What Led to D Support of the Anti-fas?

Bullshit. You're such a fucking liar.

Either educate yourself, you little ignorant cockroach, or STFU!

KKK has given $20K to Hillary Clinton’s campaign: Klan leader
And you're stupid enough to swallow it whole.

The Klansman claims that members have raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.

What a piss-poor attempt to convince real Americans that Hillary is as racist as Trump.

You wingnuts want to be lied to. Over and over again.
Oh for god's sake! Pointing out that the Antifa protesters are just as guilty of violence (if not more!) is not running interference for Nazis, Mamooth! It's simply telling the truth!

And describing a violent Jew in 1930s Germany would have been telling the truth, but it was still running interference for Nazis.

You've got people running around out there in black masks with body armor, clubs and shields physically attacking anyone that they think might be a conservative.

That's generally the Nazis you've described. And they're _killing_ people. It's what they bragged about planning to do. If it weren't for antifa, they'd be killing a lot more. No wonder you righties hate antifa so much. You want your Nazi pals intimidating through violence, and you're upset that your plan has backfired.

I'm sorry but THAT is much more reminiscent of the Brown Shirts back in the 1930's then anything I've seen in a long...long time!

Most of the terrorism comes from the right, yet you're pretending it comes from the left. That's reminiscent of Stalinist propaganda on your part.


That's total bullshit, Mamooth! Nazis and skin heads have been having their silly little marches for decades now and it's always the same thing...a couple dozen buffoons wearing stupid costumes and shouting slogans they don't even fully understand. Most of the time the rest of society simply ignores them and after a few speeches that reveal them to be REALLY clueless...they pack up their circus and go home!

Antifa on the other hand has decided that ALL conservatives are fascists and therefore should be attacked whenever found on the streets! Antifa have used those pathetic skin head marches as their excuse to violently suppress ALL speech by ALL conservatives and they do so disguising their faces because they KNOW they are breaking the law and should be arrested if the Police are actually doing their jobs instead of letting them riot.
Oh for god's sake! Pointing out that the Antifa protesters are just as guilty of violence (if not more!) is not running interference for Nazis, Mamooth! It's simply telling the truth!

And describing a violent Jew in 1930s Germany would have been telling the truth, but it was still running interference for Nazis.

You've got people running around out there in black masks with body armor, clubs and shields physically attacking anyone that they think might be a conservative.

That's generally the Nazis you've described. And they're _killing_ people. It's what they bragged about planning to do. If it weren't for antifa, they'd be killing a lot more. No wonder you righties hate antifa so much. You want your Nazi pals intimidating through violence, and you're upset that your plan has backfired.

I'm sorry but THAT is much more reminiscent of the Brown Shirts back in the 1930's then anything I've seen in a long...long time!

Most of the terrorism comes from the right, yet you're pretending it comes from the left. That's reminiscent of Stalinist propaganda on your part.


Speaking of "Stalinist propaganda" and using data from The Investigative Fund is amusing, Mamooth! There have been WAY more than 20 domestic terrorism incidents by left wingers in just this year! It's the election of Donald Trump that has sent the left into the streets to riot!
That's total bullshit, Mamooth! Nazis and skin heads have been having their silly little marches for decades now

And now they have the White House and the GOP, so it's not the same thing.

The Nazis in Germany were a joke too, right up until they weren't.

Claiming that the White House and the Republican Party are controlled by Nazis and skin heads borders on farce, Mamooth! How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you post drivel like that?
Bullshit. You're such a fucking liar.

Either educate yourself, you little ignorant cockroach, or STFU!

KKK has given $20K to Hillary Clinton’s campaign: Klan leader
And you're stupid enough to swallow it whole.

The Klansman claims that members have raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.

What a piss-poor attempt to convince real Americans that Hillary is as racist as Trump.

You wingnuts want to be lied to. Over and over again.
Despite just getting your ass handed to you, you just had to try to save face....FAIL.

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