What is the current age?


VIP Member
Apr 26, 2006
Stockholm - Sweden
You know: Stone age, copper age and so on...

What is the current age? Some say it is the Information age. Others go for nuclear or atomic age. Perhaps it is the knowledge age? Thoght about making a poll... but I guess you can come up with other "ages".

Me personally think we are in... "understanding age". The age where knowledge is less important than the understanding how things work. The age where it is more important and you can prosper more from knowing how to send a text message blind-folded rather than construct a cellphone. The age where the towers of knowlege (schools) have less knowledge than their surronding society.

Understanding age - Post 1
Information age - Post 2
Misinformation age - Post 3
Nano age - Post 3
Critical age - Post 5
Nuclear age - Post 9
Space age - Post 9
Dull culture age - Post 9
PC age - Post 12
Disinformation age - Post 20
Last edited:
information age? i dont think so...hows about misinformation age? you aint gonna learn nothing from the net....

i would call it the nano age..we expect everything in nano secs...expect sex...well perhaps even then....one night stands seem the norm more than the odd...but we expect immediate gratification.
information age? i dont think so...hows about misinformation age? you aint gonna learn nothing from the net....

i would call it the nano age..we expect everything in nano secs...expect sex...well perhaps even then....one night stands seem the norm more than the odd...but we expect immediate gratification.

Have to disagree with you on not learning anything from the net. I have been updating my knowledge on my favorite science, geology, ever since we had our first connection to the net. In fact, now, before we go anywhere on a ramble that we have not been, my wife and I both hit the net, to find out what there is that is interesting in the area that is not generally known. We have seen some very interesting places that we would not have known existed had we not used the net.

Yes, there is that about the present generation. Of course, part of that may be that I am enough older that I may be a bit slow:lol:

We're so entirely dependent on electricity and the grid is held together with coat hangers at this point. India is next to Pakistan and they both have nukes. Iran went from regular peeps in shirts and ties to goat herders overnight with the ayatollah crap. If we have an EMP and you're not ruggedized and have an alternate power source you'll be SOL with communications and TV and nobody knows how to do anything anymore it seems. Freakish religion is on the rise. Wouldn't take much.

Oh and I love Sweden.:eusa_angel:

We're so entirely dependent on electricity and the grid is held together with coat hangers at this point. India is next to Pakistan and they both have nukes. Iran went from regular peeps in shirts and ties to goat herders overnight with the ayatollah crap. If we have an EMP and you're not ruggedized and have an alternate power source you'll be SOL with communications and TV and nobody knows how to do anything anymore it seems. Freakish religion is on the rise. Wouldn't take much.

Oh and I love Sweden.:eusa_angel:

You describe an age where... well. I get it. Critical age it is. (Danger age, naivissance or something like that could have worked too i guess).
It's the nuclear age. It's the information age. It's the misinformation age. It's the Space Age. It's the dull culture age.

We're so entirely dependent on electricity and the grid is held together with coat hangers at this point. India is next to Pakistan and they both have nukes. Iran went from regular peeps in shirts and ties to goat herders overnight with the ayatollah crap. If we have an EMP and you're not ruggedized and have an alternate power source you'll be SOL with communications and TV and nobody knows how to do anything anymore it seems. Freakish religion is on the rise. Wouldn't take much.

Oh and I love Sweden.:eusa_angel:

Yeah....but since I'm armed to the gills... I'll get whatever the fuck I want when some shit goes down....bet on it.
It's the dull culture age.
Love to hear more about this!

It is definitely the PC (politically Correct) age.
So PC age by that people of this age doesn't dare to say what they really think? I'll list that.

dull culture: lifeless. look how boring television is. reality tv. Most of the music is made by machines and is sold by what will sell the most, not by what is high-quality.

just a couple examples.
information age? i dont think so...hows about misinformation age? you aint gonna learn nothing from the net....

i would call it the nano age..we expect everything in nano secs...expect sex...well perhaps even then....one night stands seem the norm more than the odd...but we expect immediate gratification.
i gotta agree with that one
the net is so plastered with lies and half-truths you dont know who is telling the truth most of the time
information age? i dont think so...hows about misinformation age? you aint gonna learn nothing from the net....

i would call it the nano age..we expect everything in nano secs...expect sex...well perhaps even then....one night stands seem the norm more than the odd...but we expect immediate gratification.

Have to disagree with you on not learning anything from the net. I have been updating my knowledge on my favorite science, geology, ever since we had our first connection to the net. In fact, now, before we go anywhere on a ramble that we have not been, my wife and I both hit the net, to find out what there is that is interesting in the area that is not generally known. We have seen some very interesting places that we would not have known existed had we not used the net.

Yes, there is that about the present generation. Of course, part of that may be that I am enough older that I may be a bit slow:lol:
but, how do you know that what you are "learning" is the truth?
rocks the problem with the net is there is so much information mingled with dis information....you can find anything on the net...but is it true....a friend of mine who is jewish..swears by the net...we are in the middle of a rather loud exchange..when i type into google..."jews are evil" and hit search....we were both amazed at the number of pages that brought up....web pages are like anything else..anyone can have one and promote their agenda...most agendas seem to be promoted with distortions and not facts...

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