When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Exhibit 411: Trump broke the Left
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Never. It's how they keep the lie alive and move this shitshow closer and closer to 2022. Keep it pumped up in the alt-right media, keep the fundraising going, and most of all, keep it alive in the minds of the conspiracy theory driven weaklings. :)
When democrats stop trying to block any audits and get busy showing those votes were legal. You would think they would be all about proving bidumb is the highest vote getting politician of all time and democrat policies really are this popular. They’re doing the opposite of that.

I do notice you’re still using the debunked Russia bullshit though so maybe it’s you that has a problem with letting go of the lies.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Right about the same time you fricken clowns admit you cheated.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Yeah why do people think top politicians, mostly dems, like little kids?
After the forensic audits. Why are dems trying to stop these audits is the question.
Because they too know the election was stolen.
The Dems election theft scheme relied on one crucial thing, Trump quickly conceding and not challenging the fraud. That's why Dems are in a panic Trump called them out on their cheating.

When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??​

Never, Dems stole the election and everyone knows it. Talk about the most RIGGED election in US history. Biden is illegitimate, a product of a corrupt rigged fraudulent election. Don't worry Dems will get what's coming to them in 2022 and 2024.

The Trumpies will lose again if they keep up this farce. The GOP doesn't stand a chance if they don't promote a candidate who is smart and decent.

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