Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?

Constitutional Repbublic: YES or NO

  • I'm a Conservative FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I'm a Conservative OPPOSED to the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Middle of the Road FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm Middle of the Road who's ANTI-Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Liberal FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm a Liberal who believes the Constitution has served it's purpose. Time to go.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I believe in keeping SOME aspects of the Constitution but changing other aspects.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'd like to return to the original Bill of Rights prior to any changes.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a purely Secular version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a more religious version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd like to see the Constitution do more to protect States' Rights.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My position on the Constitution is the same as it's author's...

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
It has worked very well for over two hundred years so I'm good as is.

"Worked" is past tense. Will it still work when there are so many holes in it that it falls apart? Remember, each State has a Constitution as well. When a single Federal Judge is so powerful that he can completely ignore those Constitutions then what safeguards are in place to protect the Constitution of the USA?
Guess which one has priority
Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
My position on the Constitution is the same as it's author's...

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
Jefferson knew what he was talking about
It has worked very well for over two hundred years so I'm good as is.

"Worked" is past tense. Will it still work when there are so many holes in it that it falls apart? Remember, each State has a Constitution as well. When a single Federal Judge is so powerful that he can completely ignore those Constitutions then what safeguards are in place to protect the Constitution of the USA?
Guess which one has priority
Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
Jefferson knew what he was talking about

There isn't an option for agreeing with most of the constitution, and wanting some parts to be amended.
Since Amending the Constitution IS part of the Constitution, then your post makes no sense. I am for supporting the Constitution as it was originally written and understood.


If modern times call for an alteration of the Constitution, then reason for that alteration will be apparent to more than a super majority of the people and States and will be open to amending.

I am NOT in favor of imbeciles who say we need this and the Amendment process is too slow! There is a reason we need to avoid fads and they are too stupid to understand that.
I picked the first and the last answer on the poll.

I believe in the Constitution and the Republic who's sole intent was to prevent the Gov't from getting too powerful. This is why the Founding Fathers created a Republic instead of a pure Democracy. They studied every form of Gov't before creating the Constitution to attempt to come up with a system that would safe guard against the failures of other forms of Gov't throughout history.

Even when they created it, they were not in total agreement, so the final version was a compromise between the views to come up with the best form of Gov't possible.

Given that, they WARNED us what could happen if we didn't hold Gov'ts feet to the fire and keep it limited. One of the primary warnings came from Ancient Greece and why it eventually fell. In Ancient Greece their Senate and Leaders became Career politicians who ended up serving themselves instead of the Country itself. As the country fell from invasion the political leaders of their time were so corrupt that they had the gold of the forces destroying the country they had sworn to protect. For their own USURY they allowed Greece to be conquered.

Over time, we have degraded the true meaning of the Constitution. We have found that in periods of time of Great Strife...such as World Wars that the Gov't can be given more power that was not intended. Primarily in deciding to raid the public coffers to give out to the people whatever the powers to be saw fit and thus sent us down a path to our own economic ruin. As we have over time PROMISED things that we can never afford to pay for, and destroy our currency, our economic future, and our way of life. This is not just the Welfare state, but Corporate welfare as well. Giving out money to private industry which gives an unfair market advantage to those who buys the politicians and power.

We have forgotten the expressed limited scope of the Federal Government. We have Usurped State's Rights for the benefit of CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIANS.........who are bought and paid for...........WHORES to the HIGHEST BIDDER...........and we shall pay a hefty price for doing so.

It has worked very well for over two hundred years so I'm good as is.

"Worked" is past tense. Will it still work when there are so many holes in it that it falls apart? Remember, each State has a Constitution as well. When a single Federal Judge is so powerful that he can completely ignore those Constitutions then what safeguards are in place to protect the Constitution of the USA?
Guess which one has priority
Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
Our Constitution as written today works very well

We the people get to vote on the size and scope of government services we want . Our founders knew what they were doing
"Worked" is past tense. Will it still work when there are so many holes in it that it falls apart? Remember, each State has a Constitution as well. When a single Federal Judge is so powerful that he can completely ignore those Constitutions then what safeguards are in place to protect the Constitution of the USA?
Guess which one has priority
Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
oh another idiot that thinks his vote counts. A politicians serve those who contribute the most money the lobbyist
Thanks to democrats 1913 they gave the lobbyist more footing in the election system.
You may pick two choices in this poll.

The Constitution: Should America remain a Constitutional Republic with the Constitution as our basic "Rule Of Law" or would you prefer to see a completely new form of government.

Please explain why a Constitutional Republic is the superior, governmental system or why it should be replaced with some other form of government. If the latter, detail what the new government would look like and why it would be superior.

And with this I destroy any plans for future office:

Rip it up and start fresh. :)
World's a different place than when the Constitution was written. There's alot of good stuff in there, but also a lot of very dated stuff. No gender equality, racial equality for starters. Modern electronics and ways wars works necessitate a modernization of things. We can fly now too.

We outta keep the best non-time dependent things, and toss out the outmoded things. Should focus on powers of the President while we're at it so Presidents can't unilaterally undertake combat operations without declaring war.
The biggest thing that needs to change is how the House and President are elected. It should change to a sort of Proportional Representation style, similar to Germany's which is half PR and half Constituency FPTP, ie, the person with the most votes.

This is so you retain a person who looks out for the people, but the make up of parliament is based on the wishes of the country as a whole.
Guess which one has priority
Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
oh another idiot that thinks his vote counts. A politicians serve those who contribute the most money the lobbyist
Thanks to democrats 1913 they gave the lobbyist more footing in the election system.
My vote counts
My vote saw how Republican leadership and doctrine had destroyed this country and voted in President Obama. Tens of millions of Americans agreed with me

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