What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?

What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
Has not tried to replace it for 4 years and never intended to. That is why no plan or bill submitted the entire time he was trying to kill the Affordable Care Act, and none on the table now.

You're a bit lost bud...get with it. John McShitstain voted Trump Care down. Are you new here?
McCain did not provide the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump has had 4 years and has not done shit to build a better healthcare system. He has only worked to eliminate Obamacare. The idiot does not tell us what he will replace it with.
Obamacare was supposed to fix the healthcare system. You just admitted Obamacare is a failure.
Obamacare had positive features and negative features. Once implemented, the good features and bad features have come to life.
Obamacare needs to be made better. Biden has plan on what he would do.
Trump has no plan. Four years, no plan. He is a fricking bullshitting idiot. If you do not realize that, you are an idiot.
Obamacare was sold to us as a fix. You just admitted that it failed. I agree..
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
Has not tried to replace it for 4 years and never intended to. That is why no plan or bill submitted the entire time he was trying to kill the Affordable Care Act, and none on the table now.

You're a bit lost bud...get with it. John McShitstain voted Trump Care down. Are you new here?
McCain did not provide the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump has had 4 years and has not done shit to build a better healthcare system. He has only worked to eliminate Obamacare. The idiot does not tell us what he will replace it with.
Obamacare was supposed to fix the healthcare system. You just admitted Obamacare is a failure.
Obamacare had positive features and negative features. Once implemented, the good features and bad features have come to life.
Obamacare needs to be made better. Biden has plan on what he would do.
Trump has no plan. Four years, no plan. He is a fricking bullshitting idiot. If you do not realize that, you are an idiot.
And he had 4 years to put fourth a plan or have one written in Congress, but did not see the need until right before election actually started at the end of his presidency.
Another admission that Obamacare is a failure.
What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!

Here's hoping ACA gets replaced with an actual free market for health care.
In other words, replaced with nothing – the worst of all outcomes.
You are mindlessly parroting Lies and Fake News, which is all we expect from the looting rioting left.

HHS Takes Action as Part of President Trump’s Big Beautiful Plan To Make Health Care Great Again.

President Trump's America First healthcare plan delivers Americans better care, lower costs, and more choice, continuing the GREAT work that HHS has been doing under his leadership.

“The President’s plan delivers better care, more choice, and lower costs for all Americans,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “Because of the President’s leadership, Americans will enjoy​
  • lower drug costs,
  • lower insurance premiums,
  • real access to prices of healthcare services and to their medical records,
  • new protections from surprise bills,
  • and the ability to work with their doctor to determine what treatments make sense for them.”

Creepy Scummy Biden's plan is higher taxes, more top down regulation with creepy hyper-political unaccountable agency pukes in control of your healthcare decisions.

U.S.—The party that wants to take over and manage your healthcare cheered today as their political archnemesis, President Donald Trump, contracted COVID, hoping and praying to the godless universe that he would die.

Leftists who want to manage your healthcare for your own good also think it is a good thing when their political opponents fall ill, and they're especially excited when they die. From Trump's brother Robert to Herman Cain, whenever someone with the wrong beliefs dies, they are ecstatic.

"We hope Trump dies of this disease. Oh, and also, we'd like to take over your healthcare," said one man outside the White House holding a "DIE, TRUMP, DIE!" sign. "Don't worry -- it will be totally fine. We will be completely unbiased and will not prioritize healthcare for our political allies. You will have nothing to worry about, as long as you believe the correct things."​


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