What's Trump's obsession with the NFL??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
"We're going to build a great, big beautiful wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it!"

"We're going to have great healthcare, premiums are going down, and everyone is going to have great healthcare folks....great healthcare"

"We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, and it's going to be the best in the world...you'll see!"

"We're going to lower taxes, and still pay off the national debt in 7 years"

"We're going to simplify our tax code, it's far too complicated, and it doesn't work!"

9 months into Trump's administration, and none of this has happened, now...has it? Instead Donald Trump has blamed the GOP establishment, the Democrats, the Media, and just about everyone else (except himself of course) now to distract us from his inability to push his agenda forward, he's decided a spitting match with the NFL players over the national anthem is just what's needed to get his followers minds off his failures. Dear Mr. President: If you want to manage operations in the NFL, then go there and do it, but if you want to be President of the United States, then roll up your sleeves and do the job you were elected to do, and knock off your little side show with the NFL. This is not what we elected you for!
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People believed his lies and elected him

Now that he is President, he has no inclination to deliver on his promises
"We're going to build a great, big beautiful wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it!"

"We're going to have great healthcare, premiums are going down, and everyone is going to have great healthcare folks....great healthcare"

"We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, and it's going to be the best in the world...you'll see!"

"We're going to lower taxes, and still pay off the national debt in 7 years"

"We're going to simplify our tax code, it's far too complicated, and it doesn't work!"

9 months into Trump's administration, and none of this has happened, now...has it? Instead Donald Trump has blamed the GOP establishment, the Democrats, the Media, and just about everyone else (except himself of course) now to distract us from his inability to push his agenda forward, he's decided a spitting match with the NFL players over the national anthem is just what's needed to get his followers minds off his failures. Dear Mr. President: If you want to manage operations in the NFL, then go there and do it, but if you want to be President of the United States, then roll up your sleeves and do the job you were elected to do, and knock off your little side show with the NFL. This is not what we elected you for!
what's with peoples obsession with trumps every move?
People believed his lies and elected him

Now that he is President, he has no inclination to deliver on his promises

President Trump has already delivered on his biggest and most important campaign promise: defeating the corrupt Hillary Clinton and Hussein administration.

He’s also nominated a great conservative Judge for the SCOTUS.
He’s pulled us out of terrible deals like TPP and the Paris agreement. He banned travelers from several shithole countries.

The rest he’ll be happy to sign into law if Congress ever gets their shit together and pass legislation. That’s on the GOP.
"We're going to build a great, big beautiful wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it!"

"We're going to have great healthcare, premiums are going down, and everyone is going to have great healthcare folks....great healthcare"

"We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, and it's going to be the best in the world...you'll see!"

"We're going to lower taxes, and still pay off the national debt in 7 years"

"We're going to simplify our tax code, it's far too complicated, and it doesn't work!"

9 months into Trump's administration, and none of this has happened, now...has it? Instead Donald Trump has blamed the GOP establishment, the Democrats, the Media, and just about everyone else (except himself of course) now to distract us from his inability to push his agenda forward, he's decided a spitting match with the NFL players over the national anthem is just what's needed to get his followers minds off his failures. Dear Mr. President: If you want to manage operations in the NFL, then go there and do it, but if you want to be President of the United States, then roll up your sleeves and do the job you were elected to do, and knock off your little side show with the NFL. This is not what we elected you for!

Yeah its truly sad that we have a president who is more concerned about football than cleaning up government corruption letting the evil CIA commit murder after murder here in the states murdering american citizens by staging these false flag attempts,so they can confiscate our guns.the CIA is the one who are the REAL terrorists and Trump is letting them get away with their evil acts left and right. Guess he is afraid he will end up like Kennedy did when he tried to get rid of them.
the first brainwashed sheep the breeze is the first to post a funny for my truthful post in denial mode that it is true.how many other trolls will follow him we shall see.
He wants to "FORCE" black players. Something most Republicans want, if not all.
the first brainwashed sheep the breeze is the first to post a funny for my truthful post in denial mode that it is true.how many other trolls will follow him we shall see.
Lots. We have a big herd of them here. And that is not counting all the Russians
America is under attack. Thank goodness we have a President who unequivocally stands with the flag and our country!

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