What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?



What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.
They aren't worried about them taking jobs. They are worried about having to pay for their healthcare, food, rent, cigarettes, mortgage, education.
We had full employment in 'Merka just before Bush ran the car into a ditch, and that was with just as many wetbacks as we have now, if not more.

It ain't the Mexcans fault the economy broke and there is no jobs. That's Obamao's fault. He gave free houses to negroes back in the 90s and that made the Irish and Icelandic and German and Spanish and Eyetalian and Brit and 'Merkan economies go into the dumper and that's why you can't get a 15 dollar an hour job at Mickey Dees no more.

Besides, Mexcans can't do real jobs. They are crooks and drunk all the time and lazy, so how the hell are they going to steal my job? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Thought so.
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90 million americans out of work...We don't need any more immigrants at this time.

90 million? Not bad. I thought it was eleventy million.

90 million out of 300 million. Those damned lazy kindergartners need to get their asses to work!
What the fuck don't you get about the word ILLEGAL??? I know you leftist weenies love to skip over the FACT that these squatters broke the fucking law.. Let's reward child rapists too while we're at it.. they broke the law as well.

ILLEGALS deserve free room and board and travel.. back to their home country in a jail cell
90 million americans out of work...We don't need any more immigrants at this time.

90 million? Not bad. I thought it was eleventy million.

90 million out of 300 million. Those damned lazy kindergartners need to get their asses to work!


I accidentally hit the "0" when I typed the "9"

Of course, 9 million is the correct number.
REMEMBER: The OP is an Obama flying monkey


Keep up the good work

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?

Well for better or for worse, if you were to magically deport all illegals and keep them out, you could shrink the labor pool enough to probably make raising the minimum wage unnecessary. Labor costs would soar in some areas for lack of demand for jobs.

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?

Great list but the OP doesn't give the first shit about facts.. You hit the nail on the head with the political expediency being the reason liberals push ILLEGAL immigration.
90 million americans out of work...We don't need any more immigrants at this time.

90 million? Not bad. I thought it was eleventy million.

90 million out of 300 million. Those damned lazy kindergartners need to get their asses to work!

eleventy million

Rumsfeld ran into Bush's office to give him the news a Brazillian had died in the Iraq invasion. Bush cried, he ranted, he pulled out some hair and he fell to the floor twitching. Rumfeld told the president to get a grip. It was only a single Brazillian. Bush stopped, looked up and said, "So exactly how many is a Brazillian"?
90 million americans out of work...We don't need any more immigrants at this time.

90 million? Not bad. I thought it was eleventy million.

90 million out of 300 million. Those damned lazy kindergartners need to get their asses to work!


I accidentally hit the "0" when I typed the "9"

Of course, 9 million is the correct number.
9 million or 90 million....Still are illegal and we still don't need any more immigrants at this time.
How about educating the people we already have here for the high paying high tech jobs where there are no american's with the needed skills to fill those positions.

The photo opt of all those kids crossing the border illegally is not helping change many minds that we have a very serious problem with our southern borders left unattended and open.

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?

Great list but the OP doesn't give the first shit about facts.. You hit the nail on the head with the political expediency being the reason liberals push ILLEGAL immigration.

Maybe it was just a rhetorical, partisan question.



I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


All of this can be solved by meeting the labor demand with the proper labor supply. People like you are so worried Mexicans are stealing your jobs you can't see they are actually filling jobs no Americans will take!

If a farmer needs 50 lettuce pickers, and we only allow him to use 20 immigrants, and there are no Americans rushing to fill the other 30 slots, he has no choice but to meed his labor demand with an illegal supply.

Make the quotas match the demand, and then we can bring the illegals into the system as taxpaying workers who pay their freight.

The rest of your points are just so much confirmation bias which paints Mexican immigrants as drunken criminals.
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