Where are the "atheist" mass murderers in this country?

You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

Tell that to ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. They all believe in God big time.

Tell that to the Catholic priests who raped young boys for decades.

Tell that to the FLDS who force young girls into plural marriages with crusty old men.

Tell that to the ultra-orthodox Jews who rape young boys.

Belief in God doesn't rule out being evil.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

Tell that to ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. They all believe in God big time.

Tell that to the Catholic priests who raped young boys for decades.

Tell that to the FLDS who force young girls into plural marriages with crusty old men.

Tell that to the ultra-orthodox Jews who rape young boys.

Belief in God doesn't rule out being evil.
Being human does not rule out being evil.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.

"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

5% of the population admit that they are atheist. 90% of the population are atheist constantly try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they truly do believe in God. The other 5% of the population truly does believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, zombies and a magic sky wizard. You can tell the 90% from the 5% that are pure obnoxious delusional lunatics. I become a Pastafarian when one of those nutjob s tell me what God says or what God wants. They can kindly shut the banana split up. I get real pissy when people start using God as a loaded gun pressed firmly to my head. I'll defend myself vehemently.

You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

Tell that to ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. They all believe in God big time.

Tell that to the Catholic priests who raped young boys for decades.

Tell that to the FLDS who force young girls into plural marriages with crusty old men.

Tell that to the ultra-orthodox Jews who rape young boys.

Belief in God doesn't rule out being evil.
But it gives right wingers the ability to forgive that evil. If they share the same religion that is.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.
Forgiveness dies not mean to allow the trespasser to go unpunished. Forgive, then execute.

Nor does it mean that what is being forgiven was acceptable. In fact, the very nature of having to forgive means something was unacceptable. Neither does forgiveness mean one must allow an offender to continue to influence the offended. Forgiveness does not require giving people unlimited chances. Frequently, it will come down to 'you are forgiven, but I also determine that you are not the kind of person I wish to associate with. Goodbye.'
it will be a while before they get it right.
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.

Mmmm lamb, nothing better than Shepard's pie
There's no reason to believe human inventions of gawds will ever "get it right".

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, invented various gawds to explain what they didn't understand so such projections of spirit worlds as delineated by the currently configured gawds are no exception. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanctioned approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Polytheism is currently in vogue in the Western world.

Such unionized syndication of deities is wrong, of course, and it will eventually go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religions that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.

^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.

Mmmm lamb, nothing better than Shepard's pie
And nothing worse than a Christian fundie who chooses ignorance over knowledge.
^^^ gibberish
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.

Mmmm lamb, nothing better than Shepard's pie
And nothing worse than a Christian fundie who chooses ignorance over knowledge.

What does that have to do with delicious lamb?
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

Your ineptitude duly noted.

There was a group of Liberal atheists who perpetrated 'mass murder' in order to begin a race war.

"In this holocaust, the members of the enlarged Family would have little to fear; they would wait out the war in a secret city that was underneath Death Valley that they would reach through a hole in the ground. As the only actual remaining whites upon the race war's true conclusion, they would emerge from underground to rule the now-satisfied blacks, who, as the vision went, would be incapable of running the world; Manson "would scratch [the black man's] fuzzy head and kick him in the butt and tell him to go pick the cotton and go be a good ******...."
Helter Skelter Manson scenario - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

5% of the population admit that they are atheist. 90% of the population are atheist constantly try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they truly do believe in God. The other 5% of the population truly does believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, zombies and a magic sky wizard. You can tell the 90% from the 5% that are pure obnoxious delusional lunatics. I become a Pastafarian when one of those nutjob s tell me what God says or what God wants. They can kindly shut the banana split up. I get real pissy when people start using God as a loaded gun pressed firmly to my head. I'll defend myself vehemently.

Wouldn't your explanation violate the principles of Pastafarianism though? Since Pastafarianism is based strongly on Russell's Teapot (the burden of proof lies with the one making scientifically unverifiable claims), your statement that "90% of the population are atheist constantly try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they truly do believe in God" (which actually makes no sense) is scientifically unverifiable because 1) a metric cannot be established that differentiates between true belief and creating appearances and 2) there is no possible way to accurately measure the true beliefs of the entire world population. Thus, your statement is unverifiable which contradicts your Pastafarian argument
Yep. The more excitable of the Christian fundies are left to pointless spam when their scared cows are challenged.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.

Mmmm lamb, nothing better than Shepard's pie
And nothing worse than a Christian fundie who chooses ignorance over knowledge.

What does that have to do with delicious lamb?
It has everything to do with your profound ignorance.
My cows are not scared...they are grazing comfortably.
I'm sure the lambs are scared. They don't do so well per Christian tales and fables.

Mmmm lamb, nothing better than Shepard's pie
And nothing worse than a Christian fundie who chooses ignorance over knowledge.

What does that have to do with delicious lamb?
It has everything to do with your profound ignorance.

Hollie, if you don't believe in God that's all well and good but you're not going to sway my faith in Him. Now run along, child. Your gibberish annoys me

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