What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
How about liberty and freedom?
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
How about liberty and freedom?
Liberty and freedom are great but it is not worth much if you are dying because you cannot receive healthcare.
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
Has not tried to replace it for 4 years and never intended to. That is why no plan or bill submitted the entire time he was trying to kill the Affordable Care Act, and none on the table now.
With Trumpcare, which covers existing conditions, and actually is affordable...
Where is Trumpcare except words from Trump.
There is no legislation after 4 years.

He's been busy. And the left has tried to block him at every turn. Give him back the House and we'll get our healthcare at a reasonable price.
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!

The reality is we lived with the republican health care policy from the reagan years until Obamacare.

So when the Supreme Court rules Obamacare unconstitutional, we will go back to the republican health care policy we had before Obamacare.

Back to 45 thousand Americans dying every year because they couldn't get insurance and the health care they need.

I will be one of those who will lose insurance.

I had cancer so I will never be able to get insurance again when Obamacare is overturned. No insurance company will ever sell me a policy or if they do the premiums will be too high for me to afford.
With Trumpcare, which covers existing conditions, and actually is affordable...
Where is Trumpcare except words from Trump.
There is no legislation after 4 years.

He's been busy. And the left has tried to block him at every turn. Give him back the House and we'll get our healthcare at a reasonable price.
Yeah, right. Busy guy, sure.
Fact check: Trump has spent far more time at golf clubs than Obama had at same point
With Trumpcare, which covers existing conditions, and actually is affordable...
Where is Trumpcare except words from Trump.
There is no legislation after 4 years.

He's been busy. And the left has tried to block him at every turn. Give him back the House and we'll get our healthcare at a reasonable price.
BS, he said he would do this on "day 1" He had the Senate and the House the first 2 years. If you want the best US medical program vote for Biden.
If you want 4 more years of words and no action vote for Trump.
I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What happened to that.
Where is the infrastructure improvements?
What the hell is going on with the national debt.
Our country has not been this screwed up, maybe, ever. It is not just COVID-19. It is an immoral incompetent President.
It is obvious except to Trump cult members whose world is defined by Trump.
They are minions and suckers to Trump's lies/
This is Trumpcare.

Still, what started out as an effort to energize Republican voters for the 2018 midterms after Congress failed to "repeal and replace" the health law in 2017 could end up throwing the nation's entire health system into chaos.

At least 20 million Americans — and likely many more who sought coverage since the start of the coronavirus pandemic — who buy insurance through the ACA marketplaces or have Medicaid through the law's expansion could lose health coverage right away. Many millions more would lose the law's popular protections that guarantee coverage for people with preexisting health conditions, including those who have had COVID-19.

Adult children under age 26 would no longer be guaranteed the right to remain on their parents' health plans, and Medicare patients would lose enhanced prescription drug coverage. Women would lose guaranteed access to birth control at no out-of-pocket cost.

But a sudden elimination would affect more than just patients. Insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals and doctors all have changed the way they do business because of incentives and penalties in the health law. If it's struck down, many of the "rules of the road" would be wiped away, including billing and payment mechanisms.

A new Democratic president could not drop the lawsuit, because the Trump administration is not the plaintiff (the GOP attorneys general are). But a Democratic Congress and president could in theory make the entire issue go away by reinstating the penalty for failure to have insurance, even at a minimal amount. For now, however, nothing is a sure thing as far as the health law goes.
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
Jobs where the employer pays for your health care.
Like we had before GW's 2nd term.
This is Trumpcare.

Still, what started out as an effort to energize Republican voters for the 2018 midterms after Congress failed to "repeal and replace" the health law in 2017 could end up throwing the nation's entire health system into chaos.

At least 20 million Americans — and likely many more who sought coverage since the start of the coronavirus pandemic — who buy insurance through the ACA marketplaces or have Medicaid through the law's expansion could lose health coverage right away. Many millions more would lose the law's popular protections that guarantee coverage for people with preexisting health conditions, including those who have had COVID-19.

Adult children under age 26 would no longer be guaranteed the right to remain on their parents' health plans, and Medicare patients would lose enhanced prescription drug coverage. Women would lose guaranteed access to birth control at no out-of-pocket cost.

But a sudden elimination would affect more than just patients. Insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals and doctors all have changed the way they do business because of incentives and penalties in the health law. If it's struck down, many of the "rules of the road" would be wiped away, including billing and payment mechanisms.

A new Democratic president could not drop the lawsuit, because the Trump administration is not the plaintiff (the GOP attorneys general are). But a Democratic Congress and president could in theory make the entire issue go away by reinstating the penalty for failure to have insurance, even at a minimal amount. For now, however, nothing is a sure thing as far as the health law goes.
Fascinating...how many Rs do you actually know who have discussed that with you?
What is Trump going to replace Obama care with?
Trump promised a bigger and better healthcare system to replace Obamacare. It has been almost 4 years but there is nothing to replace Obamacare.
The chances are Obamacare will be eliminated by SCOTUS soon.
No Obamacare we lose
guaranteed coverage based on preexisting conditions
Millions would lose their coverage
Children could not stay on their parents coverage until 25
Private insurance would not be held to minimal coverage
Medicare reduced prices for medications

What is Trump going to replace Obamacare with, 4 years and NOTHING!
Jobs where the employer pays for your health care.
Like we had before GW's 2nd term.
Unfortunately the trend is actually heading away from that with more and more employees classified as “independent contractors”.

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