What Political Issues are more important to you?

What are 5 features of a dictatorship?

The Qualities of a Dictatorship
  • Ruler often rises to power out of conflict. Check
  • Dictators control all branches of government and the media.
  • Intimidation, murder, imprisonment, violence and other human rights abuses are used to control the population. Check
  • A cult of personality makes the ruler appear divine. Check
  • Dictators employ techniques of mass propaganda to sustain public support. Check
Trump has 4 check marks on the list and he is working to accomplish the 5th (#2 on the list)in this term.

Wow, the DemoKKKrats have ALL FIVE!
Dictators always use issues to gain power and THEN abuse that power

You ask what issues are important to us, then attach the onus of dictatorship to them before Trump is even in office , so which issues do you see that he'll abuse for you to do so?

Here is a prime example of that
yeah, the left was applauding Hugo as the model for a socialist nation when he gained power Lucky

he's a prime example of how socialization works , which follows with all prog policies that are crashing/burning here now

yeah, the left was applauding Hugo as the model for a socialist nation when he gained power Lucky

he's a prime example of how socialization works , which follows with all prog policies that are crashing/burning here now

That's okay. Trump loves Putin and Xi and Kim. And he and Tucker absolutely love Orban.
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn
Wow, how things change overnight, wasn't that long ago when abortion was the number one issue for you loons.
yeah, the left was applauding Hugo as the model for a socialist nation when he gained power Lucky

he's a prime example of how socialization works , which follows with all prog policies that are crashing/burning here now

Yeah, Hugo was the same idol to his people that Trump is to Trumpers, and you see what happened in Venezuela
You ask what issues are important to us, then attach the onus of dictatorship to them before Trump is even in office , so which issues do you see that he'll abuse for you to do so?

It is not about the issues but how he goes about making them happen. In addition, Trump has already shown love for dictators and has already acted like a dictator.

You do remember his statement of "I alone can do it" and the dozens of times he has stated that no one knows more than he does. In addition, he proved what he was by 85% of the people he chose for his first cabinet either leaving him (because of his dictator-type actions) or getting fired because they were not doing what he wanted. On this occasion, loyalty (not competence) is his objective, A dictator requires loyalty.

Open your eyes

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