Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?

I heard a little of the lgbt town hall that CNN aired last night. They pointed out a women there they said has a 9 year old transgender girl and that wasn't right to me. That is way to young for a person to even know anything about that. I don't know if their is some kind of special situation but that to me should be in the realm of child abuse.

Im a registered democrat because you can't vote in the primary's as a independent where I live. I belive largely people should be able to live their lives the way they want. I was for gay's have civil unions and not marriage, marriage is biblical. Even the rainbow is biblical and how did the lgbt community take it?

The democrats running for president are going way too far to the left especially with the hole lgbt movment and some other things. To me republicans have their problems to. The republican party is like Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. What do you do?
I feel your pain.

I'm a conservative who leans libertarian. I was a Republican all my life. But Trump has made it impossible to be both at the same time, so I resigned as a Republican.

I have no party to go to. That is actually quite freeing. No longer am I a partisan straight party ticket voter.

I have stopped voting at the federal level. If you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL.

You can always write in a name l like I do from time to time.

When one of my daughters was in first grade, she asked for friend to have a sleepover. We said fine, it was cute.

The little girl was dropped off by her grandfather. She didn't live with her parents for unknown reasons.

She was filthy. He clothes were filthy and her body was streaked with dirt. So my wife an I made the very risky decision to give her a bath and wash her clothes. I asked my wife to do the bath since it was a little girl.

Well, it turns out "she" was a transgender. She had picked out her own girl name, too.

At that young an age, girls and boys have the same little kid bodies. You let a little boy's hair grow out, and they can easily pass as a girl.

For whatever reason, this kid wanted to be a girl. It could have been a phase. There certainly seemed to be something going on with the home life. Maybe she passed through it, maybe she didn't.

We didn't tell our kids about the situation. We let the kid be a girl with our kids being none the wiser.

As for gay marriage, I'm fine with it being called marriage. Religion does not own the word, and so-called religious people used to use their Bible to ban interracial marriage. There really isn't any difference between their arguments and the arguments of anti-gay bigots today.

This whole issue isn't about religion. It is about government cash and prizes. The bigots want gays to be denied access to the same government cash and prizes awarded to their marriages by the laws of the land.

This is about equal protection of the laws. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking it's about religion.

the constitution party is always a safe option,,,

g5000 HATES the Constitution and is dedicated to putting an end to it.
Republicans despise social security and Medicare....things that help fellow Christian's. Many many Christian's would be in the poorhouse without them.
You must be hearing voices. Ive been paying into both since 1965 and still do by working part time. Why would you think Republicans are all rich. How stupid.
The Overton Window moved last night. Beto said what I'm certain every Democratic candidate believes. This situation is why many orthodox Christians who can't stand Trump plan to vote for him anyway: because they know what the Dems have planned for them.

Beto Vs. Religious Liberty
Oh man I've heard it a ton "we've got to cut entitlements" and "Medicare is bankrupting the country" over and over again. I don't believe it for one second.
The right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people
Question: What if a supporter says "my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman, what is your response?"

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "I'm going to assume it's a guy who said that, and I'm going to say then just marry one woman... assuming you can find one."
A Christian Democrat is like a Jewish nazi. Either not a real Democrat or not a real Christian.

Democrats believe in the separation of church and state. Nowhere is God mentioned in the constitution. I am a Christian and a liberal democrat. We believe a person has the right to belong to and worship in any faith they choose. We have a very large tent that is open to EVERYONE not just evangelical Christians. You want to mix religion and government then go to the Middle East. There’s plenty of that there.

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The right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people

you is her decision mean like the murder of unborn children???

“Unborn children” are not murdered. Everyone is pro-life
but sometimes it becomes necessary for woman to terminate a pregnancy. When this happens it is her decision and none of my or your business. Jesus never muttered one word against abortion and God gives instructions how to abort a pregnancy in the book of Numbers. I can’t believe you people think a fetus has more rights than a living breathing human being. That’s just insane. If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one.

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The right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people

you is her decision mean like the murder of unborn children???

“Unborn children” are not murdered. Everyone is pro-life
but sometimes it becomes necessary for woman to terminate a pregnancy. When this happens it is her decision and none of my or your business. Jesus never muttered one word against abortion and God gives instructions how to abort a pregnancy in the book of Numbers. I can’t believe you people think a fetus has more rights than a living breathing human being. That’s just insane. If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one.

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Democrats believe any excuse to terminate a baby is good enough up to the day it is born.
The right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people

you is her decision mean like the murder of unborn children???

“Unborn children” are not murdered. Everyone is pro-life
but sometimes it becomes necessary for woman to terminate a pregnancy. When this happens it is her decision and none of my or your business. Jesus never muttered one word against abortion and God gives instructions how to abort a pregnancy in the book of Numbers. I can’t believe you people think a fetus has more rights than a living breathing human being. That’s just insane. If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one.

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Democrats believe any excuse to terminate a baby is good enough up to the day it is born.

That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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I heard a little of the lgbt town hall that CNN aired last night. They pointed out a women there they said has a 9 year old transgender girl and that wasn't right to me. That is way to young for a person to even know anything about that. I don't know if their is some kind of special situation but that to me should be in the realm of child abuse.

Im a registered democrat because you can't vote in the primary's as a independent where I live. I belive largely people should be able to live their lives the way they want. I was for gay's have civil unions and not marriage, marriage is biblical. Even the rainbow is biblical and how did the lgbt community take it?

The democrats running for president are going way too far to the left especially with the hole lgbt movment and some other things. To me republicans have their problems to. The republican party is like Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. What do you do?

Where is a democrat with christian values suppose to go?


Democrats believe in the separation of church and state. Nowhere is God mentioned in the constitution. I am a Christian and a liberal democrat. We believe a person has the right to belong to and worship in any faith they choose. We have a very large tent that is open to EVERYONE not just evangelical Christians. You want to mix religion and government then go to the Middle East. There’s plenty of that there.

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It's funny hearing a Stalinist claim to be Christian. Literally everything from your party is the opposite of Christianity. I mean, does your church teach "Jesus Kills the Little Children, all the children in the world, red and yellow, black and white, Jesus kills them with delight, Jesus hates life just like democrats"

Seriously dude, Christians taught that each person is responsible directly to god, democrats teach that only the party matters and the all obedience must be to the party. Jesus said if your neighbor is hungry, feed them. democrats say that if someone is hungry, rob your neighbors and feed them with what you stole.

Dude, if you're a democrat, you're evil - you know this.
The right to religious freedom ends where religion is being used as an excuse to harm other people

you is her decision mean like the murder of unborn children???

“Unborn children” are not murdered. Everyone is pro-life
but sometimes it becomes necessary for woman to terminate a pregnancy. When this happens it is her decision and none of my or your business. Jesus never muttered one word against abortion and God gives instructions how to abort a pregnancy in the book of Numbers. I can’t believe you people think a fetus has more rights than a living breathing human being. That’s just insane. If you don’t like abortion then don’t get one.

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Don't you evil scum want to eat babies?

You don't follow Jesus, you follow Moloch.

That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

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That’s just not true. Abortion is a LEGAL medical procedure and heavily regulated. Stick to facts and stop making stuff up.

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Dude, you're an evil scumbag. You, like all Stalinists seek to kill as many babies as you can. You basically are like Moloch worshipers seeking to sacrifice babies.

More made up stuff. Stick to facts.

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Comrade, what is made up? You Stalinists morn every live birth. Come on, you seek abortion as a way to sacrifice infants to the dark lord your worship. Admit it...

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