When the Collapse Comes...

I don't doubt it. It's the prepper way..."I have mine so fuck you.!"

And you wonder why you guys keep losing national elections.

Isn't that what you're saying though? It's not like you're personally preparing, you are relying on your employer to provide for you.
Factually incorrect.

I have my go bag plus extras that my training an experience tells me is important. More food, games to occupy the mind, etc...

I have the unique perspective of being part of the response apparatus for my employer.

However, if someone is going to look to their right and see trucks handing out bottled water and other commodities and look to their left and see woods and a bunch of guys on four wheelers and decides that they are going to see how great it is in the woods because there is a line...there isn't much that can (and in my opinion should) be done to stop them.

Nobody has described that situation but it's clear you've never seen an actual "collapse." There's more than a "line" there's a huge mob. It's not safe.

Will you be giving those supplies to the masses that are starving or will you sit safe inside your secured building finding translators?

How much of your own food are you going to share with strangers?

I'll be happy to share. How much? As supplies run out, yes you taper your sharing; as I've said time and again in this thread.

How are you going to share? You'll be locked inside "coordinating logistics" or whatever it is they have you doing.

Go back to the OP...I won't act like that. Ever. Enevitably in our ready drills, people have shown up with bags that didn't have the necessities for the 72 hour period. I'm happy to share with them.

Ok fair enough. What if 50 people are outside your house and the roads are all blocked preventing you from getting to work? How much are you going to share?
I don't doubt it. It's the prepper way..."I have mine so fuck you.!"

And you wonder why you guys keep losing national elections.

Isn't that what you're saying though? It's not like you're personally preparing, you are relying on your employer to provide for you.
Factually incorrect.

I have my go bag plus extras that my training an experience tells me is important. More food, games to occupy the mind, etc...

I have the unique perspective of being part of the response apparatus for my employer.

However, if someone is going to look to their right and see trucks handing out bottled water and other commodities and look to their left and see woods and a bunch of guys on four wheelers and decides that they are going to see how great it is in the woods because there is a line...there isn't much that can (and in my opinion should) be done to stop them.

Will you be giving those supplies to the masses that are starving or will you sit safe inside your secured building finding translators?

How much of your own food are you going to share with strangers?

I'll be happy to share. How much? As supplies run out, yes you taper your sharing; as I've said time and again in this thread.
Go back to the OP...I won't act like that. Ever. Enevitably in our ready drills, people have shown up with bags that didn't have the necessities for the 72 hour period. I'm happy to share with them.

Yeah...you'll be able to feed the masses with that 72 hours of rations.:lol:
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

of course i will. I'll be absolutely coo coo for cocoapuffs then.
I am curious though. What sort of infection were you talking about? Other than various mild infections involving earaches, sinuses and the like, only one of my three children has even gotten a serious infection.

Yeah...why do you think that is?

Did you and your armory scare off bacteria, viruses and germs. Or did the same public health institutions that you guys lampoon check to make sure there paint in your house doesn't have unsafe levels of lead, drinking water is pure, restaurants you eat at cook food properly....

All of that is out the window when you remove yourself from the regulatory bodies and go it alone with the fellow preppers who happily await the meltdown.

The point-or at least one of them-that you're missing is that we are talking about a possible time when those things no longer exist. Not removing ourselves. Not removing them ourselves, Understand? No restaurants to regulate. No water coming out of the pipes. No place to get food from stores or the government. No hospitals as you know them. No banks. No value to money. No tech. methods of communications. No vehicles for yourself or for emergency services. No electricity so all those things that require it are useless. Understand? Considering viable possibilities is NOT the same as hoping a disaster will happen.
I am curious though. What sort of infection were you talking about? Other than various mild infections involving earaches, sinuses and the like, only one of my three children has even gotten a serious infection.

Yeah...why do you think that is?

Did you and your armory scare off bacteria, viruses and germs. Or did the same public health institutions that you guys lampoon check to make sure there paint in your house doesn't have unsafe levels of lead, drinking water is pure, restaurants you eat at cook food properly....

All of that is out the window when you remove yourself from the regulatory bodies and go it alone with the fellow preppers who happily await the meltdown.

Nobody is "happily" awaiting the meltdown but you persist in saying it anyway.

So much bullshit bias, and that somehow makes you think you're superior.


Let candyass and her anti-intellectual ilk believe the nanny state government has planned for and stockpiled supplies to get the entire nation through every perceivable calamity, and even the most implausible ones.

Let her ignore the fact that shortly after 9/11 the feds themselves admitted they were nearly powerless to do much to help the majority of us. They encouraged prepping, stockpiling everything but guns/ammo. They had information on how to seal off the windows of your house in case of chemical attack, encouraged the purchase of extra batteries, radios, antibiotics, you name it.

Let her ridicule people who did what her beloved government suggested they do. Let her condemn the people who used what limited resources they had, and are unwilling to sacrifice their meager provisions to sustain those who ignored all warnings and common sense.

I don't subscribe to the "doomsday" mentality, but most of us are fully aware that there is potential for things to get New Orleans fucked up on a continental scale. It's far fetched, but there is a remote possibility. If that happens, candyass will be lucky to blow 2nd Amendment for a pair of his victim's bloody shoes.
Yeah...why do you think that is?

Did you and your armory scare off bacteria, viruses and germs. Or did the same public health institutions that you guys lampoon check to make sure there paint in your house doesn't have unsafe levels of lead, drinking water is pure, restaurants you eat at cook food properly....

All of that is out the window when you remove yourself from the regulatory bodies and go it alone with the fellow preppers who happily await the meltdown.

Nobody is "happily" awaiting the meltdown but you persist in saying it anyway.

So much bullshit bias, and that somehow makes you think you're superior.


Let candyass and her anti-intellectual ilk believe the nanny state government has planned for and stockpiled supplies to get the entire nation through every perceivable calamity, and even the most implausible ones.

Let her ignore the fact that shortly after 9/11 the feds themselves admitted they were nearly powerless to do much to help the majority of us. They encouraged prepping, stockpiling everything but guns/ammo. They had information on how to seal off the windows of your house in case of chemical attack, encouraged the purchase of extra batteries, radios, antibiotics, you name it.

Let her ridicule people who did what her beloved government suggested they do. Let her condemn the people who used what limited resources they had, and are unwilling to sacrifice their meager provisions to sustain those who ignored all warnings and common sense.

I don't subscribe to the "doomsday" mentality, but most of us are fully aware that there is potential for things to get New Orleans fucked up on a continental scale. It's far fetched, but there is a remote possibility. If that happens, candyass will be lucky to blow 2nd Amendment for a pair of his victim's bloody shoes.

But then for awhile CandyAss sported an Avie that glorified a wench Sandra Fluke, that wanted the TAXPAYERS to pay for her birth control while in college...Convoluted and WRONG on so many levels...but CandyAss IS ALWAYS on the wrong side as is her premise on this thread.

Sheer stupidity...Fearmongering...but leftists as her are like that.

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