What's wrong with Christianity

If you have negative feelings about something in Christianity feel free to post it here. I created an alternate thread called what is right about Christianity, for those who want to post the like. I'm hoping to avoid the constant bickering that often occurs between posters which ends up distracting from the conversation. Enjoy !
When people try to force their beliefs on others or judge them for not being the same, it is very deceptive to call themselves Christian. If you live a good life, treat everyone fairly and honestly, you don't necessarily need a label like "Christian" to prove you are worthy or just as good as the ones who condone labels.
When people try to force their beliefs on others or judge them for not being the same, it is very deceptive to call themselves Christian. If you live a good life, treat everyone fairly and honestly, you don't necessarily need a label like "Christian" to prove you are worthy or just as good as the ones who condone labels.
Indeed. There's a difference between living a good live and living a holy life. Christians don't demand the non-believers to live a holy life because a holy live is derived within the faith.

The issue is, if you want to compare nut sacks here as you seem to want to, those who follow a Christian holy life will, by definition, be good, while a good atheist person is bound by no obligation to be good. An atheist can kill, steal, etc. and not be accountable to anyone as long as they get away from it. Might makes right. That's the atheist drum.

An atheist can steal and get away with it and think they did nothing wrong in their mind.. A Christian who steals and gets away with it sins is morally deficient or rightfully feels guilt. If an atheists steals and feels guilt, they do so because they have been exposed to Judeo-Christian morals. Christianity taught morality and charity to humanity. Beforehand, if someone was being beaten in the street by a mob, it would be foolish to put your own arse on the line to protect them.

Charity and compassion came about because of Christianity. Yet, you seem to loathe and attack it, as if it would have existed naturally. there would be no reason for such concerns for others to exist in an atheist world. Let the weak die.
Church Law is not made by politicians. The political motto is, "There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader."

Church position on birth control is in variance from Church teaching on life--that it is God's greatest gift to us. Should the Church follow God, or should the Church follow the Political precept of, "There go the people...."

It is probably safe to say that every Catholic, somewhere along the way, has broken some Commandment, law or rule. Not once has the Church said, "Well, there go the people..." Instead, the Church's position has been the same as Christ when Jesus turned to his Apostles and asked, "Will you leave me, too?" Their response, "To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

Neither Jesus nor the Church said, "There go the people..." Instead, they remain with the people who are steadfast. And, emulating the father in the Prodigal Son, welcomes back sinners.
The Pope is the authority in the Catholic church.

The fact is the Catholic church does not condone women using birth control but the women who openly ignore that face no consequences.
Indeed. There's a difference between living a good live and living a holy life. Christians don't demand the non-believers to live a holy life because a holy live is derived within the faith.

The issue is, if you want to compare nut sacks here as you seem to want to, those who follow a Christian holy life will, by definition, be good, while a good atheist person is bound by no obligation to be good. An atheist can kill, steal, etc. and not be accountable to anyone as long as they get away from it. Might makes right. That's the atheist drum.

An atheist can steal and get away with it and think they did nothing wrong in their mind.. A Christian who steals and gets away with it sins is morally deficient or rightfully feels guilt. If an atheists steals and feels guilt, they do so because they have been exposed to Judeo-Christian morals. Christianity taught morality and charity to humanity. Beforehand, if someone was being beaten in the street by a mob, it would be foolish to put your own arse on the line to protect them.

Charity and compassion came about because of Christianity. Yet, you seem to loathe and attack it, as if it would have existed naturally. there would be no reason for such concerns for others to exist in an atheist world. Let the weak die.

That's ideal.. but the historical reality is that Christians have often used might makes right and have justified stealing and/or violence.
30. Christianity gave us America.

You were doing just fine and right around here you blew it. And then you had to venture into Christian nationalism.

Why go there?

That’s enough of the white evangelical Christian nationalistic Protestantism supported by a few Catholics here and there.

If you wish to see a slow down of the steady decline of the Christian faithful in America Christians such as yourself need to quit the BiG LIE that helped DJT bring on his BIG LIE.

Are you Catholic or Protestant?
1. Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

2. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations.

3. Christian persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.

4. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

5. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity.

6. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.

7. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility.

8. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave.

9. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences.

10. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe.

11. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature.

12. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world.

13. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit.

14. Christianity serves to bind the community together.

15. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness.

16. Christianity serves to create traditions.

17. Christianity brings order to our lives.

18. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill.

19. Christianity can act as a source of hope for the oppressed.

20. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves.

21. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon.

22. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

23. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church.

24. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market.

25. The Catholic Church invented the university.

26. Western law grew out of Church canon law.

27. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life.

28. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources.

29. Christianity gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians.

30. Christianity gave us America.

31. Christianity gave us incredible artwork.

32. Christianity gave us incredible music.

33. Christianity gave us incredible architecture.

34. Christianity has spread democracy.

35. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression.

36. Christians rebuilt Europe after WWII.

37. Christians rebuilt Japan after WWII.

38. Christians put a man on the moon.

39. Christians ended the cold war.

Aren't you being a bit saccharine? We also slaughtered the Indians and the buffalo, burned witches, kept slaves.
See Post #251...

WHOA, BS filter.

If you don't believe the Bible was inspired not by man, but by the Holy Spirit then....hey. It's just a collection of history, wisdom teachings, etc. And then that explains why Catholics can add Mary's Assumption, Apostolic teachings etc.

This explains quite a bit
WHOA, BS filter.

If you don't believe the Bible was inspired not by man, but by the Holy Spirit then....hey. It's just a collection of history, wisdom teachings, etc. And then that explains why Catholics can add Mary's Assumption, Apostolic teachings etc.

This explains quite a bit

Get real. Much of the Bible was borrowed from the cultural myths of the people around them like Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and the Northcoast Canaanites.

Much of Psalms was taken from older Syrian poetry found at Ras Shamra.. and laws from Hammurabi and the Amorite tribe.
Get real. Much of the Bible was borrowed from the cultural myths of the people around them like Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and the Northcoast Canaanites.

Much of Psalms was taken from older Syrian poetry found at Ras Shamra.. and laws from Hammurabi and the Amorite tribe.

Mars Hill Sermon, Acts 17:22-32 addresses this almost in entirety
Mars Hill Sermon, Acts 17:22-32 addresses this almost in entirety

The Hebrews didn't become monotheistic overnight.. They emerged from the Canaanites... and apparently they struggled judging by how their prophets scolded them.
The Hebrews didn't become monotheistic overnight.. They emerged from the Canaanites... and apparently they struggled judging by how their prophets scolded them.

WOW that's not in the Old Testament at all....Hebrews falling back into idol worship huh
WOW that's not in the Old Testament at all....Hebrews falling back into idol worship huh

Sure they did. Why do you think they have found over 4,000 clay icons to Asherah in Jerusalem?

Have you forgotten the Golden Calf? Remember the Bronze serpent in the Book of Numbers? God commanded Moses to make it. See Hezekiah.
Aren't you being a bit saccharine? We also slaughtered the Indians and the buffalo, burned witches, kept slaves.
I don’t believe I am. My eyes are wide open. By any objective measure Christianity has been a force for good.
Sure they did. Why do you think they have found over 4,000 clay icons to Asherah in Jerusalem?

Have you forgotten the Golden Calf? Remember the Bronze serpent in the Book of Numbers? God commanded Moses to make it. See Hezekiah.

Totally missed the sarcasm in my post, I'll make it clearer next time.

I've read the OT I don't know how many times all the way through--every word--at least three, maybe four. So yes. I know all about that.
You were doing just fine and right around here you blew it. And then you had to venture into Christian nationalism.

Why go there?

That’s enough of the white evangelical Christian nationalistic Protestantism supported by a few Catholics here and there.

If you wish to see a slow down of the steady decline of the Christian faithful in America Christians such as yourself need to quit the BiG LIE that helped DJT bring on his BIG LIE.

Are you Catholic or Protestant?
Because that’s what history shows.

I’m Catholic not Protestant.
WHOA, BS filter.

If you don't believe the Bible was inspired not by man, but by the Holy Spirit then....hey. It's just a collection of history, wisdom teachings, etc. And then that explains why Catholics can add Mary's Assumption, Apostolic teachings etc.

This explains quite a bit
Apparently, for some it obscures. It is a given (a Captain Obvious statement) that Catholics absolutely believe scripture is inspired by God, written by man. Paul, a man who never met Mary, was writing to the Romans who never knew Mary. In other words, she wasn't on Paul's mind. People like Mary, John-the-Baptist, and Andrew are always pointing to Jesus--Jesus is the focal point and Jesus is whom Paul was focused.

Note that in Romans, Paul doesn't even make the exception for Jesus (He does in 2 Corinthians) and one of the letters from Peter notes this, too. That's it. For us, that's enough, but in those days the people in Rome weren't aware of the letter Paul sent to Corinth.

Now, if some wish to toss Apostolic tradition all together (which began before Paul wrote anything) that is up to them. Don't we all give different emphasis to parts of scripture as well? For example, I give more emphasis to the Beatitudes than I give to the Wedding Feast at Cana. Thus, it bothers me not at all that some do not pay attention to Apostolic tradition. I am a little puzzled why it bothers some that I at least note Apostolic tradition. To me it would be like learning it bothers people that I put more emphasis on the Beatitudes while only noting the Wedding Feast at Cana.
Get real. Much of the Bible was borrowed from the cultural myths of the people around them like Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and the Northcoast Canaanites.

Much of Psalms was taken from older Syrian poetry found at Ras Shamra.. and laws from Hammurabi and the Amorite tribe.
Jews have always been a very resourceful group. Boring bits and pieces from all the cultures they encountered and incorporating it into their religion. Thus it is an amalgamation of religions. Christianity use their talmud as the basis for the Bible, half of it anyway, therefore it is no different. Just other religions which happened to get lucky and big. Might does not make right. There's no such thing as the perfect religion, they're all frauds. They all look like pieces of the puzzle though. Just pieces, the whole truth is yet to be discovered.
Get real. Much of the Bible was borrowed from the cultural myths of the people around them like Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and the Northcoast Canaanites.

Much of Psalms was taken from older Syrian poetry found at Ras Shamra.. and laws from Hammurabi and the Amorite tribe.

Christianity was superimposed over older religions. It's been happening since there have been people who believe in gods.
Indeed. There's a difference between living a good live and living a holy life. Christians don't demand the non-believers to live a holy life because a holy live is derived within the faith.

The issue is, if you want to compare nut sacks here as you seem to want to, those who follow a Christian holy life will, by definition, be good, while a good atheist person is bound by no obligation to be good. An atheist can kill, steal, etc. and not be accountable to anyone as long as they get away from it. Might makes right. That's the atheist drum.

An atheist can steal and get away with it and think they did nothing wrong in their mind.. A Christian who steals and gets away with it sins is morally deficient or rightfully feels guilt. If an atheists steals and feels guilt, they do so because they have been exposed to Judeo-Christian morals. Christianity taught morality and charity to humanity. Beforehand, if someone was being beaten in the street by a mob, it would be foolish to put your own arse on the line to protect them.

Charity and compassion came about because of Christianity. Yet, you seem to loathe and attack it, as if it would have existed naturally. there would be no reason for such concerns for others to exist in an atheist world. Let the weak die.
If you live a good life, treat everyone fairly and honestly, you don't necessarily need a label like "Christian" to prove you are worthy or just as good as the ones who condone labels.
Indeed. There's a difference between living a good live and living a holy life. Christians don't demand the non-believers to live a holy life because a holy live is derived within the faith.
there is no difference - christianity deviated from the prescribed religion of antiquity set at the time of noah to create their own version in the 4th century they can not claim as holy as it is derived from that time period and not from the events of the 1st century - the 1st century was a reafirmation of the religion of antiquity, liberation theology - the triumph over evil required for admission to the Everlasting.

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