What Political Issues are more important to you?


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2024
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn
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"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics). Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

Your turn
Saying you believe in checks and balances in the system with the people in charge is one thing, but continuing to support the Left continuing to grab more and more power at the federal level so that none of that can come to fruition is another thing.

Notice I don't mention the GOP who are merely a speed bump for the Left. There is no real opposition party to this.

Collectivists have to go.
Here is my take:

First, while few in Congress take the limits of the Constitution seriously, I support candidates who come closest. Congress lacks the power to do most of what it does (discretionary spending), and those things are the province of the States. (Just because a program or an agency benefits a lot of people doesn't mean that it is good or Constitutional. If Congress sent truckloads of cash around the country shoveling it out in neighborhoods, that would benefit a lot of people, but it would be stupid and unconstitutional).

Second, and even more important, the Democrat party has initiated a plan to take all future national elections by the strategy of (1) bringing in tens of millions of third-world wretches, (2) getting them hooked on government benefits, and then (3) making them a voting Democrats (through a process they call "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"). As an American voter I will do everything I can to prevent this outrage from coming to pass. Voting for Donald Trump was the first step.

NOTHING is more important than stopping this from happening.
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn

Why did you lie to your son?
Stopping global digital ID.
Stopping the abolition of real currency, (dollars and coin,) for a track able, traceable electronic currency.

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. . . (aka, liberty.)
This is, of course, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, which technocrats on both sides are continually trying to subvert.

In other words, fighting the global technocratic police state, of which, most folks in both parties are all on board with.


"What political issues are most important to you?"


1) Adhere to the Constitution and as much as possible the INTENT of the words, not how you can twist the words to fit your politics.

2) Focus on fixing America's problems first and stop trying to be the world's police force.
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn
Haven’t read the other responses, but to me it would be a strong defense - and that includes a tight border.
Haven’t read the other responses, but to me it would be a strong defense - and that includes a tight border.
For me, I would be Ok with securing the border and allowing voters to decide who gets in and who doesn't.

But no, the Left does not really believe in democracy or national sovereignty.
Saying you believe in checks and balances in the system with the people in charge is one thing, but continuing to support the Left continuing to grab more and more power at the federal level so that none of that can come to fruition is another thing.

Notice I don't mention the GOP who are merely a speed bump for the Left. There is no real opposition party to this.

Collectivists have to go.
You really are not getting it. A democracy is at least a 2 party system and in it, the check and balances that the Constitution put in will keep all parties under control. Take those controls away (as Trump is trying to do) is against the Constitution.

You being against the Democrats and believing what you believe is normal in a Democracy but your staement about "collectivists have to go" is the talk of a dictator telling us what the opposition can be and cannot be.
For me, I would be Ok with securing the border and allowing voters to decide who gets in and who doesn't.

But no, the Left does not really believe in democracy or national sovereignty.
You need to be able to prove that the left does not believe in Democracy. I can show you tangible examples of the right not believing in Democracy, but there is nothing you can show that proves your statement.
Haven’t read the other responses, but to me it would be a strong defense - and that includes a tight border.
I do believe that as of 2023/2024, all parties want a tighter border. I think that Biden and the Democrats made "a mistake" in 2021 but in 2023/2024, their somewhat open border policy was dismantled (numbers prove it) and they realized a mistake was made and corrected it. Their correction might not have been as much as the Republicans wanted, but I do believe that both parties want to control the border now and that a compromise on just how much control, is needed, is in the cards at this time.

It is an issue where a compromise can now be obtained.
You need to be able to prove that the left does not believe in Democracy. I can show you tangible examples of the right not believing in Democracy, but there is nothing you can show that proves your statement.
Look at how they handled Obamacare

Many may not know this, but the Left needed to vote of one Ted Kennedy to pass Obamacare. Problem was, he was diagnosed with brain cancer, and then realized he may not be able to vote. So, the DNC feverishly tried to change the laws so that there would not be an open election to replace him, in case is replacement refused to vote for Obamacare. Then the unthinkable happened, Scott Brown ran for the GOP and his mission was to vote down Obamcare and the plans of Ted Kennedy to change the laws to replace him failed. You would think that in a Left wing state like MA Kennedy would win easily, but no, the people of that state liked their Romneycare and did not want to bow to a Federal model they did not like as well. So, they elected Scott Brown, and in doing so, elected the first Republican to that seat in decades.

But of course, Obama and the DNC cared nothing about the democratic voices of that state, and used what is called Reconciliation, which is not Constitutional, to bypass the vote of Scott Brown so that they could shove it down everyone's collective throat.

But that is just for starters. Hillary won the popular vote in her own party over Obama, but Obama won anyway. Then you have Biden win the nomination for the DNC, but the DNC inexplicably yanks him and puts Kamala in there without so much as one vote from anyone.

I could go on and on, but why? It is obvious you either don't give a damn or simply refuse to pay attention, either way this conversation meets a dead end.
You really are not getting it. A democracy is at least a 2 party system and in it, the check and balances that the Constitution put in will keep all parties under control. Take those controls away (as Trump is trying to do) is against the Constitution.

You being against the Democrats and believing what you believe is normal in a Democracy but your staement about "collectivists have to go" is the talk of a dictator telling us what the opposition can be and cannot be.
The federal government has usurped power from the states time and time again to the point that the President of the United States is deciding what doctor you can see and what your child in kindergarten will be taught in school. This was not how it was supposed to be, unless YOU love dictators, which you seem to love

That is why half the country wants to secede every Presidential election cycle. It is because the Executive Branch has far too much power and will dictate to the country pretty much everything. If states renewed with original powers then Left wing states and right wing states could run their own affairs how they wished no matter who was President.
Look at how they handled Obamacare

Many may not know this, but the Left needed to vote of one Ted Kennedy to pass Obamacare. Problem was, he was diagnosed with brain cancer, and then realized he may not be able to vote. So, the DNC feverishly tried to change the laws so that there would not be an open election to replace him, in case is replacement refused to vote for Obamacare. Then the unthinkable happened, Scott Brown ran for the GOP and his mission was to vote down Obamcare and the plans of Ted Kennedy to change the laws to replace him failed. You would think that in a Left wing state like MA Kennedy would win easily, but no, the people of that state liked their Romneycare and did not want to bow to a Federal model they did not like as well. So, they elected Scott Brown, and in doing so, elected the first Republican to that seat in decades.

But of course, Obama and the DNC cared nothing about the democratic voices of that state, and used what is called Reconciliation, which is not Constitutional, to bypass the vote of Scott Brown so that they could shove it down everyone's collective throat.

But that is just for starters. Hillary won the popular vote in her own party over Obama, but Obama won anyway. Then you have Biden win the nomination for the DNC, but the DNC inexplicably yanks him and puts Kamala in there without so much as one vote from anyone.

I could go on and on, but why? It is obvious you either don't give a damn or simply refuse to pay attention, either way this conversation meets a dead end.
Look Votto, you need to UNDERSTAND that each side has its opinion on what is right and what is wrong. That is the definition of a Democracy. Nonetheless, you cannot accuse a party of not believing in the Constitution unless they actually did something against the Constitution (as Trump has done).

What you need to prove is that those in power (mainly the president) made something HAPPEN by skirting or avoiding the Constitution.

That is what YOU HAVE TO PROVE and you have not done it. Difference of OPINION is not going against the Constitution!!!!!
Look Votto, you need to UNDERSTAND that each side has its opinion on what is right and what is wrong. That is the definition of a Democracy. Nonetheless, you cannot accuse a party of not believing in the Constitution unless they actually did something against the Constitution (as Trump has done).

What you need to prove is that those in power (mainly the president) made something HAPPEN by skirting or avoiding the Constitution.

That is what YOU HAVE TO PROVE and you have not done it. Difference of OPINION is not going against the Constitution!!!!!
Your own beloved FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans, something no one argues today as not being racist and/or unconstitutional.

Then FDR embraced the court packing scheme to put stooges in SCOTUS to ram through his New Deal they declared unconstitutional.

To their credit, democrats back then were appalled at the notion and understood he was becoming a dictator, which led to Congress passing a Constitutional amendment to limit Presidential terms.

But today, FDR is hailed as a hero for the court packing scheme as all democrats today want to do just that. And his racist and unconstitutional actions of locking up Japanese Americans was swept under the rug. Nothing to see here!!

In fact, I bet you think FDR was one of American's finest Presidents, don't you and, at the same time, think Trump is a racist monster even though he did NOTHING as sinister as FDR did.

It just proves my point, you want a dictator whose politics you like.

Try again.
Your own beloved FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans, something no one argues today as not being racist and/or unconstitutional.

Then FDR embraced the court packing scheme to put stooges in SCOTUS to ram through his New Deal they declared unconstitutional.

To their credit, democrats back then were appalled at the notion and understood he was becoming a dictator, which led to Congress passing a Constitutional amendment to limit Presidential terms.

But today, FDR is hailed as a hero for the court packing scheme as all democrats today want to do just that. And his racist and unconstitutional actions of locking up Japanese Americans was swept under the rug. Nothing to see here!!

In fact, I bet you think FDR was one of American's finest Presidents, don't you and, at the same time, think Trump is a racist monster even though he did NOTHING as sinister as FDR did.

It just proves my point, you want a dictator whose politics you like.

Try again.
Why are you DEFLECTING to FDR. that was almost 100 years ago and it means absolutely NOTHING today. What FDR did or did not do is not going to affect us now. It is what is happening NOW that is important.

After FDR, we still had a Constitution and we still have checks and balances and we still had compromise in the Senate.

That has almost disappeared now as we now have a president elected that is looking to do things HIS WAY and not the Constitutional way. In another words, a Dictator.
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn

Borders, language, and culture.

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