When the Collapse Comes...

Nobody is "happily" awaiting the meltdown but you persist in saying it anyway.

So much bullshit bias, and that somehow makes you think you're superior.

Look; it's Friday evening and some boob is posting one-liners over and over again.

You don't feel superior to this regrettable fuckstain?


I don't even feel superior to you. I do feel sorry for you though. You're damaged. I hope you eventually work that out. Otherwise if something really bad does happen and you're in a role to help or hurt others, you are going to break and people will die.

The sad fact is that many people within the government will completely fall apart and be a liability, many more will take anything of value home so that they can take care of people they love. The few who actually are dedicated to public service and aren't totally overwhelmed will retrograde to safe areas to care for those peers who shit their pants.

Again, this is a hypothetical, based on far fetched possibilities. Even though this is a troll thread, this topic should be discussed by rational adults even if the point was to ridicule people who have a box of MRE's in their closet.

Look; it's Friday evening and some boob is posting one-liners over and over again.

You don't feel superior to this regrettable fuckstain?


I don't even feel superior to you. I do feel sorry for you though. You're damaged. I hope you eventually work that out. Otherwise if something really bad does happen and you're in a role to help or hurt others, you are going to break and people will die.

The sad fact is that many people within the government will completely fall apart and be a liability, many more will take anything of value home so that they can take care of people they love. The few who actually are dedicated to public service and aren't totally overwhelmed will retrograde to safe areas to care for those peers who shit their pants.

Again, this is a hypothetical, based on far fetched possibilities. Even though this is a troll thread, this topic should be discussed by rational adults even if the point was to ridicule people who have a box of MRE's in their closet.

And in this regard, WE have to regard whistleblowers in high regard, THEY are the TRUE public Servants. They Do their jobs while braving ridicule and threats FOR doing their jobs.
When is the Zombie Apocalypse coming to town? Can you put a date on it? I don't want to miss out.
Is it gona be like a giant rock concert. They are my favorite group.
The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 810 miles (1,300 km) through California in the United States. The fault was first identified in 1895 by Professor of geology Andrew Lawson from UC Berkeley who discovered the northern zone (source: Wikipedia).

The San Andreas Fault is by itself relatively reactive, but modern manmade pollution catalyzed unnatural Earth element movements (atmospheric gases, winds, etc.) are perhaps creating unusual continent reef perturbations.

This makes the San Andreas Fault a geo-symbol of end times panic.

Apocalyptic prophecies always sound insane. With the development of astronomy, predictions of physics-normalized Earth-asteroid collisions further add cold water to the fiery spiritualism talk about 'man deserving a giant asteroid at the end of days.'

Well, even if we are merely dinosaurs waiting for the next cataclysmic asteroid collision, the San Andreas Fault in sunny California should remind Americans and others across the globe of the tangible anxiousness associated with Earth turbulence.


I prep but just for hurricane season. I make sure I have enough water for 3 weeks, enough can goods for 3 weeks. We keep gas in jugs in our garage for our generator that way we are not hurrying up when a hurricane comes this way..
The point-or at least one of them-that you're missing is that we are talking about a possible time when those things no longer exist. Not removing ourselves. Not removing them ourselves, Understand? No restaurants to regulate. No water coming out of the pipes. No place to get food from stores or the government. No hospitals as you know them. No banks. No value to money. No tech. methods of communications. No vehicles for yourself or for emergency services. No electricity so all those things that require it are useless. Understand? Considering viable possibilities is NOT the same as hoping a disaster will happen.

As stated something like 6 times now, I doubt those that preach they will turn people away actually will. ???
What makes you think that people who are choosing to go it alone are "simpletons?" That's the superiority complex I'm talking about.
The old adage of "strength in numbers" takes on added importance when resources are scarce. Put another way, the strength of the wolf resides in that they are almost always in a pack.

I'm aware that you have lots of training in this area and that you trust the system. I think your tune would change if you saw how fast the system breaks down if things don't go according to plan.

Plus, the plans you keep alluding to will not work in the type of collapse that is being theorized by preppers.
Things rarely go as to plan. Hurricane Rita caused an evacuation in Houston. People were running out of gas on the roads. TXNG showed up to refuel some vehicles.

The need for fuel was exacerbated by long waits on the
evacuation routes during which many cars ran out of gas.
Making matters worse, plans to use National Guard trucks
to refuel stranded vehicles failed because the trucks were
equipped with nozzles that could refuel jets but not cars."

Somehow the mass genocide never came about however.

No they weren't. The person in question used a hypothetical last-resort means as an example of how one can survive without all of the comforts of modern medical facilities.

And with years of amputation experience...I'm sure the infirmed would not bleed out....this is why I refer to some as simpletons.

But thanks, you've just proven my point. You denied having a superiority complex and then detailed why you think you are superior.
Sorry, I was being honest in both cases. A complex is something you can't control...feeling superior to amputation aficionados is (or should be) a given.

That is 100% bullshit, completely made up by you. I have about 200 gallons of gasoline stored on my property, three generators, a month's worth of food, and a robust water purification system.

Does that mean I'm hoping for a hurricane?
Hoping? No. Would you feel vindicated should it happen however? Yup.

Most people don't think like you. You're not proving anything about anyone but yourself. If you double down with an 8 showing, you're just a very inexperienced card player. No wonder you think preppers are "whack jobs," you're just as ignorant about them as you are about cards.

I bet you've never started with $40 on a $5 table and walked away with $2000 a few hours later have you?

Much more than that...easily. I know many who have.

When I have 8, I double down (you're allowed to look at both your cards). You're very likely to get a face card.
Yeah...why do you think that is?

Did you and your armory scare off bacteria, viruses and germs. Or did the same public health institutions that you guys lampoon check to make sure there paint in your house doesn't have unsafe levels of lead, drinking water is pure, restaurants you eat at cook food properly....

All of that is out the window when you remove yourself from the regulatory bodies and go it alone with the fellow preppers who happily await the meltdown.

So after 72 hours the gov't will no longer be doing any of those things? Why?
OK, just so you know...

The private physicians are on the very bottom of the distribution channel in our community.

I'm not sure what stockpiles Walgreens or CVS may have.

Why would Walgreens or CVS not have antibiotics?

And what sort of infection would my daughter have in her arm? Does it work so fast that I have no time to get her to a dr?

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