When Trump wins the 2020 nomination


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?
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I am guessing that the party that preaches acceptance and diversity won't accept that kind of diversity. Because their Chinese overlords says so.
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Given, for instance BLM and the lies...George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose imported by China. AND Lets look into the BLM and the Democrats and who funds them and their history since 1990. I am a democrat and a critical thinker. Time to examine the Democrats, who funds them and why.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?
The same as big tech, where as they will stifle free speech on the internet until the election is over, and that tells me that big tech is in on the fix if Biden gets anywhere close to winning. So why is big tech attempting to interfere in the election, and therefore attempting to sway an election in the Democrats favor somehow ?? What's in it for big tech, or is it that big tech is run by weirdo's who are pushing personal agenda's by way of their platforms ??

Noticed that youtube has disabled the function that allows videos to be shared from group to group or person to person or on social media. Interesting.
The democrats are shills for China. The lockdown over Covid19, hmnn subtle. Trying to destroy the economy?
The unnecessary impeachment of Trump? The Chinese hate Trump, they are puling out the plugs to get him and they have bought out (look it up) the main stream media to trash him, and they have bought out lock stock and barrel, the Democratic party too. Communist foreign nationals OWN the Democrats. I used to be a democrat, They lost us. I have said enough...
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?

Hopefully they'll respond with one last act of defiance: By dousing themselves with gasoline and lighting themselves on fire.

How much stronger of a message could they send the world? When those Buddhist monks did that very same thing during the early part of the Vietnam War, it grabbed the attention of every news media, worldwide.

I propose we start a fund to donate to their cause: Some convenience store gas cards, lighters, matches, gas cans, anything you can spare.

Remember: Every little bit helps.
Can anyone here give me a logical reason why the democrats support race riots and civil unrest and support BLM want to defund the police over basically a tiny issue, when black on black violence is a rather more pressing issue? It confuses me, too. Systemic racism NOW is ignoring the high black murder rate and focusing on a trivial few police shootings. THAT is systemic NOW.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?

Hopefully they'll respond with one last act of defiance: By dousing themselves with gasoline and lighting themselves on fire.

How much stronger of a message could they send the world? When those Buddhist monks did that very same thing during the early part of the Vietnam War, it grabbed the attention of every news media, worldwide.

I propose we start a fund to donate to their cause: Some convenience store gas cards, lighters, matches, gas cans, anything you can spare.

Remember: Every little bit helps.
What a disgusting hope; what a waste of air and water you are.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?

Hopefully they'll respond with one last act of defiance: By dousing themselves with gasoline and lighting themselves on fire.

How much stronger of a message could they send the world? When those Buddhist monks did that very same thing during the early part of the Vietnam War, it grabbed the attention of every news media, worldwide.

I propose we start a fund to donate to their cause: Some convenience store gas cards, lighters, matches, gas cans, anything you can spare.

Remember: Every little bit helps.
What a disgusting hope; what a waste of air and water you are.

I waste as much air and water as I can, but gasoline is a precious commodity. :11:
A foreign troll perhaps?

No, Mary is from France if I remember correctly, so she might have not known the difference between nomination and being elected...

She has never shown. Trollish habit on here...
Somebody ask her how France is getting along with all of those Muslim refugees these days. LOL I hear beheadings have been up lately. Maybe they need to abolish gun control and arm their stupid selves.
Can anyone here give me a logical reason why the democrats support race riots

Is ther any actual sentience at work here, or are we just seeing a poorly programmed Republican-talking-points AI?
And lets here, where is all the sentience behind the Democrats ( I used to be one) enabling the race riots and civil unrest? I would LOVE to see the excuses. The Democrats "left" me, not the other way 'round.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?
WashDC businesses are already boarding up and they ain't expecting angry, bitter, Repub looters next week.

Didja happen to catch that on CNN/PMSNBC? Yeah ... me neither.

Hell ... CNN isn't even mentioning the Looting in Philly. I guess if they ignore it, it never happened.
How do you think the "mostly" peaceful Democrats that sponsor race riots and civil unrest will respond?
WashDC businesses are already boarding up and they ain't expecting angry, bitter, Repub looters next week.
Its been angry neurotic hateful Democrat leftist that's actually been the rioting this entire time, get on the reality train, bubba. Which is why I created this thread.

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