When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Why would any normal thinkng American admit defeat in a stolen election .....

Regardless of political association?

Trump is looking for revenge. This is his way of undermining the country.
You are making shit up, why?

Trump has a 40 year reputation as a liar and a cheat. Wake up. He's out for revenge against the country.
And the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have 40 year history as theives and liars living off the taxpayers and what extra bribes they can squirrel away. Career "politicos"/apparatchiks !
They are out to pillage and plunder all they can before their plans for destruction of the country go into play.

You really don't see the differences between Trump .. or the Clintons, Bidens and Obamas? Really? Character isn't on your radar at all?
Character definetly is on my radar which is why I have little respect or regard for parasitic wealth takers and looters like the Clintons, the Obamas, or Bidens. The concept is one that eluded most of the Leftist~socialist~communist members posting here since they are also part of the same problem; not understanding the basics of economics along with also be looters and wealth takers more than makers/creators.

All three couples mentioned, within a couple years of graduating college and starting their "careers" went into employment funded by taxpayers and the into elected office, funded by taxpayers. Interestingly all have amassed personal fortunes beyond what could have happened had they saved every dime from their guv'mint paychecks and royalties for lame books*. There is the first character flaw by my standards.

Other flaws, ... in the case of Biden, the "quid-pro-quo" episode of he and his son in Burisma/Ukraine mess is another (and illustrative of others) and the dozens of pictures of him touching and nuzzling females, little girls especially, suggest Joe is a sleazy, creepy, pedo, molester. That this scum bag got votes (legal ones?) doesn't say much admirable about the citizens who voted for him and their character to either not notice or care about hie lack of character and integrity.

One of B.H. Obama's major character flaw was he was a liar, when not being an idiot in some matter. His first book was dedicated to bigamist, families abandoning father and ends with him raving about this new church and minister he's discovered. He joined this church because as he confessed in the book, it was essential for appearances and connections to be a member of a major church in the community where one wants to "organize" and build a political career. BHO's first book ends with him raving how inspired he was with Rev. Wright's sermon "The Audacity of Hope." So much so it seems that this becomes the title of BHO's second book.

The real character flaw for BHO comes when he's been elected POTUS and some ask about his association with "gawd-damn Amerika" Rev. Wright, and BHO says he never paid much attention to the Rev. and usually slept through the services. Fork-tongue liar BHO. Another case where the insult to injury is in the form of those lacking character whom voted for him.

As for SHillary; Benghazi! (Tip of an iceberg, but bad enough alone)

Just IMO, from a "deplorable".

Oh yeah; Trump. Like most whom rise in business or politics, has his flaws; but at least he tried to do what he said on campaign and those promises and intent are what resonant with the part of America that works for living creating wealth and trying to build up this nation, not tear down, demean and "fundamentally change(destroy)" which has been the Democrat agenda the past 50+ years. Trump was the closest thing to another Ronald Reagan we've had.
Trump is more of a divider within the Republican party than a unifier. If the GOP pulls off a defeat from the jaws of victory next year, as they did with the Georgia runoffs, Republicans will be just as fickle with Trump as they were with the Bush the 1st, Bush the 2nd, McCain and Romney.
We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
Do you have an alternative in mind?

I'm guessing it's a more authoritarian rule by one man, a guy who was recently President.

Would that be an accurate guess?
As usual, you guess wrong.
Sounds like maybe a bit of projection on your part.

First I'm in favor of more republic and less democracy.

If one needs to pass assorted tests to be employed in civil service, maybe they should pass a test or two to vote, such as we expect when applying for citizenship.
Also, with exceptions for military, LEO, and firefighters; if more than half your income comes via a guv'mint check (the taxpayers), maybe you shouldn't vote when it comes to the public treasury.

Voting is also a responsibility and the Founders expected the citizens voting to be informed and involved, not just tossing a coin to decide the way many do. But then, there were VERY FEW back then collecting a guv'mint check to support themselves, so perspectives, values, and character have changed a bit since.
Blues are you tired of all the winning yet or of trumps whining ??
So the speech "fell flat"? Why? I mean they have heard it all before and were fine with it or did they really think there would be something new?

He told us we would get tired of all the winning when in fact he meant all the whining.
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

EMH? !!
Is that you playing dress-up in a Stryder50 mask?
It's gotta be you.
There can't be two who sound and think exactly alike.

Lightning striking twice on the same ginormous brain?
I'll be gobsmacked!
Trump has brought new voters to the Republican party. Should we compare Trump rallies versus Biden ralies?
Actually rallies are a measure of the level of dedication, not participation. Trump has a core of very loyal followers, but they only represent 20% of all of the voters.
When do you admit Trump lost the election??
Trump didn't lose the election, it was stolen from him. ... :cool:
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?
"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.
Why would any normal thinkng American admit defeat in a stolen election .....

Regardless of political association?

Trump is looking for revenge. This is his way of undermining the country.
You are making shit up, why?

Trump has a 40 year reputation as a liar and a cheat. Wake up. He's out for revenge against the country.
And the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have 40 year history as theives and liars living off the taxpayers and what extra bribes they can squirrel away. Career "politicos"/apparatchiks !
They are out to pillage and plunder all they can before their plans for destruction of the country go into play.

You really don't see the differences between Trump .. or the Clintons, Bidens and Obamas? Really? Character isn't on your radar at all?
Character definetly is on my radar which is why I have little respect or regard for parasitic wealth takers and looters like the Clintons, the Obamas, or Bidens. The concept is one that eluded most of the Leftist~socialist~communist members posting here since they are also part of the same problem; not understanding the basics of economics along with also be looters and wealth takers more than makers/creators.

All three couples mentioned, within a couple years of graduating college and starting their "careers" went into employment funded by taxpayers and the into elected office, funded by taxpayers. Interestingly all have amassed personal fortunes beyond what could have happened had they saved every dime from their guv'mint paychecks and royalties for lame books*. There is the first character flaw by my standards.

Other flaws, ... in the case of Biden, the "quid-pro-quo" episode of he and his son in Burisma/Ukraine mess is another (and illustrative of others) and the dozens of pictures of him touching and nuzzling females, little girls especially, suggest Joe is a sleazy, creepy, pedo, molester. That this scum bag got votes (legal ones?) doesn't say much admirable about the citizens who voted for him and their character to either not notice or care about hie lack of character and integrity.

One of B.H. Obama's major character flaw was he was a liar, when not being an idiot in some matter. His first book was dedicated to bigamist, families abandoning father and ends with him raving about this new church and minister he's discovered. He joined this church because as he confessed in the book, it was essential for appearances and connections to be a member of a major church in the community where one wants to "organize" and build a political career. BHO's first book ends with him raving how inspired he was with Rev. Wright's sermon "The Audacity of Hope." So much so it seems that this becomes the title of BHO's second book.

The real character flaw for BHO comes when he's been elected POTUS and some ask about his association with "gawd-damn Amerika" Rev. Wright, and BHO says he never paid much attention to the Rev. and usually slept through the services. Fork-tongue liar BHO. Another case where the insult to injury is in the form of those lacking character whom voted for him.

As for SHillary; Benghazi! (Tip of an iceberg, but bad enough alone)

Just IMO, from a "deplorable".

Oh yeah; Trump. Like most whom rise in business or politics, has his flaws; but at least he tried to do what he said on campaign and those promises and intent are what resonant with the part of America that works for living creating wealth and trying to build up this nation, not tear down, demean and "fundamentally change(destroy)" which has been the Democrat agenda the past 50+ years. Trump was the closest thing to another Ronald Reagan we've had.
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
Oh get a grip and get real!
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

The more relevant issue for those of us whom were disgusted by Barry was that he was a bastard with a biological father whom was a bigamist and then abandoned the family (Barry and his mom). Then he, Barry, went on to become a Marxist/seditionist intent upon destroying the foundations of our nation.

The concerns and issues we conservatives had was that Barry writes and dedicates his first book towards this sleaze and scumbag of a father. Thus showing clear insight into the lack of character, integrity, ethics, morals, values, or common sense brains which was Barack Husein Obama. Granted, Barry was a slick-talking, forked tongue fake, but if ever there was a person less suited to be POTUS, BHO was it! The injury to insult here was that supposedly just over half the voters cast for him, showing how much the quality of our citizens has declined in manner similar to what the Democrats have offered in the last few decades.

We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
More lies. Birtherism started on rightwing Internet sites.
"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.

I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, all it does it put an asterisk in the history book. That it would be up to congress to declare Trump the true president-elect, and Pence the true VP elect. And that Biden and Harris were made president and VP in error, and were in fact only "acting" in those roles.

Then use the 20th amendment section 3

If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Then congress declares the disability (losing the election) was resolved, and Trump and Pence now qualify to occupy the office.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Never. It's how they keep the lie alive and move this shitshow closer and closer to 2022. Keep it pumped up in the alt-right media, keep the fundraising going, and most of all, keep it alive in the minds of the conspiracy theory driven weaklings. :)
The tactics of a weak and dying party.
Why would any normal thinkng American admit defeat in a stolen election .....

Regardless of political association?

Trump is looking for revenge. This is his way of undermining the country.
You are making shit up, why?

Trump has a 40 year reputation as a liar and a cheat. Wake up. He's out for revenge against the country.
And the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have 40 year history as theives and liars living off the taxpayers and what extra bribes they can squirrel away. Career "politicos"/apparatchiks !
They are out to pillage and plunder all they can before their plans for destruction of the country go into play.

You really don't see the differences between Trump .. or the Clintons, Bidens and Obamas? Really? Character isn't on your radar at all?
Character definetly is on my radar which is why I have little respect or regard for parasitic wealth takers and looters like the Clintons, the Obamas, or Bidens. The concept is one that eluded most of the Leftist~socialist~communist members posting here since they are also part of the same problem; not understanding the basics of economics along with also be looters and wealth takers more than makers/creators.

All three couples mentioned, within a couple years of graduating college and starting their "careers" went into employment funded by taxpayers and the into elected office, funded by taxpayers. Interestingly all have amassed personal fortunes beyond what could have happened had they saved every dime from their guv'mint paychecks and royalties for lame books*. There is the first character flaw by my standards.

Other flaws, ... in the case of Biden, the "quid-pro-quo" episode of he and his son in Burisma/Ukraine mess is another (and illustrative of others) and the dozens of pictures of him touching and nuzzling females, little girls especially, suggest Joe is a sleazy, creepy, pedo, molester. That this scum bag got votes (legal ones?) doesn't say much admirable about the citizens who voted for him and their character to either not notice or care about hie lack of character and integrity.

One of B.H. Obama's major character flaw was he was a liar, when not being an idiot in some matter. His first book was dedicated to bigamist, families abandoning father and ends with him raving about this new church and minister he's discovered. He joined this church because as he confessed in the book, it was essential for appearances and connections to be a member of a major church in the community where one wants to "organize" and build a political career. BHO's first book ends with him raving how inspired he was with Rev. Wright's sermon "The Audacity of Hope." So much so it seems that this becomes the title of BHO's second book.

The real character flaw for BHO comes when he's been elected POTUS and some ask about his association with "gawd-damn Amerika" Rev. Wright, and BHO says he never paid much attention to the Rev. and usually slept through the services. Fork-tongue liar BHO. Another case where the insult to injury is in the form of those lacking character whom voted for him.

As for SHillary; Benghazi! (Tip of an iceberg, but bad enough alone)

Just IMO, from a "deplorable".

Oh yeah; Trump. Like most whom rise in business or politics, has his flaws; but at least he tried to do what he said on campaign and those promises and intent are what resonant with the part of America that works for living creating wealth and trying to build up this nation, not tear down, demean and "fundamentally change(destroy)" which has been the Democrat agenda the past 50+ years. Trump was the closest thing to another Ronald Reagan we've had.

You sound like a loser who still doesn't know anything about Benghazi.

Trump is out for revenge.. Are you going to help him?

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