What would it take to get you to take the vax?

Same here.

Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines which are still new and still experimental. Instead of activating your immune system like a standard vaccine using partially dead virus cells, covid vaccines program the messenger ribonucleic acid in your genes. Not something I'm willing to mess around really, reprogramming genes.

If mRNA vaccines had been around for decades I'd be more willing but we have no idea what long or even short term effects could be.

Thalidomide was a experimental drug deemed safe for pregnant women to help with nausea also and in the end it became a X class drug because it cause mass deformation in the children. Granted that's an extreme case but it still begs to be cautious of anything experimental being used, especially one being rushed through testing and production for the sake of being the first on the market to make big bucks.
The J&J vaccine is a regular (killed virus) vaccine.

Ah ok, I was not aware of that.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
Negative information and data suppression?

Every tiny little negative reaction is screeched from the rooftops at the maximum volume the antivaxers can muster. There is no suppressed data.
There are tens of millions of people who would watch most of the politicians and the swamp be killed and your saying this. Belief and trust is near gone. Media people that were respected a few decades ago and now older have been shown to be shills. Important Prog politicians corrupted and ugly have been given a pass that Repubs would not get.

Same here.

Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines which are still new and still experimental. Instead of activating your immune system like a standard vaccine using partially dead virus cells, covid vaccines program the messenger ribonucleic acid in your genes. Not something I'm willing to mess around really, reprogramming genes.

If mRNA vaccines had been around for decades I'd be more willing but we have no idea what long or even short term effects could be.

Thalidomide was a experimental drug deemed safe for pregnant women to help with nausea also and in the end it became a X class drug because it cause mass deformation in the children. Granted that's an extreme case but it still begs to be cautious of anything experimental being used, especially one being rushed through testing and production for the sake of being the first on the market to make big bucks.
The J&J vaccine is a regular (killed virus) vaccine.

Not exactly.

The AdVac® technology works by using an adenovirus as a vector (a carrier) of an antigen’s genetic code, to mimic components of a pathogen (a bacterium, virus, or other disease-causing organism). Antigens (components of a pathogen) are produced to mimic the pathogen, without causing severe disease.

Johnson & Johnson is actually using the Janssen vaccine, and it uses a substitute virus that is adds features to that mimic the actual virus.
One question, How did China beat the Virus without a vaccine?

Obviously with herd immunity, the thing that ends all epidemics.
They mostly used quarantine, which means contact tracing.
But the US refuses to do contact tracing.
In fact, in Albuquerque they found 300 homeless people testing positive, and did not even offer to quarantine them.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
Once the proper research has been completed and it’s proven to be actually safe.
One question, How did China beat the Virus without a vaccine?

Obviously with herd immunity, the thing that ends all epidemics.
They mostly used quarantine, which means contact tracing.
But the US refuses to do contact tracing.
In fact, in Albuquerque they found 300 homeless people testing positive, and did not even offer to quarantine them.
So 70% of their population got COVID? Why so few deaths then?

Progressives trying to pressure sell the vaccine are like a bunch of used car salesmen.


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One question, How did China beat the Virus without a vaccine?

Obviously with herd immunity, the thing that ends all epidemics.
They mostly used quarantine, which means contact tracing.
But the US refuses to do contact tracing.
In fact, in Albuquerque they found 300 homeless people testing positive, and did not even offer to quarantine them.
So 70% of their population got COVID? Why so few deaths then?

Same as with the Amish community, which also achieved herd immunity.
You do NOT need 70% of the population to get immunity from recovery.
Over half the population started out already naturally immune, (those are the asymptomatic).
And lethality from covid is much smaller than the 2% that Fauci estimated.
That is because he was only counting the lethality of those who were so sick they needed hospitalization.
Over 99% of the cases were not reported because they have slight or no symptoms at all.
So the actually lethality of covid-19 is around 0.02%.

Which by the way should make one realized we should not have been flattening the curve for a year, waiting for the vaccines.
We should have instead ended it last March in about a month, and had only 60k deaths instead of 600k deaths.
Well, we know that since people started taking the vaccine, new infections and deaths have dropped like a rock.

The most cases are in areas that are anti-vaccine.

and we know that the vaccine works on the variants.

so I say, just don’t worry about it and let Darwin work it out.
I'm sure the conspiracy theorists are working on an explanation as to why deaths are going down as the number of vaccinated rise.
Seriously, a virus cooked up in a lab to KILL humans just get the vaccine people. Yes Democrats are assholes, this is not about politics.
How are the democrats involved in some massive cover-up about cooking vaccines?
They have nothing to with it. You are paranoid about democrats. You're off you head son. No one hates like republicans.
Democrats are lying filth scum, we hate their guts.

Youre a nice hate filled piece of shit. You don't 9mind them paying taxes and dying at war for you but you're not happy about them voting.
You proved my point about hatred.

How do you speak to neighbours and businesses that are democrats? I'll bet you haven't got the courage to their face you wimp. Hide behind some hideous name. Home of the brave my ass.
It's not our fault we hate Democrats they forced us to hate them by being lowlife lying slime who side with Mexico, Canada, and China throwing Americans under the bus.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

Well since I followed the approval processes from Day 1, and have already SEEN all of the negative data, NONE of which was suppressed, I couldn't wait to get my vaccine. I'm very high risk - asthmatic, heart condition, and age. I wasn't eligible until March so I had 4 months to see if the vaccine lived up to the hype, and tens of millions of people got it before me with no major problems.

I remember the vaccine rollouts since polio, and there has never been a more successful vaccine with so few side effects reported. Especially the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Except for the blood clotting issue with the AZ vaccine for women taking the Pill, there's been little to no problems. Remarkable.

A few of my friend got the first shot of AZ, and Canada has stopped buying it. Trudeau basically bought up all of the Pfizer and Moderna that Trump turned down, so we're swimming in vaccine up here. We're going to be fully vaccinated by the end of June at the current rate, and people are lining up every weekend as pop up clinics are everywhere in the cities.

We can't have concerts or live sports until we're 70% vaccinated, and we're making it happen as fast as possible.
Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines which has lots of pros and few cons. First being mRNA vaccine technology may allow for one vaccine to provide protection for multiple diseases, thus decreasing the number of shots needed for protection. mRNA vaccines have proved to have a very efficacy. And when new strands develop, mRNA vaccines can easily be modified. Since mRNA does effect DNA, these vaccines are less likely to have long term side effects.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.
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If the death toll numbers had been like they said when all this began and the vax had been proven to save lives perhaps.

But the death toll numbers are more like having a bad flu and the vax doesn't do much of anything the way those in power continue with their mask mandates, social distancing, and lockdowns.

I'm doing fine without.



The average number deaths in US from the Flu is about 50,000 a year. Covid-19 has been about 10 times as deadly.

When we started giving vaccines in the middle of Dec deaths in the US from Covid-19 were running 2500 to 3,000 a day. After 5 months of vaccinations, they are now running 500 to 600 a day, down to 20% of what they were 5 mons ago.
Seriously, a virus cooked up in a lab to KILL humans just get the vaccine people. Yes Democrats are assholes, this is not about politics.
How are the democrats involved in some massive cover-up about cooking vaccines?
They have nothing to with it. You are paranoid about democrats. You're off you head son. No one hates like republicans.
So says the shill from Langley.lol
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
The only information needed is that hundreds of millions have been vaccinated and aren’t dead or suffering debilitating effects.

Stop over thinking it and get the shot

MANY more millions have NOT taken the Jab, NOT worn masks and never got sick. Stay out of our business.
You nailed it.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
Evolution is on full display with the Covid vaccine. Smart Americans wisely know to get the vaccine, because it will ensure you protection from Covid.

Stupid brainwashed sheep (that do whatever Trump, Alex Jones, Fox News, etc tell them to do) won't take the vaccine. SOme of them (obviously not all) will get covid and die. Therefore eliminating their inferior genetics from the gene pool.

Right now Covid is a great filter and tool to eliminate some of the dumbest retards in America (Trumpers). Some of these less intelligent Americans, who are too stupid to get the vaccine, will die from Covid (if they haven't already died from injecting bleach), removing their inferior genetic material from our gene pool. And only the smartest, strongest, fittest will survive.
Evolution is on full display with the Covid vaccine. Smart Americans wisely know to get the vaccine, because it will ensure you protection from Covid.

Stupid brainwashed sheep (that do whatever Trump, Alex Jones, Fox News, etc [sic] tell them to do) won't take the vaccine. SOme [sic] of them (obviously not all) will get covid and die. Therefore eliminating their inferior genetics from the gene pool.

Right now Covid is a great filter and tool to eliminate some of the dumbest retards in America (Trumpers). Some of these less intelligent Americans, who are too stupid to get the vaccine, will die from Covid (if they haven't already died from injecting bleach), removing their inferior genetic material from our gene pool. And only the smartest, strongest, fittest will survive.

More than 99.9% of those who are infected with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus survive.

The irony, here, is you calling those who are clearly your intellectual superiors “brainwashed sheep”, “dumbest retards”, and “less intelligent”[, when it is you who has stupidly allowed lying politicians to deceive you and frighten you and brainwash you into living in fear and submission over an exaggerated flu bug.

You're displaying an extreme form of what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, mistaking your own ignorance, gullibility, and stupidity for intellectual superiority.

The average number deaths in US from the Flu is about 50,000 a year. Covid-19 has been about 10 times as deadly.

When we started giving vaccines in the middle of Dec deaths in the US from Covid-19 were running 2500 to 3,000 a day. After 5 months of vaccinations, they are now running 500 to 600 a day, down to 20% of what they were 5 mons ago.


I'm not interested in your overinflated numbers in some pitiful attempt to prove your point.

If the WHO, CDC, and other government, bureaucracies had been honest from the beginning my attitude about it might be different. The government and health industry made this all about the money though and the "resident experts" change their minds at the drop of a hat as they smile through their teeth and lie as they go out to the French Laundry to eat in the lockdown they demand everyone follow.

It looks like your 500,000 COVID deaths are really only about 30,000. Did we cure influenza in the last year? It would seem so considering the death toll recorded.


One question, How did China beat the Virus without a vaccine?

Obviously with herd immunity, the thing that ends all epidemics.
They mostly used quarantine, which means contact tracing.
But the US refuses to do contact tracing.
In fact, in Albuquerque they found 300 homeless people testing positive, and did not even offer to quarantine them.
So 70% of their population got COVID? Why so few deaths then?

Same as with the Amish community, which also achieved herd immunity.
You do NOT need 70% of the population to get immunity from recovery.
Over half the population started out already naturally immune, (those are the asymptomatic).
And lethality from covid is much smaller than the 2% that Fauci estimated.
That is because he was only counting the lethality of those who were so sick they needed hospitalization.
Over 99% of the cases were not reported because they have slight or no symptoms at all.
So the actually lethality of covid-19 is around 0.02%.

Which by the way should make one realized we should not have been flattening the curve for a year, waiting for the vaccines.
We should have instead ended it last March in about a month, and had only 60k deaths instead of 600k deaths.
That article claims that 90% of Amish have gotten Covid.

If that were to happen in the general US population 5-7 million would be dead without the vaccine

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