What is TrumpCare, please someone explain it to me.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
He said he would not let people die in the street, does that mean he will pick them up and take them to the dump?
Where is the better and cheaper healthcare???? Has he forgot his promise??
All he promised was to get rid of Obamacare/ACA which he hasn’t done. I have no issue driving by dead bodies in the street.
TrumpCare is more of a philosophy, really, a fragile, ethereal being that floats like the most delicate wisp along the slightest of breezes... it's about freedom.
  • It's about the freedom to be unable to get basic coverage due to a physical issue that was not your fault...
  • It's about the freedom to have to take a job that takes you away from your children only because "they have medical"...
  • It's about the freedom to have to stay at a job that makes you miserable only because "they have medical"....
  • It's about the freedom to jam up a hospital Emergency Room for others because it's the only option you have...
  • It's about the freedom to let your smaller physical issues fester because you can't afford to get them treated, getting much worse until they're emergencies, and then allowing others to pay for your treatment at the ER...
  • It's about the freedom to go bankrupt and lose everything after a medical issue that was no fault of your own...
  • It's about the freedom to NOT start a new business because you can't afford or won't qualify for individual coverage too...
And my personal fave...

It's about the freedom for ME to pay MORE for MY coverage and services because I'm ALSO paying for the "FREE" care of those who can't get coverage.

Freedom. It's a beautiful thing.
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...And my personal fave...

It's about the freedom for ME to pay MORE for MY coverage and services because I'm ALSO paying for the "FREE" care of those who can't get coverage..

Thank Reagan for that. He’s the asshole who forced these places to see people who can’t pay.
All he promised was to get rid of Obamacare/ACA which he hasn’t done. I have no issue driving by dead bodies in the street.

Is that how you remember it, or is that how Trump wants you to remember it?

"Trump said his plan for replacing most aspects of Obama’s health-care law is all but finished. Although he was coy about its details — “lower numbers, much lower deductibles” — he said he is ready to unveil it alongside Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

“It’s very much formulated down to the final strokes. We haven’t put it in quite yet but we’re going to be doing it soon,” Trump said. He noted that he is waiting for his nominee for secretary of health and human services, Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), to be confirmed. That decision rests with the Senate Finance Committee, which hasn’t scheduled a hearing.
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan
Is that how you remember it, or is that how Trump wants you to remember it?....

Doesn’t matter. I wasn’t voting for him either way. I wrote my own name in as the only truly Conservative option out there.

It does disappoint me a bit, though, to see him making such Progressive statements about healthcare.
Is that how you remember it, or is that how Trump wants you to remember it?....

Doesn’t matter. I wasn’t voting for him either way. I wrote my own name in as the only truly Conservative option out there.

It does disappoint me a bit, though, to see him making such Progressive statements about healthcare.

Not to worry. He didn't mean a word of it.
So, anyway, TrumpCare is bullshit lip service, intended to posit Putin's plutocrat puppet as a populist.

P.T.Barnum would have been green with envy.
He said he would not let people die in the street, does that mean he will pick them up and take them to the dump?

TrumpCare is ACA with Donald Trump as President. It's the sort of thing that happens when you put government in charge of stuff. You're at the mercy of whatever voters fall for.
Freedom. It's a beautiful thing.

It really is. Liberals used to get this. Now they put government in charge of everything and whine when they lose elections.

Seriously. This level of delusion is pathological. They put government in charge of healthcare, dismissing the objections of those of us who don't think it's a good idea. Then, right out of the gate we're hit with a painful moral lesson about why it was, in fact, a really bad idea.

Ostrich on, Democrats!
Freedom. It's a beautiful thing.

It really is. Liberals used to get this. Now they put government in charge of everything and whine when they lose elections.

Seriously. This level of delusion is pathological. They put government in charge of healthcare, dismissing the objections of those of us who don't think it's a good idea. Then, right out of the gate we're hit with a painful moral lesson about why it was, in fact, a really bad idea.

Ostrich on, Democrats!
You may want to consider the possibility that the worse this gets, the more severe the pushback will be.

Ironically, kinda like Trump in 2016.
Freedom. It's a beautiful thing.

It really is. Liberals used to get this. Now they put government in charge of everything and whine when they lose elections.

Seriously. This level of delusion is pathological. They put government in charge of healthcare, dismissing the objections of those of us who don't think it's a good idea. Then, right out of the gate we're hit with a painful moral lesson about why it was, in fact, a really bad idea.

Ostrich on, Democrats!
You may want to consider the possibility that the worse this gets, the more severe the pushback will be.

Ironically, kinda like Trump in 2016.

Seriously, Mac. You talk about the bad habits of the 'regressive left', and then offer up a shining example of their hi-jinx. If Democrats spent less time mocking freedom, and more protecting it, they might actually defeat Trump.
Where is the better and cheaper healthcare???? Has he forgot his promise??

Nonexistent same as everything else he has either killed or gnawed at around the edges. Donald has no actual ideas for "replacing" anything, He merely hates everyone else's ideas and is clueless as to how the world works.
Freedom. It's a beautiful thing.

It really is. Liberals used to get this. Now they put government in charge of everything and whine when they lose elections.

Seriously. This level of delusion is pathological. They put government in charge of healthcare, dismissing the objections of those of us who don't think it's a good idea. Then, right out of the gate we're hit with a painful moral lesson about why it was, in fact, a really bad idea.

Ostrich on, Democrats!
You may want to consider the possibility that the worse this gets, the more severe the pushback will be.

Ironically, kinda like Trump in 2016.

Seriously, Mac. You talk about the bad habits of the 'regressive left', and then offer up a shining example of their hi-jinx. If Democrats spent less time mocking freedom, and more protecting it, they might actually defeat Trump.
I listed specific, serious, life-affecting, significant, factual, real, perfectly reasonable concerns and issues. Did I, or did I not?

These are concerns that are completely ignored by the Right because of its current acute addiction to binary, libertarian thought.

Trump promised a better plan that everyone would like, and he was lying. People can't be blamed if that pissed them off.
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All he promised was to get rid of Obamacare/ACA which he hasn’t done. I have no issue driving by dead bodies in the street.

Meh - scoop them up and grind them into food for the starving.


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