where has the summer gone?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
school starts next month....the summer has flown by....it feels like just the other day we were talking about fireworks....now we are talking about the summer heat....the buck eye trees are turning and losing their leaves....fall will soon be upon us....fall festivals and fall fairs...

i remember when old people would tell me not to wish away time....i was young and in the hurry of youth to see it all and do it all....they would say..'dont wish away time, some day you will want it back'...

they were right
I'm a tennis junkie and 115 heat index is not compatible with 50 yr old accountant sucking down coffee all day prior to hitting the court. Come on fall.
school starts next month....the summer has flown by....it feels like just the other day we were talking about fireworks....now we are talking about the summer heat....the buck eye trees are turning and losing their leaves....fall will soon be upon us....fall festivals and fall fairs...

i remember when old people would tell me not to wish away time....i was young and in the hurry of youth to see it all and do it all....they would say..'dont wish away time, some day you will want it back'...

they were right

It'll be no time before we are again discussing potato salad recipes for our Memorial Day barbeques.
The heat is awful. I don't mind fall so much, but not a cold weather fan for sure..

Do love football though..:D
o you are just waiting on the fall harvest....i know your kind.....so your 50? and a tennis buff....

but i do love the fall
winter....brrrr....we only have about a 1/3rd of the firewood we will need.....just seems to hot to worry about firewood...and the co op is being lazy ...so and so had the wood splitter....was gonna do it in 2 days...a week later lol....
Tennis junkie, not buff.
Fall here can still be high 80's and humid. I was in Houston prior to being transferred back 5 yrs ago and had a 65 degree xmas eve and it was the best tennis day of the year.
There is an inverse relationship to age and the perceived passage of time.

When one is young, time moves slowly. Remember when you were a kid how summers seemed to last forever?

The older you get the more quickly time seems to move. Personally the last three years has gone by in a flash.

Alas youth is wasted on the young.
ahhh but we can be bitter lolol...youth is wasted on the young....

and getting old aint for sissies...as bette davis said....she said isnt i do believe but you get my point...

sometimes i just wonder who these old people are...i dont feel old...well mature...i dont feel mature...
sometimes i feel ancient
What do you mean, gone. It just got here. We finally had our first week of summer weather here.

I am still in school, but classes are winding down. One of the classes is only 8 weeks, and the final is this week. Eeek!

My personal private count down day is Dec 1st.
This summer has been a busy one here in the Rust Belt. It all started when I put a new roof on the house followed quickly by a new front porch and retaining wll in the drive way.

This while the All-Class reunion was being planned! I was in charge of Memory Lane and had to produce videos of all the classes since 1945! My only brother was a co-chairman of the event (which made me co-co-chairman!) That was a mess in itself, but layer on construction, heat, making sure the dog was walked and pampered and complete this work schedule, I'm more than ready for some chilly nights in front of the fireplace!

hell's bells! We still have August to sweat through! Next month I have two different out of town visitors to entertain, a wedding to attend and I have to hire a landscaper to lay in a new lawn before autumn.
Fall is my favorite season, and I am going to miss it now since moving farther south.:(

Summer ain't gone just cause school starts. Not here anyways. We izz hot here.
One word, "Wahoo!!!" Kids going back to school! Back to a sleep schedule, I get my living room back! :eusa_dance:

Ah crap, Time to buy school supplies for the kiddos... :eusa_doh:
I'm a tennis junkie and 115 heat index is not compatible with 50 yr old accountant sucking down coffee all day prior to hitting the court. Come on fall.

Please don't Rush it. Here in Northern Lower Michigan you learn not to wish for Fall because Winter is next. Were heading back into the Cold ass heavy snow Winters cycle again, after 8 years or so of Milder ones. Last winter sucked. DONT MAKE IT COME SOONER :(
What pisses me off is that it is 100 degrees out and you can't go to a store and buy a bathing suit, beach chair or cooler.

Whats the matter with you? Don't you know its "Back to School"?
I don't go to school...I'm going to the beach

And the day after "Back to School" is Christmas
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Lol Charles it snows here once a decade. My sons wrestled in Iowa so I know what your talking about. Our winter is like your spring. Right now it's blastfunace hot and sauna humid.
What pisses me off is that it is 100 degrees out and you can't go to a store and buy a bathing suit, beach chair or cooler.

Whats the matter with you? Don't you know its "Back to School"?

And the day after "Back to School" is Christmas

That bugs the crap out of me. I think there are more procrastinators among us than planners, not to mention that sometimes the need just arises in the middle of the season to obtain some of those things.
Lol Charles it snows here once a decade. My sons wrestled in Iowa so I know what your talking about. Our winter is like your spring. Right now it's blastfunace hot and sauna humid.

We get that too, We get just about every crappy weather you can imagine at one time or another.

They used to print "don't like the weather, Wait a min" on our State Maps. :)

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