What we’re seeing in America was inevitable


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The same stuff I've been saying for years:
Trump’s election didn’t trigger what we see today; it was, instead, the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America.
Leftists blame Trump for the chaos we see now, while people who don’t strongly support Trump wonder if the leftists have a point. They don’t. What we’re seeing now is the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America’s social and political fabric.
Public schools pump out millions of inculcated teens every year and universities graduate millions of brainwashed young adults every year. In time, they have taken their places in society and the workforce. As a result, leftists now control the tools of culture -- the media and entertainment and even big tech and sports -- in addition to education.
The icing on the cake is 25 million and growing illegal immigrants creating a whole new constituency of soon-to-be-citizens. Likewise, when thinking about the levers of government, consider that almost all of the 22,000,000 people employed by federal, state, and local government in the United States are Democrat voters.
This was inevitable. This process has been going on for more than 50 years. We are now experiencing the inevitable outcome. All these forces were hurdling forward before Trump stepped up.
Democrats are ruthless, they take no prisoners, the ends justify the means, they go for the win, they play the long game, they are far more committed to their cause than Republicans and -- hear this – they have proven far smarter, more clever and more effective than the Republicans…basically in every way.
The same stuff I've been saying for years:
Trump’s election didn’t trigger what we see today; it was, instead, the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America.
Leftists blame Trump for the chaos we see now, while people who don’t strongly support Trump wonder if the leftists have a point. They don’t. What we’re seeing now is the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America’s social and political fabric.
Public schools pump out millions of inculcated teens every year and universities graduate millions of brainwashed young adults every year. In time, they have taken their places in society and the workforce. As a result, leftists now control the tools of culture -- the media and entertainment and even big tech and sports -- in addition to education.
The icing on the cake is 25 million and growing illegal immigrants creating a whole new constituency of soon-to-be-citizens. Likewise, when thinking about the levers of government, consider that almost all of the 22,000,000 people employed by federal, state, and local government in the United States are Democrat voters.
This was inevitable. This process has been going on for more than 50 years. We are now experiencing the inevitable outcome. All these forces were hurdling forward before Trump stepped up.
Democrats are ruthless, they take no prisoners, the ends justify the means, they go for the win, they play the long game, they are far more committed to their cause than Republicans and -- hear this – they have proven far smarter, more clever and more effective than the Republicans…basically in every way.
Same lies rightists have been propagating for years.
The same stuff I've been saying for years:
Trump’s election didn’t trigger what we see today; it was, instead, the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America.
Leftists blame Trump for the chaos we see now, while people who don’t strongly support Trump wonder if the leftists have a point. They don’t. What we’re seeing now is the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America’s social and political fabric.
Public schools pump out millions of inculcated teens every year and universities graduate millions of brainwashed young adults every year. In time, they have taken their places in society and the workforce. As a result, leftists now control the tools of culture -- the media and entertainment and even big tech and sports -- in addition to education.
The icing on the cake is 25 million and growing illegal immigrants creating a whole new constituency of soon-to-be-citizens. Likewise, when thinking about the levers of government, consider that almost all of the 22,000,000 people employed by federal, state, and local government in the United States are Democrat voters.
This was inevitable. This process has been going on for more than 50 years. We are now experiencing the inevitable outcome. All these forces were hurdling forward before Trump stepped up.
Democrats are ruthless, they take no prisoners, the ends justify the means, they go for the win, they play the long game, they are far more committed to their cause than Republicans and -- hear this – they have proven far smarter, more clever and more effective than the Republicans…basically in every way.
Same lies rightists have been propagating for years.
Where's the lie?

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