CDZ What is White Privilege?

Do you subscribe to the idea of White Privilege

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What is White Privilege?

No snarky one liner comments. No adhominems. I want nothing other than an legit argument on this topic so I can understand the minds of those who subscribe to this idea. For those of you who don't know what an argument is, or is not, see below.

"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.
What is White Privilege?

No snarky one liner comments. No adhominems. I want nothing other than an legit argument on this topic so I can understand the minds of those who subscribe to this idea. For those of you who don't know what an argument is, or is not, see below.

"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
What is White Privilege?

No snarky one liner comments. No adhominems. I want nothing other than an legit argument on this topic so I can understand the minds of those who subscribe to this idea. For those of you who don't know what an argument is, or is not, see below.

"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.

You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.
What is White Privilege?

No snarky one liner comments. No adhominems. I want nothing other than an legit argument on this topic so I can understand the minds of those who subscribe to this idea. For those of you who don't know what an argument is, or is not, see below.

"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.

You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.

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If I get pulled over for, oh say, speeding or an illegal left turn or -

I'm not afraid of the cop. I know I can have a conversation with the cop. I may well get a ticket but I'm not afraid of being judged before I even open my mouth. I'm not afraid to reach for my driver's license.

I'm white.
White privilege allows the white person to be seen through the lens of their actions, not the lens of their race.

White privilege is what makes me less likely than black people to be followed through a store.

White privilege is what is invoked when I get stopped at a checkpoint, and even though I'm missing my front license plate, I'm let go with, "Take care of that," rather than "Pull over and we'd like to search your car."

White privilege is what causes a teacher to be more forgiving of a white kid who is "having a tough day", and recommend suspension for the same actions from a black kid.

Is it White privilege is what you experience when people don't lock their car doors when you walk by.

White privilege is what you experience when your application is actually looked at by someone who matters, due to the lack of a "black-sounding name."

White privilege is being told, "Great work!" for a job well done, instead of people muttering behind your back that it was probably affirmative action.

White privilege is not worrying that a police officer might decide that you look suspicious.

White privilege is when I walk down the street, and I'm pretty damned sure some white driver isn't constructing a narrative that I'm walking slowly on purpose, because I think he owes me reparations. <<<<<<<<<This one is my personal favorite, as a person on USMB actually told me this.

White privilege means that I'm more likely to be helped out in an emergency by bystanders than a black person.

Edit: After reading the Washington Post piece, I was reminded that white privilege means that if a cop sees you running to your car or running into your house, or running just about ANYWHERE, the cop will simply assume you are in a hurry, and not that you're fleeing the scene of a crime.

What a complete crock! Sounds more like Black Reputation than White privilege.
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"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?
I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.

I'm not beating around the bush. I just cant answer for every person that says that. I think you're just upset I wont let you back out of traps you find yourself in. I keep telling you that you arent smart enough to do that with me and not be caught. Sorry but SAT's dont mean much to me since they have their roots in eugenics. At best all they do is tell you who may be prepared for college.
They don't want a conversation. A conversation is when 2 partys have a common discussion, it is a 2-way communication. What they want is to tell you their demands and how you are going to comply, submit, and admit guilt for whatever it is they accuse you of. They want you to admit that your success is the cause of their failure and that you don't deserve what you have worked for. They want you to bear guilt for your successes. They want you to agree that by simply being born, they are entitled to the same things in life that you have for yourself and family... without the responsibilities. They want your way of life, but they want it given to them, even if that requires YOU giving them YOURS. Ultimately, they don't even understand that most of the things we list as a success aren't even monetary. It's called God, family, ethics, decency, and the ability to actually co-exist with others who leave us the hell alone... not just just slapping the bumper sticker on our cars. this conversation will never happen because they simply do not understand the priority of those core values... these aren't things that their government nannys can take from one and give to another.
"All men are created equal." What they should have said was "All white men that own land are created equal."

When whites legislated themselves a 350 year period of white AA, they effectively put into place a system that will reward themselves control of the majority of the wealth and resources here in the US. Of course there is white privilege. At the root of every opportunity is a white person 99% of the time. Whites own the political and legal systems in the US. I honestly believe you have to have a screw loose to not know this. White privilege doesnt mean you can be lazy and drive a better car than a Black person. It means all things being equal you have an easier road in life. If you work just as hard as a Black person you will be rewarded sooner and easier most of the time simply because whites own all the resources.

Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?
I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.


Why the difference between asians and blacks?
Ok, so what is the intended result of convincing others of the existence of white privilege?
I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.


Why the difference between asians and blacks?
Aisans were never slaves or subject to Jim Crow laws. They never had their familys ripped apart and sold off. Plus they understand (the white mans) game as I have had many tell me and just beat you at it.
I'm not trying to convince you. I'm just informing you since you asked the question.

Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.


Why the difference between asians and blacks?
Aisans were never slaves or subject to Jim Crow laws. They never had their familys ripped apart and sold off. Plus they understand (the white mans) game as I have had many tell me and just beat you at it.

You have had 50 years. Why are you going backwards?
Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.


Why the difference between asians and blacks?
Aisans were never slaves or subject to Jim Crow laws. They never had their familys ripped apart and sold off. Plus they understand (the white mans) game as I have had many tell me and just beat you at it.

You have had 50 years. Why are you going backwards?

Progressivism, promotes regression. That's just one of the symptoms of evil... .
I am white, just lost my job because of Obama care. The industry I was in, taken over by Hispanics "immigrants". Not a great selling point for the health care fiasco or the open immigration crap pushed by the Obama administration. Sell us out, hurt us, deprive us, More liberal lies. Liars and the they webs they spin. And people are hurt here. Big-time.
Yes but my question stands. I want to know the end result desired of those who hold this view of white privilege. Do you know it or don't you? I can't figure it out.
You would need to ask every person that is intelligent enough to understand this easily observed dynamic. Thats a lot of people. My personal reasons would only be in response to someone that asked me a dumb question like why is the Black unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Classic Asclepias. You can ask him a question a million times and he will keep beating around the bush. I detect a pattern of behavior in your argument style. Its ok buddy. For me to ask you to stick to the facts, answer a question, or stay on topic would be akin to me abusing my white privilege. Thus, your ignorance is excused. Happy now? I'm coming around!! I refuse to hold you to the same standard as everyone else. You are oppressed. I will not take advantage of your low critical reading score. No abuse of white privilege here.


Why the difference between asians and blacks?
Aisans were never slaves or subject to Jim Crow laws. They never had their familys ripped apart and sold off. Plus they understand (the white mans) game as I have had many tell me and just beat you at it.

You have had 50 years. Why are you going backwards?
You had 350 years. Why are Asians smarter than you?
I am white, just lost my job because of Obama care. The industry I was in, taken over by Hispanics "immigrants". Not a great selling point for the health care fiasco or the open immigration crap pushed by the Obama administration. Sell us out, hurt us, deprive us, More liberal lies. Liars and the they webs they spin. And people are hurt here. Big-time.
You lost your job because you were inept. Dont lie.
I am white, just lost my job because of Obama care. The industry I was in, taken over by Hispanics "immigrants". Not a great selling point for the health care fiasco or the open immigration crap pushed by the Obama administration. Sell us out, hurt us, deprive us, More liberal lies. Liars and the they webs they spin. And people are hurt here. Big-time.
You lost your job because you were inept. Dont lie.
That is: I am almost sixty, it's a age related thing. And, (hint hint) Hispanics need twice as many workers to do the half work and they don't expect the law or society to enforce laws because they are here illegally relying on the greed of their employers. And you on ignorance.Bravo, clap clap clap. Proud of your self?
I am white, just lost my job because of Obama care. The industry I was in, taken over by Hispanics "immigrants". Not a great selling point for the health care fiasco or the open immigration crap pushed by the Obama administration. Sell us out, hurt us, deprive us, More liberal lies. Liars and the they webs they spin. And people are hurt here. Big-time.
You lost your job because you were inept. Dont lie.
That is: I am almost sixty, it's a age related thing. And, (hint hint) Hispanics need twice as many workers to do the half work and they don't expect the law or society to enforce laws because they are here illegally relying on the greed of their employers. And you on ignorance.Bravo, clap clap clap. Proud of your self?
May your old age be painful and full of broken bones due to osteoporosis for your bigoted views.
Wow! You really put me in my place.

An adult would have just said thanks for the info and learned from the experience. You have gone your entire life not knowing that there is a "d" in "supposed to". I pointed it out for you. Just think of how many times you have made that mistake. Think of how many times others didn't tell you about it.

I don't claim to be perfect. I make my share of usage errors. Mine are a little less obvious, though. I'm grateful when someone points them out.
Perhaps your "help" would be better received if you did it without being insulting. For example, "An adult would have just said thanks......", comes across as condescending and insulting. Is that your goal? Does it inflate your ego? Are you grateful when someone insults you for your errors when you make one? To stay on topic, are you exercising White Privilege when you do this?

You are right. I was insulting. Probably unnecessarily. I will apologize. I exercising white privilege when I do this? Hmmmmm. I'd say no. It doesn't quite apply.

White I noted earlier....isn't something that is "used" or "exercised". It is experienced. It exists. I think you have expressed agreement regarding its existence.

I have definitely experienced it for my entire life. No doubt in my mind.
Apology accepted.
Historically I know for a fact WP existed. Whites got to sit at the front of the bus for example. The flip side of being discriminated against is to be privileged. Although there is still discrimination against Blacks today, It is minuscule compared to what it was two or three generations ago. Thus, the flip side, the WP has also been minimized. If a Black man can be elected president, then other Blacks can achieve similar success.

You need to go back and look up the definition of "white privilege" and 'racism without racists' .... then, get back to us.

I have. So what?

Then, you would know that the cited post, by joemona (Post 115) is incorrect.

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