the crowd goes wild.

Gays didn't ask for free lollipops. The American people as a whole did.

Equal protection of the laws.

NOTHING to do with religion.

then ban the lollipops,,,
Don't blame the gays for wanting the same lollipops everyone else gets. The people did that to themselves.

doesnt change the fact you were wrong as to why the government is involved in marriage,,,

get rid of the lollipops and get the government out of personal lives like it should be

How is he wrong? You basically just agreed with him but you're too stupid to realize it.

youve come in late to the discussion,,,he knows exactly what I'm talking about,,,
the goveernment has no business being involved in marriage,,,

marriage is a personal thing between two people,,,
I agree! Absolutely! I've said that many times.

Gay marriage would not even be a political issue if the people of America had not demanded government get all up in their marriages.

The people arguing against gays receiving the same government cash and prizes as they do have no one but themselves to blame for this mess.

the only people wanting the government to get involved in marriage were the gays and racist,,which is about 3% of the population,,,
No, the American people demanded government in their marriages way before gays did.

Gimme joint tax returns! Gimme tax breaks for marriage and kids! Gimme spousal Social Security protections! Gimme literally one thousand government marriage protections. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

They have no one but themselves to blame.

All gays are asking for is the EXACT SAME GOVERNMENT CASH AND PRIZES.

Equal protection of the laws. Laws the hetero community enacted long ago.

Nope -
They were offered civil unions that provided all the legal benefits - just not "marriage"
The activists said no -
Because they wanted all the nonsense that we have today.
Some of us predicted the nonsense.
Horseshit. They were not offered full federal legal protections, or coast to coast protections.

Don't be revising history.

And not only that, states specifically barred civil unions.

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