What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?
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Conservatives are obsessed with transgender people.
There it is. Far leftists can’t actually address the issue at hand. This is our country on the line and these are serious concerns.

Do you do the same thing when somebody says what are your thoughts on LGBT marriage. You just like close your eyes and cover your ears?
Conservatives are obsessed with transgender people.

They have lost the culture war and they can't stop bringing it up.

As for LGBTQ persons in the military....if they wish to serve...great. I'm not sure why that is seen as being worse than someone like the Trump family who have gone out of their way not to serve in uniform.

You can say the same thing about the Obamas too BTW but they aren't the ones making the argument about LGBTQ persons not being in the military.

Why do far left Democrats act like monsters. So far no conservatives have posted in the thread. The original poster is a Democrat. I am showing pictures of bars of our fellow Americans these are our fellow people we should respect them. I am simply wondering what the other Democrats in this thread think about having these types of people in positions of military as bodyguards. This is how our country works we all contribute and we should all be able to reach positions of the military. So far most Democrats on US message board have done a horrendous job with communication. All they do is distract, engage in personal attacks, create distractions and never address serious topics.

They’re giving a chance to be open and honest about their views they cannot even address serious questions. They are the ones who are talking about LGBT rights. OK fine great. Now when you are asked a question just answer it. You do a disservice to this country into the whole world why are you when you don’t.


Would you want someone like that above to be your bodyguard.?

Ok and there are many other examples where we have in our country for example people are put into positions of power based on their skin color, based on the fact that they’re transgender that has actually happened. We have universities that don’t give scholarships to people based on their credentials but instead based on how they look. Should this type of logic also apply to our military and bodyguards for the vice president.

It is possible that far left Democrats in this thread play the distraction game because they might actually be bigots themselves so therefore they don’t answer the questions. This is why we see a similar thing with regards to the chemical spill in Ohio. It’s another case of Democrats, environmentalists, LGBT people and their allies closing their eyes covering their ears. Why do they do this.? It is truly evil to not address a concern. And it just goes to show that it’s possible the Democrats don’t even care about LGBT people at all they simply like to pat them selves on the back saying they stand for equal rights for all ….but they won’t hire an LGBT person to be their bodyguard will they? Is Kamala Harris going to use feminine type men and transgender’s as her bodyguards?

They have lost the culture war and they can't stop bringing it up.

As for LGBTQ persons in the military....if they wish to serve...great. I'm not sure why that is seen as being worse than someone like the Trump family who have gone out of their way not to serve in uniform.

You can say the same thing about the Obamas too BTW but they aren't the ones making the argument about LGBTQ persons not being in the military.
A culture war you say? What do you mean by that? The way I see it is America is the melting pot. We have been for a very long time.

If you are perceiving some sort of a bigotry here that’s on you man. That’s your own problem. Thank you for being so far the only Democrat who has answered the question perhaps halfway. But there are still other questions to be answered.

One question right away, why do some Democrats have a knee-jerk reaction in a serious topic like this. In all actuality they are the ones saying hey we want more LGBT people in positions of power ..OK well this is a perfect example for them to express their feelings on having LGBT people as Secret Service guards, in the military and in other similar positions Should there be physical requirements for these positions should there be requirements that the person has to be able to lift a certain amount of weight and be able to run a certain speed in a certain time? should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman? the country deserves answers to these questions

How about an armored car driver. Should they have to have certain physical requirements weight wise and height wise. Or for example should they have requirements based on how much they could lift?
There it is. Far leftists can’t actually address the issue at hand. This is our country on the line and these are serious concerns.

Do you do the same thing when somebody says what are your thoughts on LGBT marriage. You just like close your eyes and cover your ears?

Something very bizarre about modern LIbtARdS—They seem to be obsessed, these days, with putting forth shit that is bizarre, insane, and often outright evil; and then when sane people (not necessarily even conservatives, but even not-so-whacked-out liberals) object, then those who object are accused of being “obsessed”.
There it is. Far leftists can’t actually address the issue at hand. This is our country on the line and these are serious concerns.

Do you do the same thing when somebody says what are your thoughts on LGBT marriage. You just like close your eyes and cover your ears?
My thoughts on LGBT marriage is that their marriage doesn’t impact me whatsoever and they should get equal treatment.

Same with trans people. What they do has no impact on me whatsoever. So why the fuck do you care so much?

You’re obsessed with this.
So when it comes to applying for the job for the Secret Service. And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military.,

should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?
That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

If a woman can pass the Fireman Entrance Exam then she should be allow to be a Fireman. If a Woman can pass the Seal Team Hell Week then she should be able to be included in a seal team. If a woman can pass the ........... You should get the idea but you don't. There are women in Spec Forces, Fire Departments, Police Departments, and a ton of other jobs that use to be predominately male. If that woman is standing in front of Kamila Harris in a Military Uniform then she earned the right to wear that uniform and deserves that respect. YOU don't.

Now about Gays and LBGTs. A buddy of mine told a story. It went like this. He said he used to go roll fags by putting a roll of quarters in a sock and hitting them with it and then take their money. One night in an Alley, he hit this one large dude who just smiled and the large dude said, "There is only one thing I like more than sucking cock and that's fighting".
Something very bizarre about modern LIbtARdS—They seem to be obsessed, these days, with putting forth shit that is bizarre, insane, and often outright evil; and then when sane people (not necessarily even conservatives, but even not-so-whacked-out liberals) object, then those who object are accused of being “obsessed”.

Quod erat demonstrandum…

My thoughts on LGBT marriage is that their marriage doesn’t impact me whatsoever and they should get equal treatment.
Same with trans people. What they do has no impact on me whatsoever. So why the fuck do you care so much?
You’re obsessed with this.

Hint to you and all other LIbtARdS—We wouldn't be acting in the manner that you call “obsessed”, if your kind weren't so determinedly shoving this sick, immoral, insane, fucked-up shit in our faces and demanding that we accept and approve of it.
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Hint to you all all other LIbtARdS—We wouldn't be acting in the manner that you call “obsessed”, if your kind weren't so determinedly shoving this sick, immoral, insane, fucked-up shit in our faces and demanding that we accept and approve of it.
The “sick, immoral, insane, fucked-up shit” that you’re describing is going to happen regardless. It’s not my problem that it bothers you so much.

Oh noes, gay people are getting married. Oh noes, Steve wants to be called Stephanie.

Why are you so obsessed what they do? What they do doesn’t impact me whatsoever. They don’t bother me at all.
Something very bizarre about modern LIbtARdS—They seem to be obsessed, these days, with putting forth shit that is bizarre, insane, and often outright evil; and then when sane people (not necessarily even conservatives, but even not-so-whacked-out liberals) object, then those who object are accused of being “obsessed”.
Explain to me how trans people are personally impacting your life.

You guys constantly bring it up because you’re obsessed.

I get that you think they’re icky. I‘m not into that either. But what they do doesn’t impact me or bother me. They just have a different lifestyle. Why do they bother you so much that you constantly bring them up?
My thoughts on LGBT marriage is that their marriage doesn’t impact me whatsoever and they should get equal treatment.

Same with trans people. What they do has no impact on me whatsoever. So why the fuck do you care so much?

You’re obsessed with this.
This person cares so much because he is a religous fundie that believes that he should be up everyones ass.
A culture war you say? What do you mean by that? The way I see it is America is the melting pot. We have been for a very long time.

If you are perceiving some sort of a bigotry here that’s on you man. That’s your own problem. Thank you for being so far the only Democrat who has answered the question perhaps halfway. But there are still other questions to be answered.

One question right away, why do some Democrats have a knee-jerk reaction in a serious topic like this. In all actuality they are the ones saying hey we want more LGBT people in positions of power ..OK well this is a perfect example for them to express their feelings on having LGBT people as Secret Service guards, in the military and in other similar positions Should there be physical requirements for these positions should there be requirements that the person has to be able to lift a certain amount of weight and be able to run a certain speed in a certain time? should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman? the country deserves answers to these questions

How about an armored car driver. Should they have to have certain physical requirements weight wise and height wise. Or for example should they have requirements based on how much they could lift?
Are you sure there are no gay Secret Service guards, military commanders, astronauts?

I'd rather have someone who is willing to serve than someone who beats their chest about supporting the military then decides that is too much of an ask for them.
While there are women in special forces, in police departments and fire departments, the standards are lowered or, adjusted, as they say. The vision of a 115 pound woman throwing a 250 pound man into the wall saying "book him Danno" is just on TV. It ddoesn't really happen.
Why are you so obsessed what they do? What they do doesn’t impact me whatsoever. They don’t bother me at all.

Again, it's your side that is shoving this sick shit in everyone's faces, and then calling us “obsessed” for objecting to it.

Yours is the side that insists on supporting insane and immoral perversions. Yours is the side that owns this shit, totally.

Sane people, decent people, want no part of this shit. We'd be happy to ignore your kind, if you would just keep your sick perversions to yourself, in the privacy of your homes, and between consenting adults. I'm old enough to remember when your degenerate kind claimed that that was all you wanted. But it was a lie.

Once we, as a society, foolishly gave you that inch, you wasted no time in forcing your perversions on all of society, and now, you're even going after children. As soon as it became obvious that you tended to approach that last line, we should have started rounding up your kind and exterminating you.

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