What is "woke"? And what is the opposite of "woke"?

"Woke" is really the past tense of "wake".
The word has been co-opted by illiterate imbeciles who feel they've awakened to social injustices.
In reality, they're just useful idiots with ebonic-level grammar skills.
No. The opposite of wok is correct thinking. Woke is PC on steroids.
Why would you even believe that ? What truths do you want to hide ? Do you believe freedom and equality should have limits ? Doesn't everyone deserve respect ?

"aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

"Aware of the injustice of the social system in which one lives: "

"Someone who is woke is very aware of social and political unfairness."

So, woke is someone who is aware or attentive to political matters around them, especially unfairness, social injustices.

So, the opposite, people who are not "woke" are people who are totally unaware of what is happening around them. The opposite of "woke" is "ignorant".
The opposite of woke is normal, sensible, logic, and nature.
Pushing sexual topics, such as gayness and transgenderism on elementary school children and seeing nothing wrong with it.

That's just one, and even if I did more, you would disagree, so what's the point? We're polar opposites. You're a hypocrite that I'm sure railed against the 'moral authority' when it was on the right, but have no problem pushing your morals using authority, flip side of the same coin. :dunno: You're no different, just your agenda.
They're not pushing any agenda, just trying to protect everyone. Ignorance hatred and violence go together. Education fights all that. The kids that need to hear these the most are the ones with parents who are ignorant and hateful. The gay kids already know it's wrong to hate. They've been victims of it all too often.
Saturday Night Live was slamming "Woke" before most of the country even really knew what it was.

It is hilarious
Best stuff SNL has done it 20 years.
I liked the one about white supremacy the best. That really hit home. How can anyone be that ignorant is beyond belief. Or the one on the Kavanaugh hearings ( or more properly said, the lack thereof ) or West's support for trump ( another bad joke ).
Do you mean no one deserves equality?

I think that's an interesting concept and I like it. It's like "rights" and "justice" and many other made-up ideas that are not real.
Those concepts are supported by one American ideal, it's called freedom. I believe it still exists, despite all the attempts to destroy it.

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