What Political Issues are more important to you?

The Demcorats have become secular humanist Marxists and must be stopped, if we are to save our constitutional republic.
Why are you DEFLECTING to FDR. that was almost 100 years ago and it means absolutely NOTHING today. What FDR did or did not do is not going to affect us now. It is what is happening NOW that is important.

After FDR, we still had a Constitution and we still have checks and balances and we still had compromise in the Senate.

That has almost disappeared now as we now have a president elected that is looking to do things HIS WAY and not the Constitutional way. In another words, a Dictator.
You are the one deflecting. FDR is the forefather of the Progressive movement. They idealize this guy and have strove to enact his "Positive rights" he put out. And as I pointed out, they actively trying to institute those positive rights as well as wanting to pack the court in their favor as FDR wanted to do, so you are the one deflecting per usual. FDR is more relevant today that the potato head who sits in the Oval office today.

But if you want unconstitutional, look no farther than one Joe Biden..

Here is but one example

Fifteen years ago this week, then Senator Joe Biden voted no on the FISA Amendments Act, which legalized a secret mass surveillance program that allows the government to collect Americans’ international phone calls, text messages, emails, and other digital communications — all without a warrant. At the time, Biden correctly identified this amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which created a new authority known as Section 702, as “constitutionally infirm.” Yet today, his own administration is defending this very same law at his request.

Upon passage, then-Sen. Biden stated he was voting no because Section 702 “would be a breathtaking and unconstitutional expansion of the President’s powers and it is wholly unnecessary to address the problems the administration has identified.” He added that he would “not give the President unchecked authority to eavesdrop on whomever he wants in exchange for the vague and hollow assurance that he will protect the civil liberties of the American people.”
Fifteen years ago, then-Sen. Biden recognized the unconstitutionality of Section 702 and declared it “unnecessary” to achieving the government’s alleged national security and foreign intelligence goals.

Should I continue with his Fast and Furios program where he and Obama were giving arms to drug lords, or how about Joe defying the courts regarding his college loan forgiveness?

Don't care?

Didn't think so.
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn
Interesting response. Not sure if I identified any issues per say.
You are the one deflecting. FDR is the forefather of the Progressive movement. They idealize this guy and have strove to enact his "Positive rights" he put out. And as I pointed out, they actively trying to institute those positive rights as well as wanting to pack the court in their favor as FDR wanted to do, so you are the one deflecting per usual. FDR is more relevant today that the potato head who sits in the Oval office today.

But if you want unconstitutional, look no farther than one Joe Biden..

Here is but one example

Fifteen years ago this week, then Senator Joe Biden voted no on the FISA Amendments Act, which legalized a secret mass surveillance program that allows the government to collect Americans’ international phone calls, text messages, emails, and other digital communications — all without a warrant. At the time, Biden correctly identified this amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which created a new authority known as Section 702, as “constitutionally infirm.” Yet today, his own administration is defending this very same law at his request.

Upon passage, then-Sen. Biden stated he was voting no because Section 702 “would be a breathtaking and unconstitutional expansion of the President’s powers and it is wholly unnecessary to address the problems the administration has identified.” He added that he would “not give the President unchecked authority to eavesdrop on whomever he wants in exchange for the vague and hollow assurance that he will protect the civil liberties of the American people.”
Fifteen years ago, then-Sen. Biden recognized the unconstitutionality of Section 702 and declared it “unnecessary” to achieving the government’s alleged national security and foreign intelligence goals.

Should I continue with his Fast and Furios program where he and Obama were giving arms to drug lords, or how about Joe defying the courts regarding his college loan forgiveness?

Don't care?

Didn't think so.
You continue to make my point (without realizing what you are doing).

Difference of opinion is normal. You can show me hundreds of examples all the way from FDR to Biden where a Democrat wanted to do something that was wrong, against the established laws and even against the Constitution. I can do the same thing (and probably even more) where the Republicans did the same thing.

Once again, show me where the Democrats were SUCCESSFUL in going against the Constitution. Where the checks and balances of the Constitution failed and what the Democrats wanted, got done!!

On the other hand, I can show you several things that have been done by the Republicans and now, especially Trump and the Far right, that have been DONE and were against the Constitution.

An Exit Survey of Trump’s Constitutional Misdeeds

When you open your mouth, you should have proof available to support your words. So far, you have been unable to support any of them.
1. Fixing an electoral/political system that has damn near been destroyed by money and tribalism. Institute measures like strict term limits, publicly-funded elections, ranked choice voting and bipartisan redistricting commissions.
2. Communication, collaboration, innovation at the highest levels. Stop playing to the rabid bases and work together like intelligent adults for a change.

1. Fixing an electoral/political system that has damn near been destroyed by money and tribalism. Institute measures like strict term limits, publicly-funded elections, ranked choice voting and bipartisan redistricting commissions.
2. Communication, collaboration, innovation at the highest levels. Stop playing to the rabid bases and work together like intelligent adults for a change.


You didn't want any of that when you voted for Joe Biden in 2020, and then for Kamala Harris in 2024.

Why are you lying?
Abolition of The State, in all its permutations.

"Limited gubmint" is as absurd a notion as "limited lung cancer".
Oh hey, speaking of which, I just noticed "Jones Plantation," is now streaming free.

I have been waiting forever to watch that.

Looks like I know what I'll be doing tonight.

"You can control a man with brute violence but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and obedience is a virtue. A film destined to be a cult classic, and at the forefront of American Dissident Cinema."
You continue to make my point (without realizing what you are doing).

Difference of opinion is normal. You can show me hundreds of examples all the way from FDR to Biden where a Democrat wanted to do something that was wrong, against the established laws and even against the Constitution. I can do the same thing (and probably even more) where the Republicans did the same thing.

Once again, show me where the Democrats were SUCCESSFUL in going against the Constitution. Where the checks and balances of the Constitution failed and what the Democrats wanted, got done!!

On the other hand, I can show you several things that have been done by the Republicans and now, especially Trump and the Far right, that have been DONE and were against the Constitution.

An Exit Survey of Trump’s Constitutional Misdeeds

When you open your mouth, you should have proof available to support your words. So far, you have been unable to support any of them.
You idiot. I just gave example after example of how the government has become a post constitutional institution, completely ignoring incidents where the Constitution has been violated.

Ignoring it is worse than not having it.
Oh hey, speaking of which, I just noticed "Jones Plantation," is now streaming free.

I have been waiting forever to watch that.

Looks like I know what I'll be doing tonight.

"You can control a man with brute violence but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and obedience is a virtue. A film destined to be a cult classic, and at the forefront of American Dissident Cinema."

I've been wanting to watch that for a long time too! I'm glad I saw this post, because I wasn't sure where to find it, before. Thanks!

(based on what i've heard about it so far, folks' reactions that we're currently seeing being played out are in that film, which is very interesting.)
So long as they don’t fuck with my Social Security or Medicare, I don’t give a fuck what they do.
I cannot, for the life of me, come up with a single political issue of any importance.
Securing the Borders / Deporting Criminal Illegals , Visa Overstayers , Criminal Refugees , Getaways , Illegals in Jails & Prisons and 2A/RTKBA / Carry permit Reciprocation
You idiot. I just gave example after example of how the government has become a post constitutional institution, completely ignoring incidents where the Constitution has been violated.

Ignoring it is worse than not having it.
You did not make your point. You did not do what is stated below. You need to give exact examples where a law was changed or something against the Constitution done that if taken to court, you would be found guilty.

and by the way, calling me an idiot is insulting and totally wrong. I am the opposite of an idiot and have proven totally, officially, and in a public way for 47 years. What credentials do you have to support anyone thinking that you are not the idiot here?

To make a point and prove it, someone needs to clearly state their position, then provide supporting evidence like facts, statistics, expert opinions, relevant examples, or logical reasoningto demonstrate the validity of their argument and convince the listener or reader that their point is correct.

Key elements of proving a point:
  • Clearly state your argument:
    Present your main idea in a concise and understandable way.

  • Gather relevant evidence:
    Research and collect supporting data like research studies, historical events, personal anecdotes (when appropriate), or data analysis to back up your claim.

  • Use logical reasoning:
    Construct a clear line of thought, connecting your evidence to your main point in a logical sequence.

  • Cite credible sources:
    When referencing external information, ensure the source is reliable and trustworthy.

  • Address counterarguments:
    Anticipate potential objections to your point and provide counter-evidence or explanations to strengthen your argument
Oh hey, speaking of which, I just noticed "Jones Plantation," is now streaming free.

I have been waiting forever to watch that.

Looks like I know what I'll be doing tonight.

"You can control a man with brute violence but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and obedience is a virtue. A film destined to be a cult classic, and at the forefront of American Dissident Cinema."

Well, if you have been waiting forever to watch it, is suggests that you are pro Trump and pro Dictators. That does not speak well of you

Jones Plantation (2023) is a film that some say is an allegory about the current political reality and the illusion of democracy. The movie's political views include:

  • The root of corruption, poverty, and war: The movie's message is that the illusion of democracy (Democrats) and people's desire to abdicate responsibility for their lives is the root cause of corruption, poverty, and war.

  • The creation of debt: The movie demonstrates how debt is created as a method of control (Trump).

  • The use of fear: The movie shows how fear is used as a method of coercion. (TrumpP

  • The worthlessness of fiat currencies: The movie's credits demonstrate how fiat currencies are worthless pieces of paper that can be created at will by the powerful. (Trump)

  • A system of oppression that impacts everyone: The movie's allegory transcends race and describes a system of oppression that impacts everyone. (Trump)
Securing the Borders / Deporting Criminal Illegals , Visa Overstayers , Criminal Refugees , Getaways , Illegals in Jails & Prisons and 2A/RTKBA / Carry permit Reciprocation
Brown folks aren't your favorite, and you want to carry concealed in other states? Who would know?
Well, if you have been waiting forever to watch it, is suggests that you are pro Trump and pro Dictators. That does not speak well of you

Jones Plantation (2023) is a film that some say is an allegory about the current political reality and the illusion of democracy. The movie's political views include:

  • The root of corruption, poverty, and war: The movie's message is that the illusion of democracy (Democrats) and people's desire to abdicate responsibility for their lives is the root cause of corruption, poverty, and war.

  • The creation of debt: The movie demonstrates how debt is created as a method of control (Trump).

  • The use of fear: The movie shows how fear is used as a method of coercion. (TrumpP

  • The worthlessness of fiat currencies: The movie's credits demonstrate how fiat currencies are worthless pieces of paper that can be created at will by the powerful. (Trump)

  • A system of oppression that impacts everyone: The movie's allegory transcends race and describes a system of oppression that impacts everyone. (Trump)
"What political issues are most important to you?"

I was asked this question by my son, who is trying his best to get to know me for who I am and not for the person that was married to his mother for 24 years (with whom I had a horrible experience) and that we all suffered from. That relationship created biases that were not based on who we both truly are...........at least who we are now.

This was just one question (of many that he asked, most of which have nothing to do with politics).

Nonetheless and me being on political boards for the past 8 years, I thought my putting out this question and the answer I gave him, is worthy of being an OP that we can all relate to.

Here is the answer that I gave him:

"I am a believer in the Constitution and on the idea of a government based on Democracy, meaning people choosing their leaders but then those leaders having checks and balances that will prevent them from taking advantage of their position. Freedom, free speech, human rights and equal justice for all are key issues but all extremes are bad. There needs to be "established" rules that give common sense guidelines to what people can do, without the extremes being reached.

To me, a nation is a team of people working for the benefit of all. Having said that, I also believe that some people have more talent, more knowledge, and more ability than others and they should be the leaders and they should be able to get the higher benefits of their status. In other words, I do believe that Capitalism is the best approach but extreme Capitalism without checks and balances is extremely bad.

No one in life is ever perfect and that means that there will always be some good and some bad that will happen. Compromise is needed, as well as understanding of what humanity is, in order to the country to work well. Having said that, we need to always choose the leaders that show more good than bad, so that we can always go 2 steps forward while taking one step back (instead of the contrary).

All other issues are somewhat unimportant for the simple reason that life itself will always put potholes out there that have to be addressed and hopefully solved. Nonetheless and throughout our history, we have always been able to address and solve those issues when we worked as a team (as a nation). The basics of what our forefathers put together are the issues that count.

Your turn
You're a liar. You despise the COTUS because it interferes with your goal to turn this country into a dictatorship.

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