When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I was looking for news on TV about the riots. Unfortunately, the only channel I could find that was talking about it was CNN. I watched it for a couple of minutes. 3 wackadoodle liberals were discussing President Trump having said "When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts". Well apparently these 3 libnuts thought they would get some political mileage out of trashing the president, accusing him (ho hum) of racism.

The 3 stooges were Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Joe Biden. They were ragging at Trump, by saying that he meant when the rioters were looting, they should be shot. CNN switched to a press conference with this question being asked of him, and he said he meant that when looting starts, people get shot.

I don't know about most posters in this forum, but I don't care one iota which of these 2 versions is the real one. As a former business owner, and a legal gun owner/carrier, I would have no hesitation to defend myself and my entire livelihood, from rioting/looting savages, by making a bloody pudding out of them, with either my 12 gauge shotgun, my .380 semiauto pistol, or my M4A1 Carbine rifle, adjusted into fully automatic (machine gun mode)

As far as I'm concerned these uncivilized lunatics are making war against all of us in civil society, they are enemy combatants, and they should be stopped, with whatever level of force is required to stop them. The only reason why they are not being stopped is because, like with traffic blocking, these riots are occuring in cities with Democrat politicians in charge. These screwballs ALLOW the rioters to riot. They ALLOW them to loot. They are afraid that if they take the normal action to stop these looney thugs, the more extreme elements of the black community will label them as racists, and they will lose VOTES from their all-important (to them) black community

In contrast, just about every conservative in America is saying, You come and attack MY community, and I'll blast you to bits.

I was looking for news on TV about the riots. Unfortunately, the only channel I could find that was talking about it was CNN. I watched it for a couple of minutes. 3 wackadoodle liberals were discussing President Trump having said "When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts". Well apparently these 3 libnuts thought they would get some political mileage out of trashing the president, accusing him (ho hum) of racism.

The 3 stooges were Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Joe Biden. They were ragging at Trump, by saying that he meant when the rioters were looting, they should be shot. CNN switched to a press conference with this question being asked of him, and he said he meant that when looting starts, people get shot.

I don't know about most posters in this forum, but I don't care one iota which of these 2 versions is the real one. As a former business owner, and a legal gun owner/carrier, I would have no hesitation to defend myself and my entire livelihood, from rioting/looting savages, by making a bloody pudding out of them, with either my 12 gauge shotgun, my .380 semiauto pistol, or my M4A1 Carbine rifle, adjusted into fully automatic (machine gun mode)

As far as I'm concerned these uncivilized lunatics are making war against all of us in civil society, they are enemy combatants, and they should be stopped, with whatever level of force is required to stop them. The only reason why they are not being stopped is because, like with traffic blocking, these riots are occuring in cities with Democrat politicians in charge. These screwballs ALLOW the rioters to riot. They ALLOW them to loot. They are afraid that if they take the normal action to stop these looney thugs, the more extreme elements of the black community will label them as racists, and they will lose VOTES from their all-important (to them) black community

In contrast, just about every conservative in America is saying, You come and attack MY community, and I'll blast you to bits.

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Not me. I made sure that my wife stocked us up on Hershey's chocolate bars and marshmallows. If them looties come to my place we're gonna make some smores and sing a few rounds of Kumbaya. Then I'll tie them up after they pass out from too many smores, and call 911.

Uhhhh.....you're not buying this, are you?
Not me. I made sure that my wife stocked us up on Hershey's chocolate bars and marshmallows. If them looties come to my place we're gonna make some smores and sing a few rounds of Kumbaya. Then I'll tie them up after they pass out from too many smores, and call 911.

Uhhhh.....you're not buying this, are you?
I'm buying THIS >>

Meanwhile in Minneapolis, riot police are shooting rubber bullets at the looters.

And that’s Dems, not President Trump.
The Governor was able to distinguish between the rioters and the protesters. And he's loaded for bear tonight. The first few minutes makes that clear.

Not me. I made sure that my wife stocked us up on Hershey's chocolate bars and marshmallows. If them looties come to my place we're gonna make some smores and sing a few rounds of Kumbaya. Then I'll tie them up after they pass out from too many smores, and call 911.

Uhhhh.....you're not buying this, are you?
I'm buying THIS >>

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To be honest, I didn't do anything during that whole month of cornonavirus lockdown, except cast up a couple thousand bullets, handload a shitload of ammo, chronograph the results, and fine tune my handgun technique.

My hand is sore, my ears are still ringing from the time I forgot to put on my earpro, and my right arm is still stiff from operating the single-stage reloading press.

If they're going to loot here, please go somewhere else. That lockdown has made me tired and cranky.
Another thread along these same lines, has a whole series of super posts essentially warning rioters, that they may be able to get away with all this crap in Democrat big cities, but you come to my suburb, and you're mincemeat.

I was looking for news on TV about the riots. Unfortunately, the only channel I could find that was talking about it was CNN. I watched it for a couple of minutes. 3 wackadoodle liberals were discussing President Trump having said "When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts". Well apparently these 3 libnuts thought they would get some political mileage out of trashing the president, accusing him (ho hum) of racism.

The 3 stooges were Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Joe Biden. They were ragging at Trump, by saying that he meant when the rioters were looting, they should be shot. CNN switched to a press conference with this question being asked of him, and he said he meant that when looting starts, people get shot.

I don't know about most posters in this forum, but I don't care one iota which of these 2 versions is the real one. As a former business owner, and a legal gun owner/carrier, I would have no hesitation to defend myself and my entire livelihood, from rioting/looting savages, by making a bloody pudding out of them, with either my 12 gauge shotgun, my .380 semiauto pistol, or my M4A1 Carbine rifle, adjusted into fully automatic (machine gun mode)

As far as I'm concerned these uncivilized lunatics are making war against all of us in civil society, they are enemy combatants, and they should be stopped, with whatever level of force is required to stop them. The only reason why they are not being stopped is because, like with traffic blocking, these riots are occuring in cities with Democrat politicians in charge. These screwballs ALLOW the rioters to riot. They ALLOW them to loot. They are afraid that if they take the normal action to stop these looney thugs, the more extreme elements of the black community will label them as racists, and they will lose VOTES from their all-important (to them) black community

In contrast, just about every conservative in America is saying, You come and attack MY community, and I'll blast you to bits.

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Wow, wonderful post! Thank you.
Meanwhile in Minneapolis, riot police are shooting rubber bullets at the looters.

And that’s Dems, not President Trump.
The Governor was able to distinguish between the rioters and the protesters. And he's loaded for bear tonight. The first few minutes makes that clear.

The people I saw being shot on live TV weren’t actively rioting, but they were disobeying police orders to move away.
Meanwhile in Minneapolis, riot police are shooting rubber bullets at the looters.

And that’s Dems, not President Trump.
The Governor was able to distinguish between the rioters and the protesters. And he's loaded for bear tonight. The first few minutes makes that clear.

The people I saw being shot on live TV weren’t actively rioting, but they were disobeying police orders to move away.

If you are in a riot and refuse to move, you are rioting.
I was looking for news on TV about the riots. Unfortunately, the only channel I could find that was talking about it was CNN. I watched it for a couple of minutes. 3 wackadoodle liberals were discussing President Trump having said "When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts". Well apparently these 3 libnuts thought they would get some political mileage out of trashing the president, accusing him (ho hum) of racism.

The 3 stooges were Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Joe Biden. They were ragging at Trump, by saying that he meant when the rioters were looting, they should be shot. CNN switched to a press conference with this question being asked of him, and he said he meant that when looting starts, people get shot.

I don't know about most posters in this forum, but I don't care one iota which of these 2 versions is the real one. As a former business owner, and a legal gun owner/carrier, I would have no hesitation to defend myself and my entire livelihood, from rioting/looting savages, by making a bloody pudding out of them, with either my 12 gauge shotgun, my .380 semiauto pistol, or my M4A1 Carbine rifle, adjusted into fully automatic (machine gun mode)

As far as I'm concerned these uncivilized lunatics are making war against all of us in civil society, they are enemy combatants, and they should be stopped, with whatever level of force is required to stop them. The only reason why they are not being stopped is because, like with traffic blocking, these riots are occuring in cities with Democrat politicians in charge. These screwballs ALLOW the rioters to riot. They ALLOW them to loot. They are afraid that if they take the normal action to stop these looney thugs, the more extreme elements of the black community will label them as racists, and they will lose VOTES from their all-important (to them) black community

In contrast, just about every conservative in America is saying, You come and attack MY community, and I'll blast you to bits.

View attachment 343200

Not me. I made sure that my wife stocked us up on Hershey's chocolate bars and marshmallows. If them looties come to my place we're gonna make some smores and sing a few rounds of Kumbaya. Then I'll tie them up after they pass out from too many smores, and call 911.

Uhhhh.....you're not buying this, are you?

Right Genius. All the riots, assaults and vandalism is made up.

What a wonderful land you live in.

I was looking for news on TV about the riots. Unfortunately, the only channel I could find that was talking about it was CNN. I watched it for a couple of minutes. 3 wackadoodle liberals were discussing President Trump having said "When the Looting Starts; the Shooting Starts". Well apparently these 3 libnuts thought they would get some political mileage out of trashing the president, accusing him (ho hum) of racism.

The 3 stooges were Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, and Joe Biden. They were ragging at Trump, by saying that he meant when the rioters were looting, they should be shot. CNN switched to a press conference with this question being asked of him, and he said he meant that when looting starts, people get shot.

I don't know about most posters in this forum, but I don't care one iota which of these 2 versions is the real one. As a former business owner, and a legal gun owner/carrier, I would have no hesitation to defend myself and my entire livelihood, from rioting/looting savages, by making a bloody pudding out of them, with either my 12 gauge shotgun, my .380 semiauto pistol, or my M4A1 Carbine rifle, adjusted into fully automatic (machine gun mode)

As far as I'm concerned these uncivilized lunatics are making war against all of us in civil society, they are enemy combatants, and they should be stopped, with whatever level of force is required to stop them. The only reason why they are not being stopped is because, like with traffic blocking, these riots are occuring in cities with Democrat politicians in charge. These screwballs ALLOW the rioters to riot. They ALLOW them to loot. They are afraid that if they take the normal action to stop these looney thugs, the more extreme elements of the black community will label them as racists, and they will lose VOTES from their all-important (to them) black community

In contrast, just about every conservative in America is saying, You come and attack MY community, and I'll blast you to bits.

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Forgive me if I momentarily hijack your thread . . .

PHASE ONE: Coronavirus "pandemic"

PHASE TWO: Violent revolution disguised as race riots

Someone please do the math . . .

Two phased attack on America? China happy, Soros happy, Radical Leftist cult happy?

America locked down, America on fire?

Phase 3 incoming?
Meanwhile in Minneapolis, riot police are shooting rubber bullets at the looters.

And that’s Dems, not President Trump.
The Governor was able to distinguish between the rioters and the protesters. And he's loaded for bear tonight. The first few minutes makes that clear.

The people I saw being shot on live TV weren’t actively rioting, but they were disobeying police orders to move away.

In some areas they used rubber bullets to "convince" them to move. Split the group up but good. Whether they reform somewhere .... but cops are everywhere and the helicopters are up watching.

It may be the party's over. But will they have to do this every night to keep it that way?
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